Introduction to Environmental Review

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Environmental Review can be used to streamline environmental reviews and increase transparency.

Environmental reviews assess a proposed project's potential impact on ecologically sensitive areas. These reviews are a crucial step in the land development process because they ensure that a project complies with environmental protection standards and that natural resources are safeguarded. Continued land development and a renewed focus on public infrastructure investments is driving an urgent need to improve environmental review processes. Outdated systems and inefficient processes delay projects and drive up the cost of investments. Understanding where a project is being proposed and its proximity to sensitive areas transforms the environmental review process. It also facilities data-driven decisions that support continued economic growth, reduce review times, and ensure environmental impacts are thoroughly assessed.

The Environmental Review solution delivers a set of capabilities that help organizations collect and facilitate environmental review applications, gather feedback during the review, and share project information with internal and external stakeholders.

Deploy the solution

This solution can be deployed in your ArcGIS organization.

Deploy the solution

See Deploying a solution for more information.


Environmental Review requires the following:

  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS Hub Premium
  • ArcGIS Survey123 Connect
  • ArcGIS Enterprise (optional)
  • ArcGIS Pro 3.3 or later (optional)

ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3 or later and ArcGIS Pro 3.3 or later are required to publish a custom print service. Once published to ArcGIS Enterprise, the custom print service can be used in the Environmental Screening app deployed to ArcGIS Online to generate custom environmental review reports.

Information products

Environmental Review includes the following information products:

ItemDescriptionMinimum user type

Environmental Review

An ArcGIS Hub site used by project applicants to learn how they can submit projects for environmental review and view projects under review.

Community account (optional)

Environmental Review Projects

An ArcGIS Experience Builder app used by project applicants to submit projects for environmental review.

Community account

Environmental Review Manager

An ArcGIS Instant Apps Manager app used by project coordinators to facilitate environmental review applications.


Environmental Screening

An ArcGIS Experience Builder app used by project reviewers to explore proposed projects, identify potential impacts, and create reports to summarize findings.


Environmental Review Comments

An ArcGIS Instant Apps Reporter app used by the general public and other interested parties to view and comment on projects under environmental review in their community.

Community account (optional)

Environmental Review Dashboard

An ArcGIS Dashboards app used by program managers to monitor the status of environmental reviews.


Environmental Review Reports

An ArcGIS Pro project used by GIS analysts to create and publish environmental review reports.


When you deploy this solution in your ArcGIS organization, you also get a solution item that organizes the key information products and summarizes all the ArcGIS items (applications, forms, projects, maps, feature layers, feature layer views, and so on) included with the solution. The solution item also illustrates any dependencies items have on each other.

Release notes

The following are the release notes:

1.0 (Nov 2024)
  • First release of Environmental Review