Use Street Sweeping Operations

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The Street Sweeping Operations solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you plan and develop street sweeping schedules, manage a central repository of sweeper information, monitor real-time sweeping activity and service performance, and share sweeping schedules and status with the public.

In this topic, you will learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the following workflows.

Use your organization's data or configured apps to follow these workflows.

Manage feeds, analytics, and sweeper routes

The feeds and analytics that support the Street Sweeping Operations solution are meant to be long-running resources, kept on and running continuously over the course of the year while operations are performed on any given day according to sweep schedules.

At times, you may also need to manage sweeper route information, provide updates to sweep schedules, add new roads, or update other attributes in the Sweeper Routes feature layer. When providing updates to sweeper route information using the Sweeping Operations Data Management ArcGIS Pro project, you will also need to manage and execute certain analytics to ensure the integrity of your sweeper routes data.

In these workflows, you will assume the role of a GIS technician supporting your agency's sweeping operations by performing updates to sweeper routes and managing the ArcGIS Velocity feeds and analytics used by the Street Sweeping Operations solution.

Turn on Street Sweeping feeds and analytics

The Street Sweeping Operations solution requires certain feeds and analytics to be running to perform correctly.

To turn on the feeds and analytics used by the Street Sweeping Operations, complete the following steps:

  1. In a browser, sign in to your organization and open the ArcGIS Velocity app.
  2. In the ArcGIS Velocity app, use the site menu and click Real-Time.
  3. On the Real-Time Analytics page, click the Edit button Edit for the Sweeper Vehicle Tracking real-time analytic.
  4. For each feed in the analytic, click the Start feed button if it is not already on.
  5. Click Save to commit changes (if applicable) and validate the analytic.
  6. Click Start to start the real-time analytic.
  7. Use the ArcGIS Velocity site menu and click Big Data.
  8. Click the Start button Start on the Sweeper Operations Analytics scheduled big data analytic.

Turn off Street Sweeping feeds and analytics

Feeds and analytics supporting the Street Sweeping Operations solution can be turned off during the off-season.

To turn off street sweeping feeds and analytics, complete the following steps:

  1. In the ArcGIS Velocity app, use the site menu and click Real-Time.
  2. On the Real-Time Analytics page, click the Edit button Edit for the Sweeper Vehicle Tracking real-time analytic.

    Before proceeding to the next step, ensure that any feeds you turn off in the Sweeper Vehicle Tracking real-time analytic are not being used by other real-time analytics currently running in your organization.

  3. For each feed in the analytic, click the Stop feed button.
  4. Click Save to commit changes (if applicable) and validate the analytic.
  5. Click Stop to stop the real-time analytic.
  6. Use the ArcGIS Velocity site menu and click Big Data.
  7. On the Big Data Analytics page, click the Stop button Stop on the Sweeper Operations Analytics scheduled big data analytic.

Update sweeper route feature layers

Sweeper route information may need to be updated due to new or revised schedule information or the addition of new roads. As a GIS technician supporting your agency's sweeping operations, you will use the Street Sweeping Data Management ArcGIS Pro project to make local edits to sweep schedule information.

Once edits are complete, you will follow steps to sequence your updates to sweeper route feature layers hosted in both ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Velocity, ensuring that this information remains in sync and updated. See the topic Configure the Update Velocity Sweeper Routes big data analytic for more information.


The following steps assume the same Street Sweeping Data Management ArcGIS Pro project is being used from the initial configuration steps. See the Prepare existing data topic for more information.

  1. Open the Street Sweeping Data Management ArcGIS Pro project.
  2. Expand the Tasks folder, and then double-click the Street Sweeping Data Management task group.
  3. In the Tasks pane, expand the Generate Sweep Schedules task group.

    You will perform updates to sweep schedules on the sweeper routes stored in the local file geodatabase that was used in the initial configuration of the solution. Once edits are complete using the tasks and tools in the Generate Sweep Schedules task, you will use the ArcGIS Velocity app to turn off the Sweeping Operations Analytics big data analytic.

  4. In a browser, sign in to your organization and open the ArcGIS Velocity app.
  5. Use the ArcGIS Velocity site menu and click Big Data.
  6. On the Big Data Analytics page, click the Stop button Stop on the Sweeper Operations Analytics scheduled big data analytic.

    To ensure the integrity of sweeper route information, the scheduled big data analytic is turned off before appending local edits to the Sweeper Routes feature layer hosted in ArcGIS Online. Once the scheduled big data analytic is stopped, you will return to the ArcGIS Pro project to append your local edits to the Sweeper Routes feature layer hosted in ArcGIS Online.

  7. Browse back to or reopen the Street Sweeping Data Management ArcGIS Pro project.
  8. Expand the Tasks folder, and then double-click the Street Sweeping Data Management task group.
  9. In the Tasks pane, expand the Append to feature layers task group.
  10. Double-click the task Append to Sweeper Routes.
  11. Confirm the Append tool's Input Datasets parameter is set to SweeperRoutes_Final, and the Target Dataset parameter is set to the Sweeper Routes hosted feature layer shipped with the solution.

    If these parameters need to be updated, ensure the Field Map parameter is also updated.

  12. Confirm that the Append tool's Update Options parameters have the Matching Fields for Update set to Sweep Route Segment ID for both the Target and Input Fields parameter.

    If you are updating existing road feature geometry, click the option to Update Geometry.

  13. Click Finish to run the append tool.

    Once the Append tool finishes, you will return to the ArcGIS Velocity app to run the Update Velocity Sweeper Routes (runs once) big data analytic.


    The Append tool may take several minutes to run, as the tool parameters ensure that inserts to new records are made as well as updates to existing records during the same operation.

  14. In a browser, ensure that you are signed in to your organization and open the ArcGIS Velocity app.
  15. Use the ArcGIS Velocity site menu and click Big Data.
  16. On the Big Data Analytics page, click the Start button Start on the Update Velocity Sweeper Routes big data analytic.

    This on-demand (runs once) analytic ensures that new and updated sweeper route information that you appended to the Sweeper Routes hosted feature layer in ArcGIS Online is synced with the Sweeper Routes feature layer hosted in ArcGIS Velocity. Once this analytic finishes running, you will restart the Sweeper Operations Analytics scheduled big data analytic.

  17. On the Big Data Analytics page, click the Start button Start on the Sweeper Operations Analytics scheduled big data analytic.

Manage a vehicle inventory

Maintaining an authoritative and up-to-date inventory of sweeper vehicle information helps operations and maintenance managers prepare and plan for sweeping operations throughout the year. Changes in technology, workforce, and an increased use of contracted resources can make planning operations difficult to manage. The result can lead to missed assignments, budget overruns, and a frustrated community. Completing a vehicle inventory can help agencies identify needs by documenting all vehicles supporting their street sweeping operations, both fleet and contracted.

The Sweeping Operations Center app can be used by operations managers of public works, sanitation, and transportation agencies to manage an authoritative source of information for all vehicles supporting street sweeping operations.


The Vehicles feature layer is shared by the Mowing Operations and Street Sweeping Operations solutions. Although a vehicle can support more than one of these operations, it can only be assigned to one operation at a time. If you are using more than one of these solutions, you can use the Operations Center web experience to view all vehicles supporting these operations and reassign a vehicle's current operation.

In these workflows, you will assume the role of an operations and maintenance manager of a public works agency responsible for updating information on vehicles supporting street sweeping operations.

Add a new vehicle

In this workflow, you will add a new vehicle to the vehicle inventory.

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Street Sweeping Operations solution.
  2. View the Sweeping Operations Center app.

    The Sweeping Operations Center Home page is open by default.

  3. At the upper right, click Sweepers.
  4. At the bottom, click the + Add New button.

    The Add New Asset window appears.

  5. Complete the form with vehicle inventory details.

    Required fields are marked with a red asterisk.

  6. Click Submit.

    The success screen appears, indicating that your new asset information has been processed. This information will take approximately one minute to be reflected on the Sweepers page.

  7. Click the X to close the Add New Asset window.

    If you answered ArcGIS Only or Vendor AVL Location and ArcGIS Field Operations for the Automated Vehicle Location (AVL) Source question, you will need to complete the following tasks to support drivers of this vehicle with use of the Sweeping Operations Reporter QuickCapture project:

    1. Ensure that drivers of this vehicle are added to the Sweeper Operators ArcGIS Online group. See Provision users for more information.
    2. Ensure that drivers of this vehicle are added to the ArcGIS Tracker track view, ArcGIS Sweeper Operators, created in the Create a track view topic.
    3. Add the vehicle ID to the Sweeping Operations Reporter ArcGIS QuickCapture project. See Update the Sweeping Operations Reporter ArcGIS QuickCapture project for more information.

Update vehicle information

Regular maintenance on assets supporting sweeping operations means occasional downtime for vehicles. In this workflow, you will update the status of a vehicle in your inventory.

  1. Confirm that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Street Sweeping Operations solution, if necessary.
  2. View the Sweeping Operations Center app.

    The Sweeping Operations Center Home page is open by default.

  3. At the upper right, click Sweepers.
  4. Click the Edit Asset button Edit Asset for a vehicle in the list.

    The Edit Asset window appears.

  5. Update Vehicle Status to Out for repair.
  6. Click Submit.

    The success screen appears, indicating that your changes have been processed. These changes will take approximately one minute to be reflected on the Sweepers page.

  7. Click the X to close the Edit Asset window.

Review sweep schedules

Using a map to visualize sweep schedules for any day throughout the year helps the sweep schedule planning and review process. The Street Sweeping Operations solution can be used by operations and maintenance managers to get a high-level understanding of sweep schedules.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of an operations and maintenance manager who wants to quickly know which roads are scheduled to be swept today.

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Street Sweeping Operations solution.
  2. View the Sweeping Operations Center app, and then click Schedules at the top right of the app.
    The Sweeping Schedules Dashboard app can also be accessed outside the Sweeping Operations Center by browsing directly to the dashboard.
  3. Review today's sweeping goal.
  4. Select a road on the map.
  5. Select the Road Details pane on the bottom right and select a road to view schedule information for that road segment.
  6. In the left-hand panel, change the Schedule Date and District to refine schedule goal information.

Report issues, materials, and service status during operations

Public works and transportation agencies can use ArcGIS to extend their ability to track and monitor winter weather operations by including vehicles with limited or no existing automated vehicle location (AVL) technology on board. Drivers equipped with ArcGIS location tracking technology and field operations apps can be tracked alongside vehicles supported by an AVL system, and operations and maintenance managers can help record material information for any vehicle during operations.

Use the Sweeping Operations Reporter ArcGIS QuickCapture project

The Sweeping Operations Reporter ArcGIS QuickCapture project can be used by drivers to record current vehicle location, service status, and material used during routine sweeping operations.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a sweeper operator for a public works agency who needs to track their vehicle location and report operations status and material information.

  1. Download ArcGIS QuickCapture to your mobile device.
  2. Open ArcGIS QuickCapture and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  3. Tap the button to add a project, and then tap Browse Projects.
  4. Tap the Sweeping Operations Reporter project card to download it.
  5. In the gallery, tap the Sweeping Operations Reporter project card to open it.
  6. Tap the Start button to start location sharing.
  7. Tap the Vehicle that you will use for sweeping operations.

    Before leaving your facilities, you will update the vehicle's service status.

  8. In the Report Status button group, tap the In Transit button.

    When you begin to service your sweeper route, you will update the service status again.

  9. In the Report Issues button group, tap the Illegal Parking button to report a vehicle at your current location that has illegally parked during a scheduled road sweeping and, optionally, capture a photo.
  10. In the Report Status button group, tap the Sweeping button.
  11. When you return to facilities for more broom water, use the Report Materials group and tap the button that most accurately describes how much broom water was used during your last round trip.
  12. When you return to facilities to empty the hopper, use the Report Materials group and tap the button that most accurately describes how full the hopper was before off-loading during the last round trip.

Use the Sweeper Material Reporting form

Agencies have the flexibility to decide how material is reported and by whom. Some vehicles may have existing sensors that track this information as part of their AVL system, while other vehicles do not. The Sweeper Material Reporting form can be used by operations and maintenance managers to help record material information for any sweeper during operations, giving managers another data point to validate other material reporting for their fleet.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of an operations and maintenance manager responsible for reporting material information for sweepers as they make round trips to off-load hopper debris and refill broom water tanks.

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Street Sweeping Operations solution.
  2. View the Sweeping Operations Center app, and then click Operations at the top right of the app.

    When accessed through the Sweeping Operations Dashboard app, the Sweeper Material Reporting form allows you to report material information from the map popup of a sweepers last known location and auto-populates Vehicle ID and Location information for you. The Sweeper Material Reporting can also be accessed directly by launching the web form.

  3. Click a vehicle in the Active Sweepers list or use the list Search to find a vehicle.
    The list of active sweepers is connected to the map and will open a popup for the vehicle's last known location.
  4. In the map pop-up for the vehicle, scroll to the bottom of the pop-up and click Submit Material Report.

    The Sweeper Material Reporting forms launches in a new browser tab. The Vehicle ID and Location are populated for you.

  5. For Broom Water and Hopper Load, select the value which most accurately represents what you want to report.
  6. Adjust the location of the report on the map as needed.
  7. Click Submit.

    The success screen appears, indicating that your changes have been processed. You may close this browser tab.


    It may take several minutes before material report information is processed by the solution's analytics.

Monitor operations

Real-time information and transparency are important to community members when on-street parking restrictions are in effect due to scheduled street sweeping. Maintaining a road network is complex, and providing timely, relevant progress updates to residents is a challenge for government agencies. Understanding where street sweepers have traveled and measuring schedule performance helps organizations understand whether they are meeting service-level agreements and complying with stormwater permit requirements.

The Sweeping Operations Dashboard and Sweeping History Dashboard apps can be used by operations and maintenance managers and directors to monitor sweeping operations in real-time, track vehicle movement, materials, and performance for the current day of operation and for any day throughout the year.

Track progress and vehicles during active operations

The Sweeping Operations Dashboard app helps you monitor active street sweeping operations so you can ensure that service agreements and planned sweep schedule goals are being met.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of an operations and maintenance manager or transportation director who is looking to monitor progress during active operations. You will use the Sweeping Operations Dashboard app to review key metrics and to monitor operations progress for today's scheduled street sweeping operations.

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Street Sweeping Operations solution.
  2. View the Sweeping Operations Center app, and then click Operations at the top right of the app.
    The Sweeping Operations Dashboard app can also be accessed outside the Sweeping Operations Center by browsing directly to the dashboard.

    The Sweeping Operations Dashboard app allows operations and maintenance managers and directors to monitor active operations including last known vehicle locations, open service requests, today's progress metrics for distance traveled, material reports, and schedule performance.

  3. In the map panel, click the Legend button Legend.

    Sweeper routes are symbolized in two high-level categories: Scheduled and Not Scheduled. Scheduled symbol classes include Not serviced, Partial service, and Service completed. Not Scheduled symbol classes include Off-schedule service completed and Service not scheduled today.

  4. On the left, use the various dashboard filters to help you refine information shown in the map and dashboard elements.

    The filter panel allows you to filter Today's Progress metrics by Service District, Sweep Routes, and Road information; metrics for Broom Water Used, Debris Collected, and Distance Traveled can be filtered by Service District and Sweeper information; Service Requests metrics can be filtered by Service District, Request Type, and Request Status information.

  5. From the Service Districts filter, select any value.

    The metrics for Today's Progress, including Broom Water Used, Debris Collected, Distance Traveled, and Service Requested metrics are updated to show today's goal progress, material reporting, distance traveled, and open service requests for the selected service district.

  6. At the bottom right, click the Reset button to reset the dashboard filters and map extent.
  7. On the right, click the Overall Performance tab.

    The Overall Performance metric helps you discover how long it has been since any road was last swept and requires the use of the Service Dates filter. These filters will update the map and the Overall Performance metrics and can help you understand which roads have been serviced during a time range or within a certain time period, or, conversely, see which roads have not received service for a specified period of time (for example, which roads were last serviced over three months ago).

  8. From the Service Dates filter, select a date range.

    Sweeper routes in the map and Overall Performance metrics are updated and reflect all roads swept within the specified date range.

  9. From the Service Dates filter, switch to the Time Period tab and select Within the last month.

    Sweeper routes in the map and Overall Performance metrics are updated and reflect all roads swept within the last month.

  10. From the Service Dates filter, switch to the Time Period tab and select Over 6 Months.

    Sweeper routes in the map and Overall Performance metrics are updated and reflect all roads that were last swept six or more months ago.

Review performance throughout the year

The Sweeping History Dashboard app helps you review street sweeping activity and performance metrics for any day throughout the year so that you can address performance challenges and make informed decisions when planning sweep schedules.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of an operations and maintenance manager who needs to review vehicle location history from last week to validate a community report of a missed street sweeping.

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Street Sweeping Operations solution.
  2. View the Sweeping Operations Center, and then click History at the top right of the app.
    The Sweeping History Dashboard app can also be accessed outside the Sweeping Operations Center by browsing directly to the dashboard.

    The Sweeping History Dashboard app allows operations and maintenance managers and directors to review schedule performance and other key metrics for any day of service throughout the year, including service records, vehicle track history, distance traveled, materials reported, and service requested metrics.

  3. In the map panel, click the Legend button Legend.

    Sweeper routes are symbolized based on the service completed for the selected day in the Service Date filter and are broken into two high-level categories: Scheduled and Not Scheduled. Scheduled symbol classes include Scheduled: Service Completed, Scheduled: Partial Service, and Scheduled: Not Completed. Not Scheduled symbol classes include Off-schedule Service Completed and Service not scheduled today.

  4. On the left, use various dashboard filters to help you refine information shown in the map and dashboard elements.

    The filter panel allows you to filter Performance Summary metrics by Service Date, Service District, and Road information; metrics for Track Count, the Track History list, Broom Water Used, Debris Collected, and Distance Traveled can be filtered by Service Date, Service Time (24-hour Clock), Service District and Sweeper information; the Service Records list can be filtered by Service Date, Service Time, Service District, Road, and Road Segment; and Service Requests metrics can be filtered by Service Date, Service District, Request Type, and Request Status information.

  5. From the Request Type filter, select Street Not Cleaned.
  6. From the Service Date filter, select the date referenced in the service request submitted by the resident.

    All dashboard elements are updated to reflect the sweeping operations activity tracked for that service day, including performance summary metrics, track history, service records, vehicle material reports, distance traveled metrics, and service requests opened metrics.

  7. Zoom and pan the map to the location of the service request.
  8. Click the road closest to the service request.

    Clicking a road in the map filters all road segments with the same road name. This selection updates Performance Summary metrics, reflecting schedule performance for that road.

  9. On the left, click the Service tab.

    The Service tab displays the segment Service Records. Use this information to help validate or dispute the resident report of a missed street cleaning.

  10. From the Sweepers filter, choose Select all.

    Historical vehicle tracks are shown in the context of the service request. Refine the tracks displayed by using the Track History list, Service Time (24-hr Clock), or Sweepers filters.

Discover street sweeping information

Regularly scheduled street sweeping helps ensure cleaner communities and safer commutes but can have a major impact on communities during operations. To provide a comprehensive look at where sweeping activities will occur, progressive communities use mapping technologies to help inform the public about sweeping operations, such as when routes were last serviced and when they will be serviced next.

Look up sweep schedules

Knowing when a street will be swept is crucial in some communities, especially where there are parking restrictions on sweep days. Members of the community can use this information to make informed decisions about where to drive or park and to ensure that they do not interfere with sweeping operations.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a member of the public who wants to know when their street will be swept.

  1. In a browser, go to the Clean Streets site.
  2. Scroll to the When will my street be swept? section and review the Sweep Schedule Lookup app.

    Use the Sweep Schedule Lookup app to learn about sweeping schedules for your address.

  3. Type an address in the search box and press Enter or click the suggested address.
  4. Review the calendar of scheduled sweeping for the address that you selected.

Submit service requests

Being able to solicit nonemergency reports from the community about road issues is a powerful tool. Using these requests, road repairs and issues can be addressed faster to ensure routine sweeping can easily continue.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a member of the public who wants to report nonemergency issues regarding the road.

  1. In a browser, go to the Clean Streets site.
  2. Scroll to the Request Service section and click the Submit Request button to launch the Road Request form.
  3. To set the location of the service request, click the map, use the device's location, or type an address in the search box.
  4. Use the form to provide optional information, such as additional details, photos, and contact information.
  5. To complete your service request, click Submit.

View road status updates

In addition to knowing when a street will be swept, it can also be important to know if a street has been swept. Members of the community can use this information to make informed decisions about where to drive or park and to ensure that they do not interfere with sweeping operations.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a member of the public who wants to know if their street has already been swept.

  1. In a browser, go to the Clean Streets site.
  2. Scroll to the Current Sweeping Status section and review the Sweep Status app.

    Use the Sweep Status app to learn about active sweeping around your address.

  3. Pan the map to see which roads are scheduled for service today and which ones have been serviced already.
  4. Select a road to see when it is scheduled to be serviced.

Triage service requests

Staff can use the Road Request Manager app to triage road service requests from the community. This allows staff to monitor and address small issues before they become too big, costly, or unsafe for your community.

You will assume the role of an operations and maintenance manager responsible for providing status updates on service requests. You will use the Road Request Manager app to triage submitted reports and update the status of reports as they move through the queue.

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Road Request Manager app.
    The Road Request Manager app can also be accessed by browsing to the Requests page from the Sweeping Operations Center app.
  2. Click the Filters button.
  3. Use the filters to refine the submitted service requests, and then click Close when you are done setting the filters.
  4. In the Road Requests table, identify and select a service request.
  5. At the lower-left corner of the app, review the details of the service request.
  6. In the app, click the Edit button.
  7. Click the Status drop-down arrow and change the status.

    As new service requests are submitted by the community and sweeper operators, update the status to Received to acknowledge receipt of the new request. Continue to update the status of the request as you further investigate, prepare to address, and complete or cancel the service request.

  8. Click Update to commit your changes.