Light preferences

CityEngine 2024.1    |    |  

You can set the CityEngine preferences by clicking Edit > Preferences in the main menu.

You can set Bookmarks preferences under General > Viewport > Light.

The Light preferences control how objects are lit in the Viewport:

Sun position source

Switches between Time and Month and Direct Solar Entry. For Time and Month to work, the Scene Coordinate System must be set correctly.


Time of sun position.

Time Zone

Time zone of sun position.


Month of sun position.

Solar elevation angle

Altitude of the sun, the angle between the horizon and the center of the sun's disc.

Solar azimuth angle

Azimuth angle of the sun.

Shadow quality

Switches between Low, Medium, High, and Interactive.

Solar intensity

Scene light intensity.

Ambient intensity

Scene light ambient intensity.

Shadow attenuation

Attenuation of shadows (blend to black).

Ambient occlusion attenuation

Attenuation of screen space ambient occlusion (blend to black).

Radius mode

Switches between Manual and Interactive.

Ambient occlusion radius

Radius in meters of screen space ambient occlusion samples.

Ambient occlusion samples

Number of screen space ambient occlusion samples, or Interactive.