Introduction to Special Event Operations

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.4)    |    |  

Special Event Operations can be used to develop event operational maps for police and fire agencies and increase situational awareness during special events.

Special events are nonroutine activities within a community that bring together a large number of people. They drive economic development and are vital to quality of life but also place strain on community resources and often require special permits, planning, preparation, and mitigation of increased safety and security risks.

As a result, police and fire agencies create and map operational plans for special events to minimize threats and ensure attendee safety. Understanding where public safety resources are allocated improves operational planning, increases situational awareness, and reduces response times if an incident were to occur during a special event.

The Special Event Operations solution delivers a set of capabilities that help public safety agencies inventory special events, create operational maps, monitor event operations, and share event maps with the public.

Deploy the solution

This solution can be deployed in your ArcGIS organization.

See Deploying a solution for more information.


Special Event Operations requires the following:

  • ArcGIS Enterprise
  • ArcGIS Notebook Server Advanced

ArcGIS Living Atlas content and ArcGIS Living Atlas subscriber content must be configured in ArcGIS Enterprise to use this solution.

Information products

Special Event Operations includes the following information products:

ItemDescriptionMinimum user type

Event Operations Planner

An ArcGIS Experience Builder app used by public safety event coordinators to manage special events and their operational maps.


Event Operations Maps

An ArcGIS Experience Builder app used by public safety event staff to view special event operations maps.


Special Event Maps

An ArcGIS Experience Builder app used by the public to view special event maps.

None required


To publish web tools used in the Event Operations Planner app, the member must have either an administrator role or a custom role that includes the administrative privilege to publish web tools.

To use the Event Operations Planner app, the member must have either an administrator role or a custom role that includes the general privilege run web tools.

When you deploy this solution in your ArcGIS organization, you also get a solution item that organizes the key information products and summarizes all the ArcGIS items (applications, forms, projects, maps, feature layers, feature layer views, and so on) included with the solution. The solution item also illustrates any dependencies items have on each other.

Release notes

The following are the release notes:

  • A new Event Operations Planner map and app supports batch loading of event staff, reusing prior events, and creating maps for use in ArcGIS Mission using ArcGIS Notebooks.
  • A new Event Operations Maps app supports a single-app experience for all events and includes mobile device support.
  • A new Special Event Maps app enables the sharing of event maps with the public.
  • The Special Event After Action app has been removed from the solution.
  • The Special Event Form, Special Event Manager, Special Event Site Map, and Special Event Operations Map apps and related maps have been replaced with capabilities in the new Event Operations Planner app.
  • The Special Event Command Center app and related items have been replaced with capabilities of the Event Operations Maps app.
  • The solution now includes a series of new maps, feature layers and feature layer views to support the new apps.
  • A new Special Event Command Center app updated with a new National Weather Service radar layer.
  • A new Special Event Operations Notebook.
  • A new Copy Previous Site and Operations Maps notebook.
  • A new Special Event Manager.
  • A new Special Event Command Center app.
  • A new Special Event Operations Notebook.
  • A new Special Event Operations app that uses the Category Gallery.
  • Removed the Crowd Counter App.
  • Removed the Field Personnel spreadsheet to improve the management of mobile workers.
  • A new Special Event Field Reporter that leverages ArcGIS Field Maps.
  • A new Special Event Field Manager that leverages ArcGIS Workforce.
  • A new Special Event Permit Manager app.
  • A new Special Event Operations Map app.
  • A new Special Event Command Center app that contains the Special Event Field Manager, the Special Event Operations, and dashboards.
  • A new Special Event Operations Notebook that adds support for ArcGIS Tracker with the Field Worker user type, incorporates schema updates made to the location tracking layer, and a resolution to an issue where Dispatchers needed additional licensing.
  • A new version of the Crowd Counter App that resolves an issue where the app would not load in the AppStudio Player
  • First release of Special Event Operations