Import data

CityEngine 2024.1    |    |  

You can import data into CityEngine in the following ways:

  • Drag to folder—Drag a file into a folder in the Navigator window to add it to your workspace. Drag it into the Viewport window to add it to the current scene. In this step, the import options defaults are used. These are suitable for most cases. This is the beginner import method.
  • Import dialog box—Use the import dialog box for batch import and when default settings need to be adjusted. This is the advanced import method.
  • From ArcGIS Online—Use the Navigator window to connect to your ArcGIS Online (or portal) account and download data into a project.
  • From the Get Map Data tool—Import an extract of Esri world terrain and satellite imagery. Building footprints and street networks from OpenStreetMap (OSM) can be imported directly into the current scene.

See Import a file to learn how to import data into a project.