Use Fire Accreditation Analysis

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The Fire Accreditation Analysis solution delivers a set of capabilities that help fire agencies complete a standard set of spatial analysis workflows and generate a series of maps that conform with the spatial requirements included in the CFAI Accreditation Model Information Technology Specifications.

In this topic, you will learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the following workflows.

Review the Fire Accreditation Analysis project

Follow the steps below to download and review the Fire Accreditation Analysis project.

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Fire Accreditation Analysis Desktop Application Template.
  2. From the item page, click Download.
  3. Unzip and open the Fire Accreditation Analysis ArcGIS Pro project.
  4. In the Catalog pane, expand the Tasks folder, and double-click the Fire Accreditation Analysis task.
  5. Note:
    If you do not see the Catalog pane, from the View tab, in the Window group, click, Catalog Pane.
  6. In the Tasks pane, expand the Getting to know Fire Accreditation Analysis task group to see the collection of tasks.
  7. Double-click Fire Accreditation Analysis project structure to review the organizational structure and task workflow.
  8. Double-click Organize your data to review the standard data layers used in the project and learn about potential sources for the data you will need.
  9. Double-click Sign in to your ArcGIS organization to use content available in the ArcGIS Living Atlas.

Create fire accreditation maps

The 10th Edition of Commission on Fire Accreditation International (CFAI) Model contains eleven unique criterion and over forty different core competencies or performance indicators. Although all these criteria must be documented, not all of them can be mapped. As a result, the (CFAI) Model Information Technology Specifications provides a list of spatial data required for the accreditation process. For each spatial data element in the list, there is a reference to the core competency or performance indicator used in a map that supports the criteria.

Preparing for accreditation, community risk reduction or standard of cover is time consuming and data intensive. The structured set of tasks included in the Fire Accreditation Analysis project reduces the time it takes to conduct the required analysis, and increase the quality of the fire accreditation maps.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a fire analyst or GIS analyst who wants to create one, or more, fire accreditation maps.

Area characteristics (Criterion 2A)

The first criterion in the accreditation model is to document the area characteristics—or distinct natural, human, and development characteristics—for a defined service area. In task 2A.3, a planning zone layer is created and will be used in subsequent tasks to create maps of area characteristics such as population density, transportation, land use, socio-economic and demographic information, critical infrastructure, and other local characteristics.

  1. Identify the area characteristics maps you would like to generate.
  2. To create area characteristics maps, open the Area characteristics (Criterion 2A) task group and follow the steps in each task.

Hazard risk assessment (Criterion 2B)

Hazard risk assessment maps identify, assess, classify, and categorize hazard risks. Historical incident data is used to define the risk using the three-axis methodology of probability, impact, and consequence. Probability is calculated using the frequency of each incident type compared to all others. Impact is determined by evaluating the drain effect on resources using the total number of personnel that responded to the incident. Consequence is calculated by combining the number of lives lost, the number of injuries, and the property loss that resulted from an incident.

  1. Identify the hazard risk assessment maps you would like to generate.
  2. To create hazard risk assessment maps, open the Hazard Risk Assessment (Criterion 2B) task group and follow the steps in each task.

The 2B.2: Data Preparation tasks must be completed before any other task in this group.

Current deployment and performance (Criterion 2C)

Deployment and performance maps illustrate how well current deployment and performance meet identified service demands. They leverage National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1710 and use standard response times for first due (4 minutes) and effective response force (8 minutes) for low, and medium, hazards.

  1. Identify the deployment and performance maps you would like to generate.
  2. To create deployment and performance maps, open the Current deployment and performance (Criterion 2C) task group and follow the steps in each task.

Response capabilities (Criterion 2D)

Response capabilities maps evaluate current deployments and future service demands. They highlight risks associated with development in a community and illustrate a plan is in place to maintain, and improve response capabilities if growth, or development, were to occur.

  1. Identify the response capabilities maps you would like to generate.
  2. To create response capabilities maps, open the Response capabilities (Criterion 2D) task group and follow the steps in each task.

Prevention program (Criterion 5A)

A prevention program documents the frequency of occupancy inspections and uses inspection data to identify where occupancy risks can be mitigated by increasing the frequency of fire code inspections.

  1. To create risk prevention maps, open the Prevention program (Criterion 5A) task group and follow the steps in each task.

Public education program (Criterion 5B)

Community risk prevention programs use public education campaigns to mitigate risks identified during an assessment. Public education maps evaluate risks (for example, cooking fires or household hazards) and identify gaps in public education programs.

  1. To create public education program maps, open the Public education program (Criterion 5B) task group and follow the steps in each task.

Fixed facilities (Criterion 6B)

Fixed facility maps identify the location of fire stations, administrative offices, training facilities, communications centers, logistics, and supply centers.

  1. To create fixed facilities maps, open the Fixed facilities (Criterion 6B) task group and follow the steps in each task.

Water supply (Criterion 9A)

Water supply maps identify water distribution assets (for example, hydrants) in a community. They also identify coverage gaps or locations where reliable and adequate water pressure is not present.

  1. To create water supply maps, open the Water supply (Criterion 9A) task group and follow the steps in each task.

Share fire accreditation maps

Fire accreditation maps and geospatial content created with the Fire Accreditation Analysis project can be shared with others in your organization. Sharing maps can be especially valuable during the accreditation process to ensure that the correct information is included in accreditation documents.

To share fire accreditation maps, open the Share fire accreditation maps task group and follow the steps in the task.

Review fire accreditation maps

You will assume the role of an accreditation manager in a fire department. You have been asked to review maps created for your fire accreditation document.

Follow the steps below to review fire accreditation maps created by your fire analyst, or GIS analyst.

  1. in a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization and then browse to the Fire Accreditation Analysis solution.
  2. Open the Fire Accreditation Viewer app item page, and then click View.
  3. Read the Welcome information on the splash screen and then click Explore.
  4. Click on the toggle legend button in the lower left corner of the app if the legend is not open.
  5. At the top of the map, click each tab to view the contents for each map.
  6. Note:

    Review the Configure Fire Accreditation Analysis for more information on adding content to the app to meet the needs of your organization. If you have not completed this step, the app will choose default maps for display purposes.