Configure data model

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.4)    |    |  

Sewer Utility Network Foundation can be used to accelerate sewer utility network implementations.

In this topic, you'll learn how to configure the models in the Sewer Utility Network Foundation solution to meet the specific needs of your organization. The solution provides two models: the Essentials model and the Expanded model. The Essentials model serves as a foundational starting point and represents the minimum requirements. It is intended to be expanded upon rather than reduced. The Expanded model, on the other hand, is a comprehensive and detailed representation. It is designed with the understanding that certain elements may need to be removed based on the specific needs and preferences of your organization.

When reviewing the configuration topics, it is important to determine which model is the most suitable for your organization. The following workflow steps will help you understand the models and decide which one will assist you in achieving your objectives. In the steps below, whenever the asset package is mentioned, refer to the model that you have chosen to start with.

Install the Utility Network Package toolbox

Skip this step if the Utility Network Package toolbox (untools) is already installed.

The Utility Network Package toolbox contains tools to simplify the configuration and export of a utility network. To install the tools, complete the following steps:

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro and click Settings Settings.
  2. On the left, click Package Manager.
  3. In the upper right, click the Environment Manager button Manage.
  4. In the Environment Manager dialog box, locate the environment you want to clone and click the Clone environment button Duplicate. Alternatively, click the Clone arcgispro-py3 button Define New Region to clone the default environment.
    Clone environment

    The Clone Environment dialog box appears.

  5. Click the Browse button and browse to a folder to store the new environment. Alternatively, click the Destination text box and edit the default name and path.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Select the newly created environment and click the Refresh button Refresh to update the list of available packages.
  8. Click the Active Environment drop-down arrow, and select the cloned environment.
    An environment is created. Next, you will install the tools.
  9. At the top of the Package Manager window, click Add Packages to see the python packages that can be installed.
  10. In the Search box, type untools to install the Utility Network Package toolbox.
  11. Select untools from the list and click Install.
  12. In the Install Package dialog box, review the terms and conditions, check the check box to agree, and click Install.
  13. After the installation is complete, exit ArcGIS Pro.

    The next time you start ArcGIS Pro, you can access the Utility Network Package toolbox from the Geoprocessing pane under the Toolboxes tab.

If you are unable to install the tools through the Package Manager, try following the steps using the Python Command Prompt.

Perform data mapping

In this section, you will learn about the schema and how to explore its features.

Review data dictionaries

Data dictionaries for both the Essentials and Expanded data models are included with the solution. These reports allow you to explore the models and their configurations and discover the differences between them. To generate your own copies of these reports, use the Generate Schema Report tool.

Map source to target datasets

You can use the Create Simple Data Mapping tool to map and understand your data migration to the utility network. The tool creates a Microsoft Excel workbook that will allow you to map your source data to asset groups and asset types in the utility network. This workbook allows you to examine how your current schema aligns with the schema of the Essentials model. If you discover that the Essentials model requires expansion or modification, you can refer to the following section for guidance on modifying your model. To create a simple data mapping experience, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Geoprocessing pane, expand Project and expand the Utility Data Management Support toolbox, and then expand Data Migration and click the Create Simple Data Mapping tool.
  2. In the tool, set the following parameters:
    1. For Source Dataset, select the source dataset that you will be migrating to the utility network.
    2. For Asset Package, select the asset package you are working with.
    3. For Output Folder, select where you want to store the output file.
    4. For Output Name, select the name of the output Microsoft Excel file.
  3. Click Run.
  4. After making the necessary modifications, repeat these steps until the model can accommodate the source datasets and fulfill your organization's requirements.

Modify information model

The Sewer Utility Network Foundation Essentials model offers a simple starting point for implementing your sewer utility network. However, you may find that your organization requires additional features or changes. This section discusses ways that the model can be modified to fit your organizational needs.


All steps in this section are optional and only need to be performed if your model needs modification.

Expand the model

Several tools in the Utility Data Management Support toolbox assist you with expanding your model.

Review and modify the utility network rules

The Export Matrix tool in the Utility Data Management Support toolbox helps you visualize and modify the utility network rules, categories, association roles, and terminal assignments.

Learn more about the Export Matrix and Import Matrix toolboxes.

  1. In the Geoprocessing pane, expand Project and expand the Utility Data Management Support toolbox, and then expand the Matrix toolset and click Export Matrix.
  2. In the tool, set the following parameters:
    1. Select the asset package you are working with for the Input Network parameter.
    2. Select the location of the output workbook and type an appropriate name in the Matrix Workbook parameter.
    3. Under Matrix Options, check the check box next to any of the options that you would like to export.
  3. Click Run.
  4. Review the exported workbook.
    To make changes to the utility network rules, categories, association roles, or terminal assignments, the exported workbook can be modified and the Import Matrix tool can be used to apply the changes.

Copy fields and domains

Use the Copy Fields and Domains tool in the Utility Data Management Support toolbox to copy existing fields and domains from other source datasets.

  1. In the Geoprocessing pane, expand Project and expand the Utility Data Management Support toolbox, and then expand the Schema toolset and click Copy Fields and Domains.
  2. In the tool, set the following parameters:
    1. Under Source Classes, select all of the feature classes that you want to use as sources to copy fields and domains from.
    2. Under Target Class, select the target class that fields and domains will be copied to.

      You can select multiple sources but only one target. If you are trying to copy fields and domains for more than one target, you will need to run the tool multiple times.

      After the source and target classes have been populated, a field mapping dialog box appears.

    3. Use the dialog box to decide which fields to copy and what their parameters should be.
    4. To copy fields as lower case, check the Copy All Fields as Lower Case check box.
    5. Use the Assign Domains and Default Values to Subtypes option to apply domains and default values at the subtype level.
  3. Click Run.

Create utility network copy workbook

When evaluating your model, you might discover that some source feature classes do not have a proper location in the target asset package. In such cases, it may be necessary to modify the schema based on a different asset package. This situation often arises when there are asset groups and asset types present in the Expanded model that you wish to replicate in the Essentials model.

Two tools are provided in the Utility Data Management Support toolbox to help you copy utility network asset groups and asset types and their associated rules and settings: Create Utility Network Copy Workbook and Apply Utility Network Copy Workbook. These tools use a Microsoft Excel workbook to perform copies and define parameters.

  1. In the Geoprocessing pane, expand Project and expand the Utility Data Management Support toolbox, and then expand the Asset Package toolset and click the Create Utility Network Copy Workbook tool.
  2. In the tool, set the following parameters:
    1. For the Source Asset Package parameter, select the asset package that you would like to copy asset groups and asset types from.

      If you are working with the Essentials asset package, you will usually reference the Expanded asset package in this step.

    2. For the Target Asset Package parameter, select the asset package that you are working with.
    3. For the Workbook parameter, select the name and location of the output Excel workbook.
  3. Click Run.

    The tool outputs an Excel workbook that allows you to define what asset groups and asset types should be copied from the source to the target along with the associated parameters to be copied. This workbook can be modified to fit the needs of your organization.

Apply utility network copy workbook

Once the utility network copy workbook has been modified, the Apply Utility Network copy workbook tool can be used to apply the changes to your asset package.

  1. In the Geoprocessing pane, expand Project and expand the Utility Data Management Support toolbox, and then expand the Asset Package toolset and click Apply Utility Network Copy Workbook.
  2. In the tool, set the following parameters:
    1. For the Source Asset Package parameter, select the asset package that you used as a source in the Create Utility Network Copy Workbook tool.
    2. For the Target Asset Package parameter, select the asset package that you used as a target in the Create Utility Network Copy Workbook tool.
    3. For the Workbook parameter, select the name and location of the output Excel workbook that was created in the Create Utility Network Copy Workbook tool.
  3. Click Run.
    This tool can only copy from one source asset package at a time. If you need to copy from more than one asset package, create separate workbooks and run the tool for each one.

Modify asset package

The asset package offers opportunities to subset configurations and rename different components of your implementation, which aids in configuring the model to fit your needs and allows for localization support in varying languages. This configuration is accomplished by using the D_Configurations and D_Rename tables. These tables are created using the Create Configuration Table and Create Rename Table tools. After they are configured, the changes will be applied when creating your utility network database or applying the asset package.

Create the configurations table

The D_Configurations table in the asset package can be used to group items into configurations that can be included or excluded when applying the asset package to the utility network. This ability allows you to create a subset of the original asset package. You can use the Create Configurations Table tool to create a configuration table.

Learn more about the properties that define the D_Configuration table schema.

  1. In the Geoprocessing pane, expand System and expand the Utility Network Package Tools toolbox, and then expand the Asset Package toolset and click the Create Configurations Table tool.
  2. In the tool, set the following parameters:
    1. Select the asset package you are working with for the Asset Package parameter.

      These names will be added to the table as fields with a category_ prefix.

    2. Type the name or names of the configuration categories in the Configuration Fields parameter.
  3. Click Run.
    If a D_Configurations table already exists, it will be recreated with the new configuration categories, maintaining the existing schema and values.
  4. Properties of the asset package can be assigned to different configuration categories.

    To learn more about the configuration categories, see the Create Configurations Table help page.

Modify the configurations table

Once you have created the configurations table, follow these steps to associate a property with a category.

  1. In the Catalog pane, browse to the asset package, right-click the D_Configurations table and select Add to New, and then choose Map.
  2. From the View tab, click Contents to open the Contents pane.
  3. Right-click the Configuration Table and choose Open to view the attribute table.
  4. Set the appropriate column values for the properties for each added category.

After you have assigned the desired values to the categories, the table can be referenced in the Apply Asset Package or Asset Package to Geodatabase tools by referencing the modified table in the Configuration options parameter.

Create the rename table

To rename items in the utility network, you can use the Create Rename Table tool to create a D_Rename table in the asset package.

Learn more about the properties that define the D_Rename table properties.

  1. In the Geoprocessing pane, expand System and expand the Utility Network Package Tools toolbox, and then expand the Asset Package toolset and click Create Rename Table.
  2. In the tool, set the following parameters:
    1. Select the asset package you are working with for the Asset Package parameter.
    2. Type the names of the rename fields in the Rename Fields parameter.

      These parameters will be added to the table as fields with a rename_ prefix.

  3. Click Run.
    If a D_Rename table already exists, it will be recreated with the new rename fields, maintaining the existing schema and values.
  4. Properties of the asset package can be renamed using the D_Rename table. The table can be used to provide a translation of the database or provide a different name for a select set of items. When applying the asset package, the values from the selected rename value are applied to all properties that use that value in the target geodatabase.

Modify the rename table

Once you have created the rename table, follow these steps to provide a new name to a property.

  1. Browse to the asset package, right-click the D_Rename and select Add to New, and then choose Map.
  2. From the View tab, click Contents to open the Contents pane.
  3. Right-click the rename table and select Open to view the attribute table.
  4. For a property that will have an alternate name, use the rename column you added in the previous step and specify a new value.

After you have assigned the desired values to the renaming columns, the table can be referenced in the Apply Asset Package or Asset Package to Geodatabase tools by referencing the modified table in the Rename using parameter.

Consider model units

All components for this solution have been configured in imperial units. Also included are metric fields and domains. These options allow you to convert your workflows to metric only or to a combination of imperial and metric. You can update any map layer pop-ups and field references to use the desired fields. If you convert to a singular unit of measure, the unused fields can be deleted from the geodatabase.

Configure utility network environment

After you have completed the mapping and modification of your model, you can continue to the Configure sewer utility network environment topic to create your single-user utility network geodatabase.