The Streetlight Management solution delivers a set of capabilities that help state and local governments collect streetlights and poles, conduct routine inspection and maintenance assignments, and understand asset conditions.
In this topic, you will learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the following workflows.
Use your organization's data or configured apps to follow these workflows.
Manage streetlight data
The first step an organization must take is to create an authoritative streetlight collection.
You will first assume the role of a mapping technician responsible for maintaining an authoritative streetlight collection for your organization. The Streetlight ManagementArcGIS Pro project includes a series of tasks to help guide you through these workflows.
Get started
First, you will download an ArcGIS Pro project.
In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Streetlight Management solution.
Download the Streetlight Data Management desktop application template, and then unzip the folder.
From the unzipped folder, open the Streetlight Data Management project.
In the Catalog pane, expand the Tasks folder, and then double-click the Streetlight Data Management task.
If you do not see the Catalog pane, from the View tab, in the Windows group, click Catalog Pane.
In the Tasks pane, click the Getting Started task group to expand the collection of tasks.
Streetlight Data Management is used to load, create, and edit foundational streetlight, pole and cabinet data used in the Streetlight Management solution.
Before proceeding to subsequent tasks, follow the instructions in the Add layers task to add the feature layers deployed with the solution.
Load, create, and modify streetlight, pole and cabinet data
The solution uses three foundational feature layers: Streetlights, Poles and Cabinets. These layers contain the locations of streetlights, poles and cabinets managed by the organization or another agency. The solution stores these layers as points.
The tasks included with the Streetlight Data ManagementArcGIS Pro project will help you manage your data, depending on your needs and existing data:
If your organization has existing streetlight, pole and cabinet data, use the tasks located in the Load existing streetlight data task group. These tasks help you load your point data into the Streetlights , Poles and Cabinet feature layers.
If your organization only has point data for streetlights, use the Load streetlights and generate poles task group. These tasks help you load your point data into the Streetlights layer, generate pole locations from the streetlights, and load the newly generated pole points into the Poles feature layer.
If you have existing point data for poles with streetlights stored in a related table, use the tasks located in the Load existing streetlight data task group. These tasks help you load your point pole data into the Poles feature layer, generate streetlight locations from poles, and load the newly generated streetlight points into the Streetlights feature layer.
If you do not have any existing data, use the tasks located in the Create new streetlight data task group. These tasks help you create new streetlight, pole and cabinet data.
Collect and assess streetlights, poles and cabinets in the field
In many cases, a field assessment of streetlights, poles and cabinets may be the most efficient way to develop an authoritative collection. Information collected in the field can also enhance and verify streetlights, poles and cabinets loaded using the Streetlight Data ManagementArcGIS Pro project. Recording streetlight, pole and cabinet condition through routine and ad hoc inspections provides important information needed to plan improvements.
You will now assume the role of a mobile worker responsible for conducting a streetlight collection in the field as well as condition assessments and recording maintenance activities. In this workflow, you are asked to use the ArcGIS Field Maps mobile app to access your Streetlight Editor map and collect streetlights, poles and cabinets in your community.
Collect streetlights, poles and cabinets in the field
In this workflow, you will collect streetlights, poles and cabinets in the field.
Download ArcGIS Field Maps onto your mobile device.
Open ArcGIS Field Maps and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
Tap Streetlight Editor to open the map.
Tap Add.
Scroll to the Poles feature templates.
Tap Poles.
Drag the map to the correct location, and then click Add Point.
Optionally, tap Take Photo to take and attach a photo.
Optionally, tap Attach to record video and audio and to attach other photos from your device.
Swipe up on the form and provide all the required information in the Pole Details section.
Scroll to the Pole Dimensions section of the form, and then provide pole dimension information as needed.
Tap Location to expand the form, and then provide location information as needed.
Scroll to the Ownership section of the form, and then provide pole ownership information as needed.
When you are finished, at the upper right, tap the check mark or Submit.
Your interface may vary depending on the type of mobile device that you use.
Swipe up on the form to review the pole's information.
Swipe up on the form to the Related section.
Tap Streetlights.
Tap Add.
Confirm that the map is in the correct location, and then click Add Point.
Optionally, tap Take Photo to take and attach a photo.
Optionally, tap Attach to record video and audio and to attach other photos from your device.
Swipe up on the form and provide all the required information in the Streetlight Details section.
Tap Location to expand the form, and then provide location information as needed.
Tap Ownership section of the form, and then provide streetlight ownership information as needed.
When you are finished, at the upper right, tap the check mark or Submit.
Your interface may vary depending on the type of mobile device that you use.
Repeat steps 6 - 26 to collect additional streetlights and poles.
On the Streetlight Editor map, tap a streetlight, pole or cabinet.
Tap Edit.
Optionally, pan the map to update the streetlight, pole or cabinet's location, and then tap Update Point.
Swipe up on the form to modify the streetlight, pole or cabinet information.
When you are finished, at the upper right, tap the check mark or Submit.
Your interface may vary depending on the type of mobile device that you use.
Assess streetlights, poles and cabinets in the field
In this workflow, you will assess streetlights, poles and cabinets in the field.
On the Streetlight Editor, tap a streetlight.
Swipe up on the form to review the streetlight information.
Swipe up on the form to the Related section.
Tap Streetlight Maintenance.
Previously recorded maintenance activities are displayed. When present, tap the maintenance record and swipe up on the form to review the information.
Tap Add.
Swipe up on the form to expand the form.
Tap Type to enter the type of maintenance activity completed.
Tap Date to enter the date that the maintenance activity was completed.
Optionally, tap Status to modify the status of the maintenance record.
Optionally, tap Notes to enter maintenance notes.
When you are finished, at the upper right, tap the check mark or Submit.
Your interface may vary depending on the type of mobile device that you use.
Swipe up on the form to review the recorded maintenance information.
In the Related section, tap Streetlights.
Tap Edit.
Swipe up on the form to expand the form.
Tap Inspection Details.
Tap Inspected On to enter the date that the inspection was completed.
Tap Condition to record the condition of the inspected streetlight.
Optionally, tap Needs Maintenance to flag the streetlight for maintenance.
Optionally, tap Needs Replacement to flag the streetlight for replacement.
Optionally, tap Is Retired to retire the streetlight.
Streetlights that are retired are removed from the Streetlight Editor and other maps and applications, but the record is not deleted from the feature layer.
When you are finished, at the upper right, tap the check mark or Submit.
Your interface may vary depending on the type of mobile device that you use.
Swipe up on the form to review the recorded inspection information.
Repeat these steps to assess poles and cabinets.
Complete field assignments
Mobile workers often receive work through assignments. These assignments help organize tasks and can be used to communicate the status of work to operations and maintenance supervisors.
In this workflow, you will complete a field assignment.
Download ArcGIS Workforce onto your mobile device.
Open ArcGIS Workforce and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
Tap the Streetlight Assignments map.
In the To do list, tap an assignment to view its location on the map and see details about the assignment.
In the assignment details, tap Directions to see a list of installed navigation apps, and then tap the app you want to use and allow ArcGIS Workforce to open it.
The app opens, generating a route to your assignment.
In the assignment details, tap Start to begin working on an assignment.
Optionally, tap Add Note to enter information for the operations and maintenance supervisors, and then tap Done.
Optionally, tap Take Photo to take and attach a photo.
Optionally, tap Attach to record video and audio and to attach other photos from your device.
Swipe up and tap Open in Streetlight Field Map.
Streetlight Editor opens in ArcGIS Field Maps and defaults to the location of the assignment. When conducting an inspection, the streetlight, cabinet, or pole inspection form automatically opens for you.
After you have finished collecting data or recording work in Streetlight Editor, return to the ArcGIS Workforce app.
To pause, decline, or reset the assignment, tap the Overflow button and tap the appropriate status, or tap Cancel.
In the assignment details, tap Finish when you have completed the assignment.
Optionally, tap To Do and tap Completed to view your completed assignments.
Optionally, tap Sync ( if you have edits that aren't synced) and tap Sync Now to sync them.
Changes to the status of your assignments automatically syncs with your ArcGIS organization at the default interval of every 15 minutes.
Add or modify streetlights, poles, or cabinets from the office
Sometimes, when you need to quickly edit your inventory based on plans or updated information, you need to edit your streetlight collection from the office..
In this workflow, you will assume the role of a mapping technician who needs to make some adjustments to the streetlight collection
In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
At the top of the site, click Groups.
Browse to the Streetlight Maintenance group.
Open the Streetlight Editor app.
Under Create features, click Poles.
Click the map to place the new pole.
Complete the form as needed.
After you finish, click Create to create the pole
Repeat these steps to collect additional poles.
Now, you will use the Streetlight Editor app to update streetlight information.
In the Editor panel, under Edit features, click Select
On the map, select the streetlight that you want to update.
Modify the streetlights information as desired, and then click Update.
Scroll to the Maintenance section at the bottom of the form.
Previously recorded maintenance activities are displayed. When present, click the maintenance record to review and update the information.
Click Add record to record new maintenance details.
Optionally, click Layers to toggle the visibility of the streetlight, cabinet, and pole layers.
Optionally, click Filter to refine the features displayed in the map.
Repeat these steps to edit pole and cabinet information.
Solicit requests for service
The Streetlight Request form can be used to solicit service requests from the public so that small problems can be tackled quickly and efficiently before they become large and costly.
You will assume the role of a resident who needs to submit a request for service.
In a browser, go to the Streetlight Request form.
Select a request type.
Set the service request location either by searching for an address or clicking the map.
Optionally, provide any details about the service request.
Optionally, take or attach a photo.
Select Yes to include contact information and provide a name, phone number, and email address.
Complete the form, and then click Submit.
Manage operations
Operations and maintenance supervisors frequently manage complex operations around the inspection and maintenance of streetlights, poles and cabinets, and delegating related field assignments to mobile workers. Sharing near real-time information between the field and the office is also critical to running operations smoothly and efficiently.
You will now assume the role of an operations and maintenance supervisor responsible for organizing routine and ad hoc inspections and maintenance activities.
Monitor conditions
In this workflow, you will monitor conditions.
In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
At the top of the site, click Groups.
Browse to the Streetlight Operations group.
Open the Streetlight Management Center app.
The Streetlight Management Center app Home page displays metrics that help you understand your organization's streetlight collection. It also displays requests for service that need to be addressed and work that needs to be assigned to mobile workers.
In the upper right, click Streetlights to open the Streetlights page.
Review the high-level streetlight metrics, such as Inspected and Condition.
Use the charts to filter and explore inspections and maintenance activities.
Dashboard charts are linked. If you click a condition in the Condition chart or a month on the By Month tab in the Last Inspected charts, related details are filtered and updated in other elements in the dashboard.
On the map, select a streetlight.
Map selections are linked. If you select a streetlight in the map, a feature details popup will appear and related details are filtered and updated in other elements in the dashboard.
In the popup, click Create Assignment.
The Assignments page opens in another tab.
Choose an Assignment Type and assign a mobile worker.
Optionally, modify the Priority, Due Date, Description, or other assignment details.
When you're finished, click Create Assignment, then close the Assignments page and return to the Streetlights page.
On the left, click the arrow to display the filter panel, and then use filters to explore the streetlight collection by type, outage, condition, date installed or inspected, or other specification.
To pin the filter panel, click the pin in the upper-right corner.
At the bottom-left corner, click Poles or Cabinets .
Repeat these steps to filter and explore inspections and maintenance activities for other assets in your collection.
Respond to and monitor requests for service
In this workflow, you will respond to and monitor service requests.
In the upper right of the Streetlight Management Center app, click Requests and choose Manage.
In the Streetlight Requests table, click the Status column filter, and then for Status is, choose Submitted to view requests for service with a submitted status.
Click the Submitted On column header and choose Sort in descending order.
Click a service request feature.
Its details open at the bottom left.
In the details, on the Details tab, click the Edit Record button .
For Status, choose Received.
Click Save.
In the Streetlight Requests table, click the Status column filter, and then for Status is, choose Received to view requests for service with a received status.
You will create an assignment so that the request for service can be addressed by mobile workers.
In the table, click the service request feature to view its details.
On the Details tab, click Create Assignment.
The Assignments page opens in another tab.
Choose an Assignment Type and assign a mobile worker.
Optionally, modify the Priority, Due Date, Description, or other assignment details.
When you're finished, click Create Assignment, and then close the Assignments page and return to the Manage page.
In the upper right, click Requests and choose Monitor.
Use the charts to filter and explore active and resolved requests for service.
Dashboard charts are linked. As you click and select a category in one chart, related details are filtered and updated in other charts on the service request to allow a manager to identify issues and areas that need attention.
Manage field assignments
In this workflow, you will manage field assignments.
In the upper right, click Assignments.
Close the Create Assignment window that initially appears on the left.
At the bottom of the pane, click the Assignments tab.
From the list of assignments, click an assignment, if present.
In the upper left, click Assign and choose a mobile worker who will complete the work if one has not been assigned yet.
Optionally, click the Edit button to modify the Priority, Description, or other assignment details.
When you're finished, click Save.
Click the back button.
On the map, select a streetlight, pole, cabinet and review its information, and then click + Create Assignment.
You can also use the search box on the map to search by address, place, or streetlight, pole, or cabinet ID.
Choose an Assignment Type and assign a mobile worker.
Optionally, modify the Priority, Due Date, Description, or other assignment details.
Click Create Assignment.
View streetlight collection
Understanding the current status and condition of streetlights is critical for an organization to plan for future improvements and projects.
You will assume the role of a traffic engineer who needs to understand the current conditions of the community's streetlight collection in order to determine improvements needed for new and existing roadways.
Streetlight Viewer
In this workflow you will review current conditions using the web app.
In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
At the top of the site, click Groups.
Browse to the Streetlight Stakeholders group.
Open the Streetlight Viewer app.
Select a streetlight on the map
Details about the feature that you selected appear in the popup.
Review the streetlight's information, such as inspection, install date, fixture type, and condition.
Related features and maintenance activities can also be accessed through the popup.
Click Request Service.
Complete the Streetlight Request form to report a request for service.
When you're finished, click Submit.
Optionally, click Layers to toggle visibility of the streetlight, cabinet, and pole layers.
Optionally, click Filter to refine the features displayed in the map.
On the map, at the lower left, click the globe.
The Streetlight Viewer app displays a 3D scene of the streetlight collection.
In the 3D scene, click a streetlight to view its information in a popup.
Repeat steps 5 - 9 to view pole and cabinet information.
Streetlight Viewer Field Map
In this workflow you will access the viewer in the field
Download ArcGIS Field Maps onto your mobile device.
Open ArcGIS Field Maps and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
Tap Streetlight Viewer to open the map.
On the Streetlight Editor, tap a streetlight.
Swipe up on the form to review the streetlight information.
Swipe up on the form to the Related section.
Tap Streetlight Maintenance.
Previously recorded maintenance activities are displayed. When present, tap the maintenance record.
Swipe up on the form to review the recorded maintenance information.
Close the maintenance form
Swipe up on the form to the Related section.
Tap Poles.
Any related poles are displayed. When present, tap the pole record.
Swipe up on the form to review related pole information.
Close the pole form
Tap Request Service.
Complete the Streetlight Request form to report a request for service.
When you're finished, tap Submit.
Your interface may vary depending on the type of mobile device you use.