Use Emergency Debris Management

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The Emergency Debris Management solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you expedite initial debris clearance, assess debris removal needs, and monitor debris removal activities.

In this topic, you will learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the following workflows.

Use your organization's data or configured apps to follow these workflows.

Prepare for an emergency incident

To prepare for disasters, effective organizations train in advance of an incident, using mock exercises to familiarize personnel with the processes and technology they will use in the field during a real disaster. The Emergency Debris Management solution include mobile apps, ArcGIS QuickCapture, ArcGIS Workforce, and ArcGIS Survey123, which mobile workers will need to be trained to use in advance of the disaster.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of the debris operations lead who needs to train mobile workers involved in debris clearance, assessment, and removal activities.

  1. In a browser, go to the Emergency Debris Management Center app.
  2. In the app header, click the Help drop-down arrow and choose Access Field Apps.

    This page displays information that can be used in a training briefing to help teach mobile workers to use the mobile apps included in the solution. The page is organized by workflow, with separate tabs for debris clearance, assessment, and removal mobile apps. Each page includes basic information on how to download and open the app, along with a space to put a QR code that can be scanned by mobile workers to get the specific form or project used in the workflow.

    For more information on how to modify text or add a QR code, see Configure Emergency Debris Management Center.

Clear road debris

After a disaster strikes, one of the top response priorities of emergency managers is to rapidly identify and clear obstructed roads so that medical and search and rescue teams can provide critical life safety services to the community. The Emergency Debris Management solution provides a comprehensive system that can be used to report roads obstructed by debris, assign reports to field clearance crews, update the status of clearance assignments, and monitor the clearance process.

Report road debris

To clear road debris, first responders or other emergency personnel must first drive the impacted area to identify locations where debris has obstructed roadway traffic.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a first responder in the field that needs to report roads obstructed by debris.

  1. Download the ArcGIS QuickCapture app onto your mobile device.
  2. Open the ArcGIS QuickCapture app and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  3. Select the add project button.
  4. Select Browse Projects and select the Road Debris Reporter project card to download.
  5. Tap the Road Debris Reporter project in the gallery to open it.

    In a disaster response setting, it can be challenging to provision named user accounts to first responders identifying debris obstructions. By publicly sharing the Road Debris Reporter project, first responders can immediately access the project by using their mobile device to scan a QR code during a training briefing. If you elect to require named user access to this project, first responders will require a named user account to your ArcGIS organization and will need to sign in before proceeding.

  6. Tap the button that most accurately describes the type of debris obstruction you are capturing.
  7. Use the mobile device camera to take a photo of the debris, then tap Done.
  8. Optionally, add comments describing the debris that may be helpful to the debris operations lead, and then tap Done.
  9. If no comments are entered, tap Skip.
  10. Records captured on your device will autosend at the time interval defined in the settings of the ArcGIS QuickCapture app. The default setting for the app is 30 seconds. If the app loses network connectivity, the app will attempt to send all records once network connectivity is re-established.

Record road debris reports from the office

After severe incidents, network connectivity may not be available for first responders as they search for roads obstructed by debris. As a result, first responders may not be able to use mobile apps, and debris operations leads will need to manually record this information from the office.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a debris operations lead who needs to manually record a report of a road obstructed by debris.

  1. In a browser, go to the Emergency Debris Management Center app.
  2. In the app header, click the Clear drop-down arrow and choose Assign Debris Crews.

    You will see the Debris Clearance Assignments Workforce project.

  3. Click the Debris Clearance Assignments to open the project.
  4. Click the Assignments button to create a road debris report.
  5. For Assignment Type, choose the type of report.
  6. Click Search for an address or click the map to add a new location of the report.
  7. Under Assign to, click Assign and select the mobile worker who will complete the work.

    You may choose to immediately assign it to a field crew supervisor.

  8. For Priority, choose a priority level for the assignment.
  9. When complete, click Create Assignments.

Assign debris clearance reports

Once a road obstruction has been identified, the debris operations lead assigns a field crew to clear debris from the roadway to make it passable again.

In this workflow, you will continue to assume the role of a debris operations lead who needs to assign field crews to a debris obstruction identified by a first responder.

  1. In a browser, go to the Emergency Debris Management Center app.
  2. In the app header, click the Clear drop-down arrow and click Assign Debris Crews.

    You will now see the Debris Clearance Assignments Workforce project.

  3. Click the Debris Clearance Assignments to open it.
  4. Click an assignment from the list.

    You can view the assignment location on the map and can click the attachment to view a photo of the debris.


    The assignments in the list are created using the Road Debris Reporter ArcGIS QuickCapture project. Each observation captured using the project creates an assignment in the Debris Clearance Assignments ArcGIS Workforce project.

  5. Under Assign to, click Assign and select the field crew supervisor you want to complete the work.
  6. Optionally, click Edit under Location to modify the Assignment Type, Location, or Priority, or add a Due Date or a Description.

Update debris clearance status

During the initial response, debris clearance field crews clear debris from obstructed roads as they are assigned.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a field crew supervisor who needs to direct crews to their next assignment and update the status of each assignment as it is completed.

  1. Download the ArcGIS Workforce app onto your mobile device.
  2. Open the ArcGIS Workforce app and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  3. Tap the Debris Clearance Field Worker Map to download the map.

    You will see a to do list of all the clearance assignments your field crew has been assigned, grouped by priority order.

  4. Tap an assignment in the To do list to view its location on the map and details about the assignment.
  5. Tap Start to begin working on an assignment.
  6. To pause, decline, or reset the assignment, tap Overflow Overflow and tap the status you require, or tap Cancel.
  7. Tap Finish to complete the assignment and remove it from your to do list.
  8. Optionally, to view your completed assignments, tap your To Do list, and tap Completed.
  9. Changes to the status of your assignments will automatically sync with your ArcGIS organization at the default interval of every 15 minutes. To sync more frequently, tap Sync Sync (when there aren't pending edits) (Sync (when there are pending edits) if you have edits that aren't synced), then tap Sync Now.

Record debris clearance status from the office

After severe incidents, network connectivity may not be available for debris clearance field crews as they work through their clearance assignments. As a result, field crew supervisors may not be able to use mobile apps to update the status of assignments they complete, requiring the debris operations lead to record debris clearance assignment status manually.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of the debris operations lead who needs to update the status of debris clearance assignments using the Emergency Debris Management Center app.

  1. In a browser, go to the Emergency Debris Management Center app.
  2. In the app header, click the Clear drop-down arrow and choose Manage Assignment Status.
  3. To find the assignments you want to update, enter the address in the search bar or zoom the map to the location.
  4. Click the Update clearance status widget.
  5. To filter the assignments you want to update, click the Edit tool in the filter column.
  6. In the Filter Layer window, add one or more filter expressions and click OK.
  7. To update a single assignment, click the Point tool and click the assignment on the map; for updating multiple assignments, click the Freehand Polygon tool and draw a shape to select all features inside the shape.

    A pop-up appears.

  8. Choose an appropriate Status.
  9. Optionally, enter notes in the Notes text box.
  10. For Completed On Date, choose New Date and select a date.
  11. Click Save.

    All of your selected records will be updated to reflect the values you entered.

Monitor debris clearance

During the first 72 hours of a disaster response, the debris manager in the Emergency Operations Center monitors the debris clearance efforts and coordinates with Emergency Managers and other key stakeholders. The debris manager helps to provide situational awareness relative to the status of clearance efforts, and coordinates with the debris operations lead to prioritize clearance activities relative to opening arterial roads leading to critical health and safety infrastructure or other priority locations.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of the debris manager who needs to monitor the progress of debris clearance using the Emergency Debris Management Center app.

  1. In a browser, go to the Emergency Debris Management Center app.
  2. In the app header, click Clear.

    The Debris Clearance Dashboard displays key performance indicators including active and completed requests, percent completed, requests by type, and requests by status.

  3. To filter the dashboard by assignment type, click a column in the Active requests by type chart.
  4. Click the column again to clear the filter.
  5. To filter the dashboard by status, click a section in the Active requests by work status chart.
  6. Click the section again to clear the filter.
  7. To view an assignment on the map and view a photo, click an assignment in the Active requests list.

Assess debris

Once a disaster incident has passed, communities begin the recovery process by assessing the nature and extent of damage. With respect to debris generated from the incident, this means understanding where debris exists, the types of debris generated, and estimating debris volumes. This information, along with information generated from an initial damage assessment, can be used by communities to determine whether to make a request to the federal government for an emergency or major disaster declaration to receive assistance under the Stafford Act.

The Emergency Debris Management solution can be used by state and local governments to create and manage their assessment areas, perform debris assessments, update the status of assessment areas or routes, and monitor progress of assessment efforts.

Manage assessment areas

Before they can begin performing assessments, mobile workers must be assigned a work area. The debris operations lead is responsible for assigning each assessor to a designated work area. The nature of the work area will depend on the preferences of the jurisdiction; some prefer to use preexisting operational boundaries (public works service areas), some prefer service routes (garbage or snowplow routes), and some prefer a grid of uniform size. As assessors complete their work, debris operations leads will update the assessment status field to reflect the current progress in that work area.


By default, the Emergency Debris Management solution is configured to use polygon-based work areas. To learn more about loading your operational boundaries into the solution, see the Load data from a shapefile or file geodatabase section in the Configure Emergency Debris Management topic. If your organization prefers to use line-based work routes, see Use work routes instead of areas.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of the debris operations lead who needs to assign an assessor and update the status of a work area.

  1. In a browser, go to the Emergency Debris Management Center app.
  2. In the app header, click the Assess drop-down arrow and click Manage Assessment Status.
  3. Click a work area on the map.

    The Manage assessment area status form for the selected work area appears in the Manage assessment area status widget. If you do not see the form, click the Manage assessment area status widget to activate it.

  4. Enter the following information in the form:
    1. For Assessment Status, choose Assessment In Progress.
    2. For Assessor Name, type Anne Smith.
    3. For Assessor Email, type
    4. For Assessor Phone, type (555) 111-2222.
  5. Click Close.

Create assessment grid (optional)

Some jurisdictions prefer to create a grid of uniform size for debris assessment and removal activities, especially when the disaster area of impact does not extend across the entire jurisdiction or has an extent that does not cleanly align with preexisting operational boundaries or routes. To create these grids, the debris operations lead works with a GIS professional to fit a grid appropriate for each unique disaster incident. In North America, emergency management agencies typically create grids using the U.S. National Grid reference system standard.

In this workflow, you will continue in the role of a debris operations lead who needs to create a reference grid and add it to the solution to manage assessment and removal areas.


Follow the steps below if you intend to use a grid to manage your assessment and removal areas.

  1. In a browser, go to the Emergency Debris Management Center app.
  2. In the app header, click the Assess drop-down arrow and click Manage Assessment Status.
  3. Click the Create work area from grid widget.
  4. Click the Define a Grid from an Area arrow.

    Below are the steps for creating a grid based on a user-defined area according to the US National Grid reference system, but the widget supports additional methods. For more information, see Gridded Reference Graphic widget.

  5. Click the By Reference System arrow.
  6. Click Draw GRG Area using extent.
  7. Click the Grid Size drop-down arrow and select a grid size.
  8. Turn the Clip Grid to GRG Area toggle button on to limit the grid to only the extent drawn.
  9. Click Create GRG. Ensure that this grid meets your requirements before proceeding to the next step. If it does not, click the Back button, then click Clear to redo the grid.
  10. After you have finished, ensure the Published GRG Layer Name is set to Debris Areas, and click Publish. The grid will be added to the DebrisAreas feature layer, which is also used in the Emergency Debris Management solution.

Perform debris assessment

Personnel assigned to perform debris assessments are responsible for documenting each pile of debris observed in the right of way or on public property within the work area they are assigned. This critical work is inherently time-consuming, but when performed on paper, the forms require subsequent data entry that delays access to debris volume information that is critically important to the disaster declaration request process.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of an assessor in the field who needs to perform debris assessments in their work area.

  1. Download the ArcGIS Survey123 app onto your mobile device.
  2. Open the ArcGIS Survey123 app and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  3. Tap the Menu button at the upper right, then tap Download Surveys.
  4. Search for Debris Assessment Form and tap the Download button.

    You can access the Debris Assessment Form by tapping the back arrow and tapping the Barcode button in the search bar, then taking a photo of the QR code.

  5. Tap the back arrow in the upper right.
  6. Tap Debris Assessment Form and tap Collect.
  7. Tap the Incident Name drop-down arrow and choose an incident to associate with the assessment.

    The unique values in the drop-down list are derived from the IncidentNames.csv file used to manage disaster incident names for debris assessments and debris monitoring tickets.

  8. Tap a location on the map, then tap the check mark in the lower right.

    The Address field will autopopulate based on the location selected.


    The reverse geocoding capability enabled in the Address field of the form may consume credits if the default address locator for your organization is the ArcGIS Online World Geocoding Service. To learn more about reverse geocoding geopoints, see Reverse geocoding.

  9. For Status, choose a value.
  10. For Type, choose a value.

    If you choose Hazardous Limbs, Trees, and Stumps from the type list, the Hazardous Tree, Limbs, and Stumps Only section appears. When you enter 24 for the Tree Diameter (in.) question, the Est. Volume (cu. yd.) question will be autocalculated based on the value entered in the tree diameter field.

    The Debris Assessment Form is performing a diameter to volume calculation as prescribed by the FEMA Public Assistance Program and Policy Guide, assuming a stump diameter measured 2 feet off of the ground, a stump to root-ball diameter of 1:3.6, and a root-ball height of 31 inches.

  11. Swipe up and enter the following values:
    1. For Length, type 5.
    2. For Width, type 4.
    3. For Height, type 3.
  12. When you tap the refresh button next to the Est. Volume (cu yd.) question, you will see a value autocalculate based on the values entered in the three previous fields. The calculated value should be 2.2. cubic yards of debris based on the values above.

    The Debris Assessment Form performs the following calculation: (length in feet x width in feet x depth in feet)/27.

  13. Swipe up and for Reimbursable, choose Yes.
  14. Tap the check mark in the lower right and tap Send now.

Update debris assessment status

Once a removal crew has completed an initial pass of an area, assessors typically perform a review check to confirm that all initially assessed debris has been removed, and to document any subsequent debris placed at the right of way after the initial pass by the removal crew.

In this workflow, you will continue to assume the role as an assessor who needs to update the status of an assessment from the field.

  1. Open ArcGIS Survey123 on your mobile device and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  2. Tap Debris Assessment Form and tap Inbox.
  3. Tap the Refresh button.
  4. Tap Map to view assessments captured near your location.
  5. Tap an assessment to edit it.
  6. Change the Status from Assessed to Removed.
  7. Tap the check mark in the lower right and tap Send now.

Update debris assessment status en masse

In some cases, it may be more efficient for a debris operations lead to update debris assessment status en masse rather than having an assessor update each assessment individually.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a debris operations lead who needs to update the status of assessments in a completed area all at once.

  1. In a browser, go to the Emergency Debris Management Center app.
  2. In the app header, click the Assess drop-down arrow and click Manage Assessment Status.
  3. Click the Batch update assessment status widget.
  4. To filter the assessments you want to update, click the Edit tool in the filter column.
  5. In the Filter Layer window, add one or more filter expressions and click OK.
  6. To update a single assignment, click the Point tool and click the assignment on the map; for updating multiple assignments, click the Freehand Polygon tool and draw a shape to select all features inside the shape.

    A pop-up appears.

  7. Select an appropriate Status value, and then click Save.

    The selected records will be updated to reflect the values you entered.

Monitor debris assessments

As recovery from a disaster begins, the debris manager in the Emergency Operations Center works with emergency managers, elected officials, and other key stakeholders to understand the impacts and scope of the disaster. As debris assessments get underway, the debris manager helps to provide situational awareness relative to the status of assessment efforts, and coordinates with the debris operations lead to ensure that debris is assessed in a timely fashion.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of the debris manager who needs to monitor the debris assessment process.

  1. In a browser, go to the Emergency Debris Management Center app.
  2. In the app header, click Assess.

    The Debris Assessments Dashboard includes header selectors to filter by date range as well as incident name. Some dashboard elements will not display until an incident name is selected.

  3. Click the Incident drop-down menu and choose an incident name.
  4. The left panel shows a chart illustrating work areas by their assessment status, along with a list of each work area, the assessor assigned, and the area’s status. Clicking a column will zoom the map to the work area, filter assessments by the work area’s boundaries, and filter other dashboard elements to reflect the values specific to that work area.
  5. The first tab in the right panel displays key performance indicators (KPIs) including the percent of work areas that have been fully assessed and the total volume active and completed requests, percent completed, requests by type, and requests by status.
  6. Click the Charts tab.

    The tab displays pie and serial charts displaying debris volumes by debris type, removal status, and assessor.

  7. Click any chart component to filter the map and related dashboard elements.
  8. Click the Assessments tab.

    The tab displays a list of assessments in descending order by date of assessment.

  9. Click a record in the Assessment List to zoom to the assessment location and view details and photos associated with it.

Remove debris

Removal of disaster debris is often the first visible step a community takes on the road to recovery. Municipalities responsible for debris removal face a challenging task, demonstrating responsiveness to community demands to get debris out of their neighborhoods; coordinating multiple contractors and removal service providers; storing and minimizing large volumes of debris while it awaits a final disposal location; and adhering to processes and meticulously documenting each step to ensure compliance with federal regulations for reimbursement.

The Emergency Debris Management solution can be used by state and local governments to support debris removal workflows including certification of trucks used in debris removal, managing removal provider work areas and status, completing debris monitoring load and unload tickets, sharing assessment or ticket logs with contractors and auditors, sharing information with the public, and monitoring the progress of removal efforts.

Certify debris removal truck capacity

To ensure compliance with the FEMA Public Assistance reimbursement program, trucks used for debris removal must have their capacity certified and documented by inspectors. These inspectors, typically public works employees, measure the capacity of each truck and document other key information such as identification numbers and information about the vehicle drivers and owners.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of an inspector who needs to document the capacity of a debris removal truck.

  1. Open ArcGIS Survey123 on your mobile device and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  2. Tap the Menu button at the upper right, then tap Download Surveys.
  3. Search for Truck Certification Form and tap the Download button.

    You can access the Truck Certification Form by tapping the back arrow and tapping the Barcode button in the search bar, then taking a photo of the QR code.

  4. Tap Truck Certification Form and tap Inbox.
  5. Tap the Refresh button.
  6. Tap the name of the removal provider that you want to certify trucks for.

    TheTruck Certification Form will only display removal providers that have records in the DebrisRemovalProviders feature layer. If an organization is not displayed in the list, they must first be added using the Manage Removal Status app.

  7. Tap Edit.
  8. Complete all the required questions in the survey.

    To ensure data quality in debris monitoring tickets, the Load Ticket and Unload Ticket surveys use data captured by the Truck Certification Form survey including Truck ID, removal provider name, and truck capacity.

  9. Tap the check mark in the lower right and tap Send now.

Create a Load Ticket

The FEMA Public Assistance reimbursement program requires that debris removal operations are observed and documented from initial debris collection to final disposal. Mobile workers, known as debris monitors, perform this work at each loading site, initiating a chain of custody that is completed by another monitor when a truck is unloaded at a debris management site or landfill.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a loading site debris monitor who needs to create a Load Ticket to document the collection of a debris load in the field.

  1. Open the ArcGIS Survey123 app and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  2. Tap the Menu button at the upper right, then tap Download Surveys.
  3. Search for Load Ticket and tap the Download button.

    You can access Load Ticket by tapping the back arrow and tapping the Barcode button in the search bar, then taking a photo of the QR code.

  4. Tap the back arrow in the upper right.
  5. Tap Load Ticket and tap Collect.
  6. Complete all the required questions in the survey.

    There are two types of monitoring tickets in the Ticket Type field: Load tickets, used for collecting debris from the field and transporting to a debris management site; and Haulout tickets, used for collecting reduced debris from a debris management site and transporting it to a landfill.


    The Truck ID Number question list is populated by all unique truck IDs captured by the Truck Certification Form. To ensure data quality, you cannot enter the ID number of a truck that has not been certified. When you select a valid truck ID, the Capacity (cu. yd.) and Removal Provider Name option are automatically updated to reflect valid values associated with the selected truck. To add a new certified truck, see Certify debris removal truck capacity. To modify these automatic lookup settings, see Modify surveys.

  7. Tap the check mark in the lower right and tap Send now.

Create an Unload Ticket

At landfills or debris management sites, debris monitors are responsible for assessing the load size of each incoming truck unloading debris.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a debris monitor at a debris management site who needs to create an Unload Ticket to document the disposal of a debris load.

  1. Open the ArcGIS Survey123 app and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  2. Tap the Menu button at the upper right, then tap Download Surveys.
  3. Search for Unload Ticket and tap the Download button.
  4. Tap Unload Ticket and tap Inbox.
  5. Tap the Refresh button.

    You see a list of all load tickets that have not yet had an Unload Ticket completed. As the debris monitor at a debris management site, you will choose the ticket that corresponds to the truck that has just pulled into your site to dispose its debris load.

  6. Tap the debris management site you are monitoring.
  7. Tap Unloading location.

    The list is populated by all unique debris management sites captured in the DebrisManagementSites layer. To ensure data quality, you cannot enter the name of a debris management site that does not exist in the authoritative layer. To add a new debris management site, see Manage debris removal status. To modify these automatic lookup settings, see Modify surveys.

  8. Tap Unloading Date to automatically select the current date and time.
  9. Tap Load Percent of Truck Capacity and enter a value based on your visual estimation of what percentage of the truck is full, based on guidance from the FEMA Debris Monitoring guide.
  10. Swipe up and tap Load Size.

    The field will autopopulate based upon the certified capacity of the truck and the percent full value reported.

  11. Complete all the remaining required questions in the survey.
  12. Tap the check mark in the lower right and tap Send now.

Manage debris removal status

As debris removal operations commence, the debris operations lead assigns work areas to each removal provider. The nature of the work area will depend on the preferences of the jurisdiction; some prefer to use preexisting operational boundaries (public works service areas), some prefer service routes (garbage or snowplow routes), and some prefer a grid of uniform size. As removal crews complete their work, debris operations leads will update the removal status field to reflect the current progress in that work area.


By default, the Emergency Debris Management solution is configured to use polygon-based work areas. To learn more about loading your operational boundaries into the solution, see the Load data from a shapefile or file geodatabase section in the Configure Emergency Debris Management topic. If your organization prefers to use line-based work routes, see Use work routes instead of areas.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of the debris operations lead who needs to manage the assessor and status of a work area.

  1. In a browser, go to the Emergency Debris Management Center app.
  2. In the app header, click the Remove drop-down arrow and click Manage Removal Resources And Status.
  3. Click a work area on the map.

    Editable fields for the work area will now appear in the Update resources widget.

  4. If you do not see editable fields, click the Update resources widget to activate it.
  5. Enter the following information in the form:
    1. For Removal Provider Type, choose Contractor.
    2. For Removal Provider Name, type Connors Contractors.
    3. For Removal Status, choose Assigned.
    4. For Removal Contact Name, type James Connors.
    5. For Removal Contact Email, type
    6. For Removal Contact Phone, type (555) 111-2222.
  6. Click Close.

Manage providers and debris management sites

As removal operations occur, a debris operations lead may need to add or update removal resources to reflect a changing scope of work. This may include additional contractors or activating new debris management sites to keep up with capacity needs, or deactivating resources as operations come to a close.

In this workflow, you will continue to assume the role of the debris operations lead who needs to manage a new removal provider or debris management site.

  1. In a browser, go to the Emergency Debris Management Center app.
  2. In the app header, click the Remove drop-down arrow and click Manage Removal Resources And Status.
  3. To create a removal provider or debris management site, click a Debris Removal Provider template you want to create and click a location on the map.
  4. Complete the form with your provider information and click Save.
  5. Click Close.
  6. To update a removal provider or debris management site, click the feature on the map you want to update.
  7. Update the form and click Save.
  8. Click Close.

Educate the public

After a disaster strikes, communities want to get back to normal as quickly as possible, and residents want to know when debris in front of their house will be removed. To expedite the removal process, residents are asked to segregate debris piles in their right of way according to specific types, helping municipalities pick up and process the debris efficiently. In addition, drop-off sites enable residents to drop-off specific types of debris, reducing the workload for removal crews.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a resident who needs to know when debris will be removed from their street, what to do to prepare, and where they can drop off debris in the meantime.

  1. In a browser, go to the Debris Removal Services app.

    The information panel describes how to use the app and provides guidance for residents on how to sort their debris into separate piles to facilitate removal.

  2. Click the X to close the information panel.
  3. Find debris removal services for a location by clicking the map or entering an address in the search bar.

    The app displays the service area for the selected location, and any drop-off sites within the selected search radius.

  4. To change the search distance for finding drop-off sites, click and drag the distance slider to your desired distance.
  5. Click Filter to filter drop-off sites by the debris types they accept.
  6. Check the check box next to each type of debris you want to search for and click Close.
  7. To search for a different location, click Clear search location.

Review removal progress

As recovery from a disaster begins, the debris manager in the Emergency Operations Center works with emergency managers, elected officials, and other key stakeholders to ensure that the debris removal process is handled expediently. The debris manager provides situational awareness relative to the status of the removal effort and coordinates with the debris operations lead to ensure that debris removal providers are completing their work in a timely fashion.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of the debris manager who needs to review the progress of the debris removal process.

  1. In a browser, go to the Emergency Debris Management Center app.
  2. In the app header, click Remove.

    The Debris Removal Dashboard includes header selectors to filter by date range as well as incident name. Some dashboard elements will not display until an incident name is selected.

  3. Click the Incident drop-down menu and choose an incident name.
  4. The left panel shows a chart illustrating work areas by their removal status along with a list of each work area, the removal provider assigned, and the area’s status. Clicking a column will zoom the map to the work area, filter tickets by the work area’s boundaries, and filter other dashboard elements to reflect the values specific to that work area.
  5. The first tab in the right panel displays key performance indicators (KPIs) including the percent of work areas where removal has been fully completed, the total volume of debris removed from the community, and the total volume of debris reduced and taken to a landfill or final disposal site.
  6. Click the Removal Charts tab.

    This tab displays charts displaying debris removal volumes by debris type and provider.

  7. Click a chart column to filter the map and related dashboard elements.
  8. Click the Haulout Charts tab.

    This tab displays charts displaying volumes of debris hauled to landfills by debris type and provider.

  9. Click a chart column to filter the map and related dashboard elements.
  10. Click the Tickets tab.

    This tab displays a list of debris monitoring tickets in descending order by date of assessment.

  11. Click a record in the Monitoring ticket list to zoom the map to the ticket location and view details and photos associated with it.

Export debris logs

Debris operations leads are often asked to provide daily hard-copy logs of assessments or monitoring tickets for the various administrative needs of internal and external stakeholders.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of the debris operations lead who needs to export debris assessment records to provide to an internal stakeholder in the EOC.

  1. In a browser, go to the Emergency Debris Management Center app.
  2. In the app header, click the Help drop-down arrow and choose View Logs.
  3. Click the Filter widget to view available filters for the debris assessments layer.
  4. For Debris type, choose White Goods and click Apply.
  5. Click the Filter widget to hide the available filters.
  6. Click a record in the table.

    Details about the record are displayed, and the map zooms and selects the record.

  7. Click the Photos tab to view the photos associated with this record.
  8. To export a CSV file of all your filtered data, click the Actions button Actions button, and then click Export All and choose Export to CSV.
  9. To export a CSV file of a selected record in the table, click the Actions button, and then click Export Selected and choose Export to CSV.
  10. To switch from debris assessments to debris monitoring tickets, click Debris Monitoring Tickets.

Share debris removal data

A variety of stakeholders need debris records to support their internal processes. Contractors use debris assessment records from the office and the field to identify the parts of a work area they need to complete, and to identify where specialized types of debris removal crews are required. Contractors also need access to monitoring tickets for invoicing purposes because their contracts are typically volume-based.

FEMA representatives from the Public Assistance program also need access to these records for auditing purposes, verifying that debris removed corresponds to debris assessed, and that FEMA documentation procedures for debris removal are being followed.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a contractor who needs to export debris monitoring tickets from the office for generating an invoice.

  1. In a browser, go to the Debris Records Reviewer app.
  2. Click the Filter widget to view available filters for the debris monitoring tickets layer.
  3. For Select debris type(s), choose Vegetative and click Apply.
  4. Click the Filter widget to hide the available filters.
  5. Click a record in the table.

    Details about the record are displayed, and the map zooms and selects the record.

  6. Click the Photos tab to view the photos associated with this record.
  7. To export a CSV file of all your filtered data, click the Actions button Actions button, and then click Export All and choose Export to CSV.
  8. To export a CSV file of a selected record in the table, click the Actions button, and then click Export Selected and choose Export to CSV.
  9. To switch from assessments to tickets, click Tickets.

To accommodate small screens, the app layout is different on a mobile device. The Table widget is not visible and an arrow on the bottom of the screen (when tapped and Tickets is active) displays Details, Photos, and Filters for filter records. To view a record’s details, tap either Assessments or Tickets above the map, tap a record on the map, and tap the arrow to open the panel.