Introduction to Sewer Utility Network Foundation

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.4)    |    |  

Sewer Utility Network Foundation can be used to accelerate sewer utility network implementations.

Sewer utilities must provide safe and efficient wastewater management services to the communities they serve. This includes conveying wastewater through a network of pipes, manholes, pumps, and other equipment. To maintain a reliable and safe network, utilities must have an accurate representation of their assets and how they are connected. This knowledge can decrease sewer overflows and increase network reliability.

The first, and most critical, step a utility must take to manage its network is to create an inventory of its sewer assets. A sewer utility cannot effectively manage their network and plan improvements unless they know how many assets they have, and where they are. Representing that asset inventory as a utility network provides utilities with the advanced analytics of a digital twin.

The Sewer Utility Network Foundation solution delivers a set of capabilities that help utilities model their sewer assets in ArcGIS with a utility network and accelerate their utility network implementation.

Deploy the solution

This solution can be deployed in your ArcGIS organization.

See Deploying a solution for more information.


Sewer Utility Network Foundation requires the following:

  • ArcGIS Enterprise
  • ArcGIS Pro 3.3

To deploy this solution, you must have an ArcGIS organizational account. After deploying the solution, you can download it from your organization and begin using it in ArcGIS Pro.

Information products

Sewer Utility Network Foundation includes the following information products:

ItemDescriptionMinimum user type

Sewer Utility Network Essentials

A zipped file with an ArcGIS Pro project package, asset type map, Utility Data Management Support toolbox, style files, data dictionaries, and an essentials asset package geodatabase with sample data.


  • ArcGIS Advanced Editing user type add-on

Sewer Utility Network Expanded

A zipped file with an ArcGIS Pro project package, asset type map, Utility Data Management Support toolbox, style files, data dictionaries, and an expanded asset package geodatabase with sample data.


  • ArcGIS Advanced Editing user type add-on

When you deploy this solution in your ArcGIS organization, you also get a solution item that organizes the key information products and summarizes all the ArcGIS items (applications, forms, projects, maps, feature layers, feature layer views, and so on) included with the solution. The solution item also illustrates any dependencies items have on each other.

Release notes

The following are the release notes:

  • A data migration tutorial was added which includes sample data to guide users through the workflows.
  • The Utility Data Management Support toolbox has been updated to version 3.3.2.
    • The Create Simple Data Mapping tool had the following changes:
      • A new option has been added that includes all target classes in the workbook to support mapping source data to target classes not controlled by the utility network.
      • Notes were added to the Data Mapping workbook header columns to provide inline help.
      • The C_ tables from the asset package are exposed as targets for data mapping to support mapping data to the controller and association tables.
      • A new worksheet was added to the Data Mapping workbook to support creating associations related records (via spatial or relationship class) as part of the Create Migration Workspace process.
      • The Source Types and Data Loading Mapping table were added to the Data Mapping workbook to provide a single file that stores all required details for Create Simple Data Mapping and Create Migration Workspace.
      • A info worksheet was added to the Data Mapping workbook to provide information about each of the worksheets.
    • A new tool, Convert Subtypes to Classes, has been added to create a class for each subtype in the input class.
    • A new tool, Combine Classes, has been added to merge a series of classes into a single class that combines domains and fields.
    • A new parameter, Output Geodatabase Name, was added to the Summarize Utility Network Errors tool.
  • The following updates have been made to the Utility Data Management Support toolbox version 3.3.1:
    • An issue was resolved with the Simple Data Mapping tool that was caused by running the tool in a cloned python environment.
    • A new option to generate a terminal pop-up was added to the Configure UN Layers tool to visualize terminal information.
    • A new tool was added called Copy Fields and Domains From Mapping which uses the Data Mapping workbook to copy fields from the source workspace to the target asset package.
  • The solution now includes the Sewer Utility Network Essentials ArcGIS Pro project with a fundamental schema.
  • The Sewer Utility Network Foundation ArcGIS Pro project has been renamed to Sewer Utility Network Expanded.
  • The Utility Data Management Support toolbox has been updated to support ArcGIS Pro 3.3.
  • The Sewer Utility Network Expanded asset package now includes the following enhancements:
    • Editor tracking fields have been updated for consistency across solutions.
    • Subnetwork summaries and associated fields have been removed to improve performance.
    • The CP Only category has been removed from Anodes.
    • The domain values for the Lifecycle_Status, Lifecycle_Combined, and Construction_Status domains have been updated for consistency between Utility Network foundations.
    • Laterals and CP features have been removed from aggregate lines to reduce the complexity of the aggregated geometry and increase performance.
    • The operable field assignment has been changed to accommodate appropriate devices.
    • Domain has been removed from normalstatus and presentstatus for Relief Valve and Flow Valve on SewerDevice because they are not operable valves.
  • A new Utility Data Management Support toolbox to support ArcGIS Pro 2.9 and ArcGIS Pro 3.1.
  • Revised Condition Barriers in subnetwork definitions.
  • Changed S:Activate Value Network Attribute to be Nullable.
  • Changed SewerDevice activevol field to allow null values.
  • Changed SewerDevice presentstatus field to allow null values.

  • Name changed from Sewer Data Management for ArcGIS Enterprise to Sewer Utility Network Foundation.

  • The first release of Sewer Data Management for ArcGIS Enterprise
  • The data model in the solution has been updated to version 4. For a full list of updates, refer to the change log.