Configure Street Sweeping Operations

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Street Sweeping Operations can be used to monitor real-time sweeping activity and share sweeping schedules and status with the public.

In this topic, you'll learn how to configure the Street Sweeping Operations solution to meet the specific needs of your organization.

Manage sweeper route, service district, and vehicle data

Before using the solution, you must create and load your organization's sweeper routes, service districts, and vehicle information into the feature layers deployed with the solution. The Street Sweeping Data Management ArcGIS Pro project includes a series of tasks to help you prepare, create, and load these foundational layers in the solution.

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Street Sweeping Data Management item.
  2. From the item page, click Download.
  3. Unzip the downloaded folder, and then from the unzipped folder, open the ArcGIS Pro project.
  4. If you do not see the Catalog pane, from the View tab, in the Windows group, click Catalog Pane.
  5. Expand the Tasks folder, and then double-click the Street Sweeping Data Management task group.
  6. In the Tasks pane, expand the Getting Started, Prepare Existing Data, Process Sweeper Routes, Generate Sweep Schedules, and the Append to feature layers task groups to see the collection of tasks.

Prepare existing data

Your organization may have existing sweeper routes or street centerline data, service district boundaries, and information about the vehicles supporting street sweeping operations. This data can be loaded into the target feature classes in the file geodatabase provided in the Street Sweeping Data Management project.

Maintaining an authoritative inventory of vehicle information helps bring together disparate sources of information and creates a common operating picture of vehicles supporting operations. The vehicle inventory also helps you understand the state of automated vehicle location (AVL) technology used by your fleet, identifies the needs of vehicles without AVL, and documents important vehicle information required by the solution. Before you can bulk upload vehicle information into the solution, follow the instructions in the Vehicles task to document vehicle information using the Vehicle Loading Excel spreadsheet.


In addition to uploading vehicle information in bulk, you can add new vehicles and modify vehicle information using the Sweepers page in the Sweeping Operations Center.

Service districts may represent boundaries within your jurisdiction that your agency uses for driver assignments or other boundaries such as neighborhoods that directors and operations management want to use to compare progress. Service districts will also be associated with sweeper routes, enabling Street Sweeping Operations to measure operations progress and schedule performance based on service districts. Follow the instructions in the Service Districts task to load existing data, add new features if necessary, and define service district IDs.

Sweeper routes are used to represent street segments that your agency is responsible for maintaining through your street sweeping program. Sweeper routes store attributes such as road and sweep route names and parking restrictions, and includes fields to store sweep schedule information. Follow the instructions in the Sweeper Routes task to load existing sweeper route features and attributes.

Process sweeper routes

After the sweeper route and service district information are prepared and loaded into the solution schema, additional refinement is required to process new sweeper route attributes and features. Follow the steps in the Process sweeper routes task to intersect sweeper routes with service district information, edit sweeper route features, and create new attributes required by the solution to work with ArcGIS Velocity analytics.

Generate sweep schedules

Defining schedules on sweeper routes enables you to track daily operational performance metrics. Sweep schedules are stored as attributes on sweeper routes, and unique schedules can be created for opposite sides of the road. A tool helps you define schedules according to a regular schedule or explicit dates and enables you to adjust dates for holidays. Follow the steps in the Generate sweep schedules task to create sweep schedules as attributes on your sweeper routes.

Append to feature layers

After preparing and processing existing data into the solution's schema using the geodatabase, sweeper routes, service districts, and vehicles data are now ready to be loaded into feature layers deployed with the solution. Follow the steps in the Append to feature layers task to complete the data management workflows required by the solution.


The Vehicles feature layer is shared by the Mowing Operations and Street Sweeping Operations solutions.

Support equipment operators

The Sweeping Operations Reporter QuickCapture project can be used to support operators of vehicles that do not have an AVL device. This QuickCapture project enables operators to track their location, and report status updates, issues in the roadway, and material information. By provisioning users and creating a track view, you will be able to connect to and process information from equipment operators using the QuickCapture project in ArcGIS Velocity in the same way that you connect to and process information from an AVL device. This ensures that no matter what technology or device is supporting your vehicle with automated vehicle location reporting, you will be able to track where vehicles are in real-time, know when a route was last serviced, and effectively measure the performance of your operations against your schedule goals.

After completing the vehicle inventory, reference the Location Source field in the Vehicles table. If all vehicles are identified as Vendor AVL Only, you can proceed to the next topic, Configure feeds.

If you have identified any vehicle's Location Source field as ArcGIS Only or Vendor AVL Locations with ArcGIS Field Operations, complete the Provision users, Create a track view, and Share the Sweeping Operations Reporter QuickCapture project sections to support equipment operators of these vehicles with ArcGIS location sharing and field operations capabilities.

Provision users

Included with the Street Sweeping Operations solution is an ArcGIS Online group designed to help organize drivers, provide access to the Sweeping Operations Reporter QuickCapture project, and add drivers to an ArcGIS Tracker view.


User accounts must be created for drivers before completing this workflow. Driver user accounts require a minimum Mobile Worker user type and an ArcGIS Location Sharing user type extension enabled to use and track location with the Sweeping Operations Reporter QuickCapture project.

To add drivers to the Sweeper Operators group, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and verify that you have privileges to manage member groups.
  2. Click Groups at the top of the site.
  3. Click the Sweeper Operators group to open the group details page.
  4. On the Overview tab, click Invite members.
  5. Check the check box next to the members that you want to add and click Add members to group.
  6. Repeat these steps for each group that you need to add members to.

Create a track view

When completing the vehicle inventory, you may have identified vehicles in your fleet with no AVL technology on board. The drivers of these vehicles will use devices in the vehicle to report vehicle location using ArcGIS location sharing technology.

Referencing the vehicle information created in the previous steps, you will use Track Viewer to create a track view of drivers supporting your operations.


To create track views, you must be a member of the default administrator role in your organization.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your organization and open Track Viewer.

    By default, Track Viewer is in the app launcher if your organization has enabled location sharing and you have the view location tracks privilege.

  2. Click Create View.
  3. Type the name ArcGIS Sweeper Operators or provide a different name and click Create View.

    Make a note of the name used for the view. You will reference the name of this view in later steps when creating vehicle feeds in ArcGIS Velocity.

    When you create the view, a group in ArcGIS Online that controls access to the view is also created.

  4. On the Mobile Users tab, add drivers whose last known locations and tracks should be seen in the track view.
    1. Click the Select to add mobile users drop-down menu.
    2. Scroll to the Groups (import members) section and select the Sweeper Operators group.
    3. Click Add.

You have created a track view of drivers supporting your street sweeping operations using Track Viewer. Next, you will configure the Sweeping Operations Reporter QuickCapture that drivers will use during operations and create an ArcGIS Velocity feed that connects to this Track View.

Share the Sweeping Operations Reporter QuickCapture project

The Sweeping Operations Reporter QuickCapture project is used by sweeper operators to share their location and to report operational status, material usage information, and issues such as illegally parked cars.

To share the Sweeping Operations Reporter QuickCapture project with your sweeper operators, complete the following steps:

  1. Confirm that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the ArcGIS QuickCapture application.
  2. Click Sweeping Operations Reporter.

    The project opens and there is one sharing-related error to resolve.

  3. In the Messages panel on the left, click Share items.

    The Share the following items with project users? window appears.

  4. Click Share items.

    When the solution was initially deployed, the Sweeping Operations Reporter QuickCapture project was automatically shared to ArcGIS Hub related groups, but the Feature Layers used by the QuickCapture project were not.

  5. Click Save.

You have shared the QuickCapture project with an ArcGIS Online group that will enable sweeper operators with access. Next, you will need to create an ArcGIS Velocity feed that connects to the Track View.

Configure feeds

A feed is a real-time stream of data coming into ArcGIS Velocity. Feeds typically connect to external sources of observational data such as Internet of Things (IoT) platforms, message brokers, or third-party APIs. Feeds parse incoming tabular, point, polyline, or polygon data and expose it for analysis and visualization.

The feed deployed with the solution, Vehicles and Last Service Status Feed, is already configured for you, and only requires that you start the feed. You will also use feeds to connect to and ingest location data generated by your vehicles, whether from a vendor AVL system, drivers using ArcGIS location sharing on their devices, or a mix of both, depending on the needs identified during the vehicle inventory. The steps to configure vehicle feeds will vary depending on the needs of your organization.


Follow the steps in the order they are presented below when configuring feeds and analytics.

Start the Vehicles and Last Service Status Feed

The Vehicles and Last Service Status Feed ingests records from the Vehicles and Last Service Status feature layer view. This join view contains all vehicle records stored in the Vehicles table, and if present, is joined with the latest records created in the Service Status layer. Creating a feed from this join view enables the Street Sweeping Operations solution to create a common operating picture from multiple vehicle feed sources.


The Vehicles and Last Service Status Feed is shared by the Mowing Operations and Street Sweeping Operations solutions. If you are using more than one of these solutions, this feed may already be running.

This feed is already configured and executable. To start the feed, complete the following steps:

  1. Confirm that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the ArcGIS Velocity application.
  2. Using the site menu, click Feeds.
  3. Click Vehicles and Last Service Status Feed to launch the feed Details page.
  4. Click Start to start the feed.

Configure vehicle feeds

Configure vehicle feeds to connect to an automated vehicle location system through a supported third-party API or message broker using supported feed types in ArcGIS Velocity. If drivers are using ArcGIS location sharing on devices in their vehicles, you can configure a feed to consume the track view of drivers supporting sweeping operations created in previous steps.

To configure a vehicle feed from a track view created in Track Viewer, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the ArcGIS Velocity application.
  2. Click Create feed.
  3. Click See all in the ArcGIS feed type.
  4. Click Feature Layer.
  5. From the Select Layer step, ensure the search context is My Content, and then search for and select the ArcGIS Sweeper Operators feature service.

    If you do not own the location tracking layer in your organization, you will need to change the search context to My Organization to find the ArcGIS Sweeper Operators feature service.

  6. Under Select a sublayer, click to select Last Known Locations (1) then select Next.
  7. Leave the default parameters for the Filter Data step and select Next.
  8. Leave the default parameters for the Confirm Schema step and select Next.

    You may receive a "There was a problem sampling for messages" error. This error occurs when ArcGIS Velocity is unable to derive a schema for your track view since there have been no recorded tracks for any mobile users in your track view within the last thirty days. To proceed, have at least one mobile user in your track view turn on their location tracking to log a track, and then resample or click Try again. See Confirm schema in the ArcGIS Velocity Configure input data help topic for more information.

  9. Change the Date field for latest features to location_timestamp and select Next.
  10. Leave the default parameters for the Identify Key Fields step and select Next.
  11. Change the Feed Polling Interval value to Runs periodically every 10 seconds Every day and click Next.
  12. Name the feed ArcGIS Sweeper Operators Feed and optionally provide a summary.

    An alternate name can be used for your vehicle feed, but the vehicle feed name above will be referenced in subsequent steps.

  13. Optionally, change the folder where the feed will be stored.

    The default location is the home folder.

  14. Click Complete to finish configuring the feed.

You have just configured a feed to ingest vehicle locations reported by drivers with ArcGIS location sharing technology on their devices. If you want to configure a vehicle feed to connect to a third-party API, data provider, cloud, or message broker, complete the following steps; otherwise, proceed to Update analytics.

When configuring feeds to connect to a third-party API, data provider, cloud, or message broker, consider the information gathered during the vehicle inventory. If the vehicle inventory indicates all vehicles are supported by your vendor AVL (Location Source is Vendor AVL Only for all vehicles), you only need to create a single vehicle feed.

If you identified any vehicles with AVL that do not have additional telemetry to indicate an in-service status during operations such as when a broom is activated (Location Source is Vendor AVL Location with ArcGIS Field Operations), you will need to create a separate feed for these vehicles so drivers can report their service status, as well as report material and roadway issues, using the Sweeping Operations Reporter QuickCapture project.

To connect to a third-party API, data provider, cloud, or message broker for vehicles in your inventory where the locationsource value is either Vendor AVL Only or Vendor AVL Location and ArcGIS Field Operations, complete the following steps :

  1. Open ArcGIS Velocity.
  2. Click Create feed.
  3. Choose the feed type you want to create by browsing the groups of feeds or by using search with a keyword. The feed types needed to connect to your vendor AVL are grouped into three categories:
    • Cloud
    • Web and Messaging
    • Data Providers
  4. Select the feed type you want to create.
  5. Enter the feed configuration details. Note that the configuration parameters vary depending on the feed type selected.
  6. Click Next to continue with the remaining steps, including confirming the schema, identifying the key fields, and defining the polling interval (if applicable), pausing on the last step, Save, to name your feed according to the following choices:
    • Name your vehicle feed AVL Sweeper Feed for a feed supporting vehicles whose Location Source field is set to Vendor AVL Only.
    • Name your vehicle feed AVL Location Only Sweepers Feed for a feed supporting vehicles whose Location Source field is set to Vendor AVL Location and ArcGIS Field Operations.

      Alternate names can be used for your vehicle feeds, but the above vehicle feed names will be referenced in subsequent steps.

  7. Click Complete to finish configuring the feed.

    For more information, see Configure input data and the Create a feed quick lesson.

Update analytics

Four ArcGIS Velocity analytics are deployed with the solution: Sweeper Vehicle Tracking real-time analytic, Sweeper Operations Analytics (scheduled) big data analytic, Create Velocity Sweeper Routes (runs once) big data analytic, and Update Velocity Sweeper Routes (runs once) big data analytic.

Real-time analytics perform processing on data ingested from feeds, analyzing each individual message as it is received. Real-time analytics are used especially for transforming data, geofencing, and incident detection. The real-time analytics delivered with this solution are configured to transform one or more vehicle feeds into a common operating picture.

Big data analytics perform batch analysis and processing on stored data such as data in a feature layer or cloud big data stores such as Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Storage. Big data analytics are typically used for summarizing observations, performing pattern analysis, and incident detection. The big data analytics delivered with this solution are configured to provide near real-time route status updates, store vehicle location history, and summarize material reports, distance traveled, and schedule performance.


All feature layer outputs generated by the analytics have specific data retention settings—and where applicable, archiving settings—already configured. Any modifications to data retention and archiving settings should be made before the analytics run for the first time (when output feature layers are initially created) and after reading guidance in the Modify the Sweeper Vehicle Tracking real-time analytic and Update the Sweeper Operations Analytics big data analytic sections below. Read more about data retention in ArcGIS Velocity.

One analytic, the Create Velocity Sweeper Routes big data analytic, is already configured for you and is only run once as a part of the initial solution configuration. The remaining three analytics—Sweeper Vehicle Tracking, Sweeper Operations Analytics, and Update Velocity Sweeper Routes—must be updated after all feeds have been configured and are successfully running and the Create Velocity Sweeper Routes big data analytic has successfully run once.

Run the Create Velocity Sweeper Routes big data analytic

The Create Velocity Sweeper Routes is an on-demand (runs once) big data analytic used to create a version of the sweeper routes feature layer hosted in ArcGIS Velocity's spatiotemporal datastore. This analytic is only used once during the initial solution configuration and is only meant to be run after sweeper route information has been created and appended to the solution's ArcGIS Online hosted feature layer.

The Sweeper Routes feature layer hosted in ArcGIS Velocity's spatiotemporal datastore contains additional schedule performance metrics that are not stored in the Sweeper Routes feature layer hosted in ArcGIS Online. This is due to the amount of processing and read/write requests that are required to update this information on a nightly basis. See the Feature Layer (new) and Feature Layer (existing) topics for more information about output types in ArcGIS Velocity.


After the Create Velocity Sweeper Routes analytic runs the first time, this analytic can be deleted. If any updates need to be made to the Sweeper Routes feature layer hosted in ArcGIS Online (for example, changes to sweep schedules, new road features are added, etc.), you will use the Update Velocity Sweeper Routes big data analytic to sync these changes with the Sweeper Routes feature layer hosted in ArcGIS Velocity. See the Configure the Update Velocity Sweeper Routes big data analytic and the Update sweeper route feature layers sections for more information.

This big data analytic is already configured and executable. To run the Create Velocity Sweeper Routes big data analytic, complete the following steps:

  1. Confirm that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the ArcGIS Velocity application.
  2. Using the site menu, click Big Data.
  3. On the Big Data Analytics page, click the Edit button Edit for the Create Velocity Sweeper Routes big data analytic.
  4. Click Start to run the analytic.

Modify the Sweeper Vehicle Tracking real-time analytic

The Sweeper Vehicle Tracking real-time analytic connects to and merges vehicle and service status information with one or more vehicle feeds, intersects time zone and service district information, and generates two outputs: Sweeper Stream and Sweeper Tracks.

  • The Sweeper Stream output is used to visualize last-known vehicle locations for the entire fleet and consists of a stream layer and a feature layer storing only the latest records for each vehicle.
  • The Sweeper Tracks output is used as an input for multiple tools in the Sweeper Operations Analytics big data analytic. A short data retention window and no archiving is configured for this output as vehicle location history with archiving is already configured for this data on a different output generated by the Sweeper Operations Analytics big data analytic.

The Sweeper Vehicle Tracking analytic has been designed to support three different configurations of vehicle feeds consistent with the needs identified in the vehicle inventory and the vehicle feed or feeds you configured in the previous step. The Sweeper Vehicle Tracking analytic will need to be modified to fit the needs of your organization by locating the correct vehicle feed pipeline in the analytic and replacing the broken placeholder feeds with your vehicle feeds. The following steps outline various tasks for updating the Sweeper Vehicle Tracking real-time analytic to fit the needs of your organization.

To update the analytic with your vehicle feed and delete unused vehicle feed pipelines, complete the following steps:

  1. In the ArcGIS Velocity app, use the site menu and click Real-Time.
  2. Click the Edit button Edit for the Sweeper Vehicle Tracking real-time analytic.
  3. Add your vehicle feed or feeds to the analytic by clicking the plus button on the left, and then click Feeds from the Add Node menu, then click Select existing feed.
  4. Click your vehicle feed in the list and click Confirm.
  5. If you configured more than one vehicle feed, repeat the previous steps for each vehicle feed.
  6. Review the broken placeholder feeds list below and their pipelines in the model. You will replace your vehicle feed with the corresponding pipeline.

    Do not delete the Vehicles and Last Service Status Feed, regardless of which vehicle feed pipeline is used.

    • If you configured an AVL Sweeper Feed, delete the placeholder AVL Device Feed (Vehicle Pipeline 1) and connect your feed as the Target in the Join Vehicle Information to Vehicle Pipeline 1 Feed tool.
    • If you configured an AVL Location Only Sweeper Feed, delete the placeholder AVL Device Feed with ArcGIS Field Operations (Vehicle Pipeline 2) and connect your feed as the Target in the Join Vehicles and Last Service Status to Vehicle Pipeline 2 Feed tool.
    • If you configured an ArcGIS Sweeper Operators Feed, delete the placeholder ArcGIS Location Tracking Feed (Vehicle Pipeline 3), and connect your feed as the Target in the Join Vehicles and Last Service Status to Vehicle Pipeline 3 Feed tool.
  7. Click Save to commit your changes and validate the analytic.
  8. Once vehicle feeds are connected to the correct pipeline, unused vehicle feed pipelines must be deleted from the model. See the images in step 9 below for common configuration patterns of the Sweeper Vehicle Tracking real-time analytic.
    • If only one vehicle feed is used, delete all other vehicle feed pipelines from the placeholder vehicle feed to the Merge tool. Reconnect your vehicle feed's pipeline from the Map Fields tool to the Project tool.

      Sweeper Vehicle Tracking real-time analytic common configuration 1

      A common configuration of the Sweeper Vehicle Tracking real-time analytic is shown when only one vehicle feed pipeline is used: AVL Sweeper Feed. Unused analytic pipelines, Vehicle Pipeline 2 and Vehicle Pipeline 3, have been removed from the model. Click to view a larger version


      You can select multiple nodes in the model by pressing the Ctrl key while selecting each node. Click Delete to remove the selected nodes from the model. If you make a mistake when deleting nodes, use keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y to undo and redo edits, respectively.

    • If two of the three vehicle feeds are used, ensure that the pipelines merge after the Map Fields tool and connect directly from the Merge tool to the Project tool.

      Sweeper Vehicle Tracking real-time analytic common configuration 2

      The configuration of the Sweeper Vehicle Tracking real-time analytic is shown when two vehicle feeds are used: AVL Sweeper Feed and ArcGIS Sweeper Operators Feed. The unused analytic pipeline, Vehicle Pipeline 2, has been removed from the model. Click to view a larger version

    • If all three vehicle pipelines are used, ensure each vehicle pipeline is merged and the output is ultimately connected to the Project tool.
  9. Click Save to commit your changes and validate the analytic.
    • If the ArcGIS Sweeper Operators Feed is the only vehicle feed pipeline in your analytic, no additional configuration is needed in the Sweeper Vehicle Tracking real-time analytic since the schema was already known by the pipeline tools connecting to the feed.

    • If you have additional vehicle feeds in your model, continue configuring your vehicle feed pipelines following the steps below.

Additional configuration is required if you are using a vendor AVL for your vehicle feeds (AVL Sweeper Feed or AVL Location Only Sweeper Feed), since the schemas for these feeds vary for different AVL vendors.

Complete the following steps to finish configuring the AVL Sweeper Feed in the Sweeper Vehicle Tracking real-time analytic.

  1. Double-click Join Vehicle Information to Vehicle Pipeline 1 Feed to open the tool properties.
  2. Click the Target field drop-down menu and select the asset or vehicle ID field from your feed.

    The target field values are matched to the vehicle ID values recorded in the vehicle inventory.

  3. Click Apply.
  4. Click Save to commit changes and validate the analytic.
  5. Double-click Map Fields Vehicle Pipeline 1 to open the tool properties.
  6. Click the servicestatus field to open field mapping options.

    The servicestatus field will be used to transform raw values from your vehicle feed that indicate if a sweeper is currently performing an in-service activity, such as a broom is lowered, or other relevant values from your AVL feed, to values used by the solution to indicate whether the vehicle is actively servicing a road.

  7. Click the Code button Code to Configure Arcade expression. Use Arcade to classify raw values from the feed to a valid value below:
    • In Transit
    • Sweeping

    //Example Arcade expression to classify values from the feed to values used by the solution
    var broomstatus = $feature.yourbroomstatusfield
    //example values are text, include "up", "down"
    if (broomstatus == "up") {
         return 'In Transit'
    else if (broomstatus == "down") {
         return 'Sweeping'
    else {
         return null

  8. Click OK.
  9. Click Update mapping.
  10. Refer to the table below for a list of output fields and field types that must be mapped with your vehicle feed's input.

    <feed field name>

    speed (Int32)

    <feed field name>

    heading (Float64)

    <feed field name>

    vehicleid (String)

    <feed field name>

    location_timestamp (Date)

    Some fields may require you to transform existing values into the data or value type defined by the output field. For example, if your feed contains speed expressed as meters per second, use the following Arcade expression to calculate miles per hour (miles per hour is the expected unit for speed in the Street Sweeping Operations solution):

    //Example Arcade expression

  11. Optionally, additional fields from your AVL can be retained and mapped into the solutions schema. Refer to the table below for a list of optional output fields and field types that can be mapped with your vehicle feed's input.

    <feed field name>

    aux1 (String)

    <feed field name>

    aux2 (String)

    <feed field name>

    aux3 (String)

    <feed field name>

    aux4 (Float64)

    <feed field name>

    aux5 (Float64)

    <feed field name>

    aux6 (Float64)

  12. Click Apply.
  13. Click Save to commit your changes and validate the analytic.

To finish configuring the AVL Location Only Sweeper Feed in the Sweeper Vehicle Tracking real-time analytic, complete the following steps:

  1. Double-click Join Vehicles and Last Service Status to Vehicle Pipeline 2 Feed to open the tool properties.
  2. Click the Target field drop-down menu and select the asset or vehicle ID from your feed.

    The target field values are matched to the vehicle ID values recorded in the vehicle inventory.

  3. Click Apply.
  4. Double-click the Map Fields Vehicles Pipeline 2 tool to open the field properties.
  5. Refer to the table below for a list of output fields that must be mapped with your vehicle feed's input.

    <feed field name>

    speed (Int32)

    <feed field name>

    heading (Float64)

    <feed field name>

    vehicleid (String)

    <feed field name>

    location_timestamp (Date)

    Some fields may require you to transform existing values into the data or value type defined by the output field. For example, if your feed contains speed expressed as meters per second, use the following Arcade expression to calculate miles per hour:

    //Example Arcade expression

    The remaining fields are already configured. Since drivers of these vehicles are using the Sweeping Operations Reporter QuickCapture project, the service status is sourced from the Vehicles and Last Service Status Feed.

  6. Click Apply.
  7. Click Save to save and validate the analytic.
  8. Click Start to start the real-time analytic.

Update the Sweeper Operations Analytics big data analytic

Sweeper Operations Analytics is a scheduled big data analytic that is configured with multiple analytic pipelines and summarizes distances traveled and material reports, stores location tracks for each vehicle and service records for each road, generates near real-time route status updates, and measures operational performance.

Sweeper Operations Analytics scheduled big data analytic

The configuration of the Sweeper Operations Analytics scheduled big data analytic is shown, depicting the six main pipelines in the analytic. Click to view a larger version

  • The first analytic pipeline summarizes material information for broom water used (gallons) and hopper debris collected (cubic yards) as reported from the Sweeping Operations Reporter QuickCapture project and the Sweeper Material Reporting form. The Material Reporting History feature layer output is configured to retain data for one year before it is archived, meaning Velocity will maintain up to two years of your data.
  • The second analytic pipeline stores vehicle location history for each vehicle during operations. The Track History feature layer output is configured to retain data for one year before it is archived, meaning Velocity will maintain up to two years of your data.
  • The third analytic pipeline summarizes the distances traveled (miles) by service status for each vehicle during operations. The Travel Distance History feature layer output is configured to retain data for one year before it is archived, meaning ArcGIS Velocity will maintain up to two years of your data.
  • The fourth and fifth analytic pipelines generate near real-time road status updates. The fourth pipeline connects to and updates last service information for Sweeper Routes stored in an ArcGIS Online hosted feature layer. The fifth pipeline connects to and updates last service information, as well as sweep schedule goal completion metrics, stored in an ArcGIS Velocity spatiotemporal hosted feature layer.

    By default, the only records from the Sweeper Tracks feature layer that will not be processed by the analytic (for example, will not update a route status to indicate it was serviced) is the "In Transit" value in the servicestatus field. All other values in the servicestatus field, including null or empty values, will be processed and treated as an in-service status. This can be modified by updating the fourth pipeline's Join condition Arcade expression in the Join Snapped Tracks to ArcGIS Online Sweeper Routes tool, and the fifth pipeline's Join condition Arcade expression in the Join Snapped Tracks to ArcGIS Velocity Sweeper Routes tool.

  • The sixth analytic pipeline records service history for each road segment and summarizes operational performance for each day of scheduled service. The Sweeper Routes Service History and Sweeper Routes Service Summary feature layer outputs are configured to retain data for one year before it is archived, meaning Velocity will maintain up to two years of your data.


Ensure you have successfully completed the steps to Run the Create Velocity Sweeper Routes big data analytic and to Modify the Sweeper Vehicle Tracking real-time analytic before completing the following steps.

To update the Sweeper Operations Analytics scheduled big data analytic, complete the following steps:

  1. In the ArcGIS Velocity app, use the site menu and click Big Data Analytic.
  2. On the Big Data Analytics page, click the Edit button Edit for the Sweeper Operations Analytics big data analytic.
  3. Note the two broken input nodes in the analytic for Sweeper Tracks and ArcGIS Velocity Sweeper Routes, and one broken output node, Updated ArcGIS Velocity Sweeper Routes.

    When the solution was initially deployed, these feature services did not yet exist.

  4. Double-click the Sweeper Tracks node to open the source data properties.
  5. Click Edit.
  6. From the Select Layer step, ensure the search context is My Content, and then search for and select the sweepervehicletracks_[UniqueID] feature service.

    Ensure the Feature Service is selected, not the map service of the same name.

  7. Click Next.
  8. From the Filter Data step, insert the following text into the WHERE clause:

    datetimeprocessed > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '10' MINUTE AND vehiclestatus = 'Operational' AND assignedoperation = 'Sweeping'

  9. From the Filter Data step, change the Output spatial reference to 3857 (WGS 1984 Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere).
  10. Click Next.
  11. Click Next for the Confirm Schema step.
  12. From the Timestamp Field step, confirm the Date field for latest features is set to the datetimeprocessed field and then click Next.
  13. From the Identify Key Fields step, ensure Start time is set to the location_timestamp field and Track ID is set to the vehicleid field and then click Complete.

    The analytic attempts to validate.

  14. Double-click the ArcGIS Velocity Sweeper Routes node to open the source data properties.
  15. Click Edit.
  16. From the Select Layer step, ensure the search context is My Content, and then search for and select the sweeperroutesvelocity_[UniqueID] feature service.

    Ensure the Feature Service is selected, not the map service of the same name.

  17. Click Next.
  18. From the Filter Data step, change the Output spatial reference to 3857 (WGS 1984 Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere).
  19. Click Next.
  20. Click Next for the Confirm Schema and Timestamp Field steps.

    The default values in these steps should not be modified.

  21. From the Identify Key Fields step, ensure Track ID is set to the sweeproutesegmentid field, leave Start time empty, and then click Complete.

    The analytic attempts to validate.

  22. Double-click the broken output node, Updated ArcGIS Velocity Sweeper Routes, to open the source data properties.
  23. Click Edit.
  24. From the Select Existing Feature Layer step, ensure the search context is My Content, and then search for and select the sweeperroutesvelocity_[UniqueID] feature service.

    Ensure the Feature Service is selected, not the map service of the same name.

  25. Click Next.
  26. From the Configure Feature Layer step, ensure the Data storage method selection is Keep only latest feature for each Track ID value, and then click Complete.

    The analytic attempts to validate.

  27. Click Save to commit updates to the analytic.

    One or more warnings may be present, but the analytic is still successfully validated. This is expected and you can proceed to the next step. If errors are present, you will need to resolve them before moving on to the next step.

  28. Click Start to run the scheduled big data analytic.

The Sweeper Operations Analytics big data analytic is configured to run every five minutes. Change this interval to meet the needs of your organization. It is not recommended to decrease this interval. If increasing this interval over 10 minutes, also consider updating the WHERE clause minute interval in Step 6 to a number that is greater than your scheduled big data analytic interval.

You have completed the steps for updating the ArcGIS Velocity analytics delivered with the solution.

Configure the Update Velocity Sweeper Routes big data analytic

The Update Velocity Sweeper Routes is an on-demand (runs once) big data analytic. It contains multiple pipelines to sync changes made to the sweeper routes feature layer hosted in ArcGIS Online with the Sweeper Routes feature layer hosted in ArcGIS Velocity's spatiotemporal datastore. It also preserves last service information for both layers and updates schedule goals, progress fields, and service records and service summary information. Once modified, this analytic will be ready to use whenever changes to sweeper route information need to be made. See the topic Update sweeper route feature layers for more information on the use of this on-demand (runs once) big data analytic.

Update Velocity Sweeper Routes big data analytic

The configuration of the Update Velocity Sweeper Routes big data analytic is shown depicting the three main pipelines in the analytic. Click to view a larger version

  • The first analytic pipeline updates the Sweeper Routes feature layer hosted in ArcGIS Online with last service information from the Sweeper Routes feature layer hosted in ArcGIS Velocity, and updates time zone information used by the solution's analytics.

    When using the Sweeping Data Management ArcGIS Pro project to update Sweeper Route information, the append tool overwrites last service date fields in the ArcGIS Online hosted feature layer. This analytic restores this information by sourcing the last service dates using a join with the Sweeper Routes feature layer hosted in ArcGIS Velocity.

  • The second analytic pipeline updates the Sweeper Routes feature layer hosted in ArcGIS Velocity with new and updated features and attributes from the sweeper routes feature layer hosted in ArcGIS Online, evaluates what roads are scheduled today, and updates schedule goal and progress fields.
  • The third analytic pipeline generates new service records and updates the service summary layer to reflect any updates to the schedule goals and progress fields.


Ensure you have successfully completed the steps to Run the Create Velocity Sweeper Routes big data analytic and to Modify the Sweeper Vehicle Tracking real-time analytic before completing the following steps.

To modify input and output data sources referenced by the Update Velocity Sweeper Routes big data analytic, complete the following steps:

  1. In the ArcGIS Velocity app, use the site menu and click Big Data Analytic.
  2. On the Big Data Analytics page, click the Edit button Edit for the Update Velocity Sweeper Routes big data analytic.
  3. Note the one broken input node in the analytic for ArcGIS Velocity Sweeper Routes and three broken output nodes: Updated ArcGIS Velocity Sweeper Routes, Sweeper Route Daily Summary, and Sweeper Route Service Records.

    When the solution was initially deployed, these feature services did not yet exist.

  4. Double-click the ArcGIS Velocity Sweeper Routes input node to open the source data properties.
  5. Click Edit.
  6. From the Select Layer step, ensure the search context is My Content, and then search for and select the sweeperroutesvelocity_[UniqueID] feature service.

    Ensure the Feature Service is selected, not the map service of the same name.

  7. Click Next.
  8. Click Next for the Filter Data, Confirm Schema, and Timestamp Field steps.
  9. From the Identify Key Fields step, ensure Track ID is set to the sweeproutesegmentid field and then click Complete.

    The analytic attempts to validate.

  10. Double-click the broken output node, Updated ArcGIS Velocity Sweeper Routes, to open the source data properties.
  11. Click Edit.
  12. From the Select Existing Feature Layer step, ensure the search context is My Content, and then search for and select the sweeperroutesvelocity_[UniqueID] feature service.
  13. Click Next.
  14. From the Configure Feature Layer step, ensure the Data storage method selection is Keep only latest feature for each Track ID value, and then click Complete.

    The analytic attempts to validate.

  15. Double-click the broken output node, Sweeper Route Daily Summary, to open the source data properties.
  16. Click Edit.
  17. From the Select Existing Feature Layer step, ensure the search context is My Content, and then search for and select the sweepersegmentdailysummary_[UniqueID] feature service.
  18. Click Next.
  19. From the Configure Feature Layer step, ensure the Data storage method selection is Keep only latest feature for each Track ID value, and then click Complete.

    The analytic attempts to validate.

  20. Double-click the broken output node, Sweeper Route Service Records, to open the source data properties.
  21. Click Edit.
  22. From the Select Existing Feature Layer step, ensure the search context is My Content, and then search for and select the sweepersegmentservicerecords_[UniqueID] feature service.
  23. Click Next.
  24. From the Configure Feature Layer step, ensure the Data storage method selection is Add all new features, and then click Complete.

    The analytic attempts to validate.

  25. Click Save to commit updates to the analytic. Do not run the analytic at this time. See the topic Update sweeper route feature layers for more information on the use of this on-demand (runs once) big data analytic.

    One or more warnings may be present, but the analytic has still been successfully validated. If errors are present, you will need to resolve them before moving on.

This analytic is now configured and executable and is ready to use whenever changes to sweeper route information need to be made.

You have completed the steps for updating the ArcGIS Velocity analytics delivered with the solution.

Configure the service request form

The Roadway Management solution includes the Road Request form that can be used by the general public to submit non-emergency road-related problems or requests for service in their community.

A well-defined list of road request types makes it easy for the public to report issues to your organization and for your organization to communicate service level agreements (SLA). These SLAs ensure that citizens understand what to expect when they submit a request for service, including how long it will take for the organization to respond to certain types of requests.

To update the types of roadway-related issues that can be reported in your community, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Road Request Types.csv file.
  2. From the item page, click Download.
  3. Open the Road Request Types.csv file.

    The source_field column defines whether the values apply to the request type field (feature layer field: reqtype) or to the service level agreement and description fields (feature layer fields: sla and description). For request types, the name column defines the value that is written to the feature, and the label column defines the value shown in the app drop-down menu.

    For service level agreements and descriptions, the name column defines the request category (for example, Road), followed by a hyphen (-) and the name of the request type. The label column defines the values used for the request type's description, and the sla column defines the values for the service level agreement text.

  4. Add, remove, or modify the road request types, descriptions, and service level agreement text.
  5. From the item page, click Update Data.
  6. Follow the steps in the Update data wizard to load your data.

Configure Clean Streets site

The Street Sweeping Operations solution includes the Clean Streets ArcGIS Hub site. This site can be configured with your organization's branding and used to share street sweeping schedule information with the public, including near real-time street sweeping status updates, and the ability to report road-related issues.

Update with organizational information

After deploying the Street Sweeping Operations solution, the Clean Streets Hub site layout requires a few updates to fit your local context.

To update the site with your organizational information, complete the following steps:

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Clean Streets site.
  2. From the item page, click Configure.
  3. Scroll to any sections that you want to update, hover over the card, and click the edit pencil Edit that appears in the horizontal toolbar, and then edit the content with information specific to your organization.
  4. In the side panel, click Footer.

    A custom footer is provided. In most cases, you will need to update it with your organization's branding, contact information, and social media references.

  5. Click the HTML text box.

    The HTML window appears.

  6. Make the necessary changes and click Apply.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click the Save drop-down arrow and click Publish Draft.

Share items with the public

Several layer views, maps, and apps included in the Street Sweeping Operations solution must be shared with everyone so they can be accessed by the public on the Clean Streets site. To share your items with everyone, use the guide below and complete the following steps:

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Street Sweeping Operations folder.
  2. Check the check box next to each of the items below:

    NameItem type
    Road Request



    Feature layer (hosted, view)

    Road Request Types


    Sweep Schedule Lookup

    Instant App

    Sweep Status

    Instant App

    Sweep Status

    Web Map

    Sweeper Routes_public

    Feature layer (hosted, view)

    Clean Streets

    Hub Site Application

  3. Click Share.
  4. In the Share window, click Everyone (public) and click Save.

    The Warning: Sharing editable layers publicly message appears notifying you that you are sharing editable layers publicly.

  5. Click Update.