Configure Tree Management

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.4)    |    |  

Tree Management can be used to inventory publicly owned trees, streamline inspection and maintenance activities, understand conditions, and inform the public.

In this topic, you'll learn how to configure the Tree Management solution to meet specific needs in your organization.

Manage species roster

The Tree Management solution helps you build an inventory of publicly owned trees. Many organizations maintain a roster of approved tree species defined by common name, family, genus, species, and cultivar. The solution can be used to manage a species roster which can streamline data collection and improve data quality. First, the Species Roster CSV can be used to populate the Species Roster table in the Trees hosted feature layer. The Species Roster Notebook can then be used to update the domain and contingent values on the Trees layer to define the valid taxonomical values that can be recorded for a tree.

For example, in the table below, an American Elm tree is defined by its common name, family, genus, species and two specific cultivars, Princeton and Valley Forge. In this example an American Elm tree can be collected with a Princeton, Valley Forge cultivar or without a cultivar. Organizations can choose to define a tree's taxonomy in the Species Roster table to their desired level of detail. For example, if an organization does not define their species roster by cultivar, the cultivar field can be left blank.


American Elm




American Elm





American Elm




Valley Forge

Load species roster

To begin managing a species roster, you will first load the roster into the Species Roster table using the Species Roster CSV.

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Species Roster CSV item.
  2. From the item page, click Download.
  3. Open the Species Roster CSV and add or remove rows to defined the valid tree species for your community.
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. In your ArcGIS organization, browse to the Trees feature layer.
  6. From the item page, click Update Data.
  7. Follow the steps in the Update layer wizard to load your CSV in to Species Roster table.

    The Species Roster table is updated with the information from the Species Roster CSV file. Next you will run the Species Roster Notebook to update domain and contingent values according to Species Roster table.

  8. Tip:

    For more information about uploading data, see Manage hosted feature layers—Append data to layers.

Update domain and contingent values

After defining your organization's species roster in the Species Roster table, you will run the Species Roster Notebook to update domain and contingent values.


You must be assigned a role of Administrator or custom role which includes the privilege to Create and edit notebooks in order to run an ArcGIS Notebooks and complete the following steps.

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Species Roster Notebook item.
  2. Open the item page and click Open Notebook.
  3. Click Cell then Run All.

    As the notebook runs, messages will be printed beneath the cell to indicate the progress. When finished, a message will state that contingent values have been successfully updated. If the Species Roster table is empty, the message will state that contingent values have been removed from the Trees hosted feature layer.

  4. The species roster can be maintained using the Species Roster page of the Tree Management Center. See the maintain species roster topic.

Some organizations may choose to not manage a species roster or use contingent values. The common name, family, genus, species, and cultivar domain values can also be updated manually. See the edit a list of values topic.

Modify inspection and maintenance types

The Tree Management solution helps you assess tree conditions and record maintenance activities. Inspection and maintenance types are defined on the Trees feature layer and appear in the Tree Field Map when field staff are recording their work.

The Tree Management solution includes types of inspection and maintenance. In some cases, you may want to modify inspection and maintenance types to meet your organization’s needs.

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Trees feature layer.
  2. Open the item page and click the Data tab.
  3. Click the Layer drop-down and select Inspections.
  4. Click Fields.
  5. Click the Inspection type display name.

    In the List of Values (Domain) section, review existing types and identify ones that are not applicable and ones that are missing.

  6. Click Edit next to List of Values (Domain).
  7. Optionally, click the Delete button to remove a category from the list.
  8. Optionally, click Add.
  9. Type the new type into the Displayed Value and Stored Value text boxes.
  10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 to add the remaining missing types.
  11. Optionally, drag the category to a new location in the list to reorder them.
  12. Click Save.
  13. Click the Layer drop-down and select Maintenance.
  14. Click the Maintenance type display name.

    In the List of Values (Domain) section, review existing categories and identify ones that are not applicable and ones that are missing.

  15. Repeat steps 6-12 to add missing maintenance types.

Administer field assignments

The Tree Management solution can be used to manage work such as data collection, routine and ad-hoc inspections and maintenance assigned to field staff. Types of assignments appear in the Tree Assignments ArcGIS Workforce mobile app used by mobile workers as well as the Tree Assignments ArcGIS Workforce project.

The Tree Management solution includes several assignment types. In some cases, you may want to modify inspection and maintenance types to meet your organization’s needs. Mobile workers and dispatchers also need to be given roles in the Tree Assignments ArcGIS Workforce project.

Administer tree assignments

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and click the Apps button
    Apps button
    in the header of the site.
  2. From the app launcher, click Workforce to open the app.
  3. Under Projects, hover over the Tree Assignments project, and click Configure.
  4. Click the Assignment Types tab.

    In the Assignment Type section, review existing types and identify ones that are not applicable and ones that are missing.

  5. Type a new assignment type in the Enter a new type text box then click + Type button.
  6. Click the Users tab.
  7. From the Organization User drop-down menu, select a user to add to the project.
  8. From the Project Role menu, assign the user either the dispatcher role or mobile worker role.
  9. Click +User.
  10. Click the Advanced tab.

    Each assignment type is integrated to the Tree Field Map. This allows field staff to access the Tree Field Map from the ArcGIS Workforce app. As you add new assignment types, you may want to add the Tree Field Map integration.

  11. In the ArcGIS Field Maps, click Edit on any of the existing Tree Field Map integrations.

    Check the box next to the new assignment type. Click the Next button.

  12. Click the Done button.
  13. Optionally, remove the ArcGIS Field Maps integration for assignment types that are not needed in your organization.

    Removing the integration is necessary to remove the assignment type from the Tree Assignments ArcGIS Workforce project.

  14. Click the Assignment Types tab.
  15. To remove assignment types, click the X button.

Modify service request types

The Tree Management solution can be used to solicit tree requests for service from field staff as well as the general public. Service request types appear in the Tree Requests Internal and Tree Requests ArcGIS Survey123 forms.

The Tree Management solution includes several service request types. In some cases, you may want to modify service request types to meet your organization’s needs. For example, you may want certain request types available to field staff using the Tree Requests Internal form that are not available to the general public using the Tree Requests form.

  1. Start ArcGIS Survey123 Connect and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  2. Click Tree Requests to download the survey.
  3. In the Download window, click Download and click OK.
  4. Click Tree Requests to open the survey.
  5. On the left, from the side toolbar, click the XLSForm button.
  6. At the bottom of the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, click the choices tab.

    This tab comprises all the selectable options for survey questions.

  7. In the list_name column type reqtype.
  8. Type the new service request type into the name and label columns.
  9. Repeat steps 7 and 8 for each new service request type.
  10. Save and close the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and preview your changes in ArcGIS Survey123 Connect.
  11. In ArcGIS Survey123 Connect, in the left toolbar, click Publish to publish your changes.
  12. Click Publish survey to publish your changes, and then click OK.
  13. Click Tree Requests Internal to download the survey.
  14. Repeat steps 3 through 12 to add new service request types to the Tree Request Internal form.

Configure Our Urban Forest site

The Tree Management solution includes the Our Urban Forest ArcGIS Hub site. This site can be configured with your organization's branding and used to share urban forest information with the public.

Update with organizational information

After deploying the Tree Management solution, the Our Urban Forest Hub site layout requires a few updates to fit your local context.

To update the site with your organizational information, complete the following steps:

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Our Urban Forest site.
  2. From the item page, click Configure.
  3. Scroll to any sections that you want to update, hover over the card, and click the edit pencil Edit that appears in the horizontal toolbar, and then edit the content with information specific to your organization.
  4. In the side panel, click Footer.

    A custom footer is provided. In most cases, you will need to update it with your organization's branding, contact information, and social media references.

  5. Click the HTML box.

    The HTML window appears.

  6. Make the necessary changes and click Apply.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click the Save drop-down arrow and click Publish Draft.

Share items with the public

Several layer views, maps, and apps included in the Tree Management solution must be shared with everyone so they can be accessed by the public on the Our Urban Forest site.

To share your Our Urban Forest items with everyone, use the guide below and complete the following steps:

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Tree Management folder.
  2. Next to each of the following items, check the check box:

    NameItem type


    Feature layer (hosted, view)


    Feature layer (hosted, view)

    Tree Viewer

    Web Map

    Tree Viewer (3D)

    Web Scene

    Tree Viewer

    Web Experience

    Tree Requests


    Our Urban Forest

    Site Application

  3. Click Share.
  4. In the Share window, click Everyone (public) and click Save.

    The Warning: Sharing editable layers publicly message appears notifying you that you are sharing editable layers publicly.

  5. Click Update.

Publish a 3D tree layer

The 3D Tree Notebook can be used by mapping technicians to create and update a scene layer used to visualize trees in 3D. The Tree Management solution uses an ArcGIS CityEngine rule package (*.rpk) to visualize the trees and planting areas in 3D.

The Trees rule package uses the following fields to display a 3D symbol for trees. If a field value is blank, the default value will be used. Only planting spaces that are 'Planted' or 'Stump' will display a 3D symbol.


Planting space status

The status of the planting space



Tree genus



Tree specieis


Height of the tree


Height Units

Unit of measure of tree height


The Planting Areas rule package uses the following fields to display a 3D symbol for planting areas. If a field value is blank, the default value will be used. Only habitats that are 'Tree Stand' will display a 3D symbol.



The type of vegetation within the planting area


Plant Count

The number of trees to randomly display within the planting area


Create tree and planting area scene layers

The 3D Tree Notebook can be used to create and update a scene layer used to visualize trees in 3D. The first time the notebook runs, it publishes new scene layers and updates the Tree Viewer (3D) web scene to point to the new scene layers. These scene layers represents a static snapshot of the assets stored in the Trees feature layer. As new trees and planting areas are added, updated, or removed from the Trees feature layer, you will need to re-run the notebook to refresh the scene layer.

Subsequent runs of the notebook will publish a temporary scene layer using the latest features in the Trees feature layer, update the source of the original scene layer to point to the new scene layer, and clean up the temporary scene layer.


You must be assigned a role of Administrator or custom role which includes the privilege to Create and edit notebooks in order to run an ArcGIS Notebooks and complete the following steps.

To create or update the tree and planting areas scene layers, complete the following steps:

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the 3D Tree Notebook item.
  2. Open the item page and click Open Notebook.
  3. Click Cell then Run All.

    As the notebook runs, messages will be printed beneath the cell to indicate the progress. When finished, a message will state that the scene layer update is complete.

  4. Exit the notebook and open the Tree Viewer app to view the 3D trees.

    When you re-run the notebook and update the scene layer, you may need to clear your browser cache or open the browser in incognito or private mode to see the updated trees.

Schedule automatic updates

The notebook can be scheduled to run at a regular interval to update the scene layer to reflect the latest tree inventory defined in the Trees feature layer.

To schedule automatic updates, complete the following steps:

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the 3D Tree Notebook item.
  2. Open the item page and click Open Notebook.
  3. Click Tasks.
  4. Click Create Task.
  5. For Title, type 3D Tree Task and click Next.
  6. Set the schedule for your notebook to run.
  7. Click Create Task to finish scheduling the notebook.

Update the trees rule package

The Tree Management solution uses an ArcGIS CityEngine rule package (*.rpk) to visualize trees in 3D. The rule package is configured with a set of 3D models which are used to display some of the most common street tree genera.

If there is a matching model for the trees genus and species the model is used to display the tree. If there is a match for the genus but not the species the first matching tree genus model is used. If there is no matching model the default tree model for Quercus Rubra (Northern Red Oak) will be used. You can update the rule package to add additional tree models for common tree species in your community.

To update the tree rule package, complete the following steps:

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Tree Data Management desktop application template.
  2. From the item page, click Download and then unzip the folder.
  3. From the unzipped folder, browse to the Trees\assets\Vegetation\Realistic folder.
  4. Place the additional tree models in this folder.

    The model must be a GL Transmission Format Binary file (.glb) and name of the model should follow the pattern of GenusSpecies.glb.

  5. From the unzipped folder, browse to the Trees\assets\Vegetation\Metadata folder and open the vegetation_metadata.csv file.
  6. Add additional rows for each additional tree model you placed in the Trees\assets\Vegetation\Realistic folder and save the file.

    Ensure the genus and species fields match the name of the model you placed in the tree model folder. Provide a unique common name for each tree and height values (average, min, and max) specified in meters.

  7. Start ArcGIS CityEngine.
  8. From the File menu, click Import/Link Project Folder into Workspace.
  9. From the unzipped folder, browse to the Trees folder and click OK.
  10. Click Finish.
  11. In the Navigator window, expand the Trees/rules folder.
  12. Right-click the Trees.cga rule and select Share As.
  13. Select Save package to file, browse to the Trees folder, name the output Trees.rpk, and click Save.
  14. Check Include CGA source code.
  15. Click Share.
  16. When the packaging finishes, browse to the Trees Rule Package item in your ArcGIS organization.
  17. From the item page, click Update.
  18. Click Choose File, browse to the Trees.rpk file, and click Open.
  19. Click Update Item.

    The next time the 3D Tree Notebook is run it will use the updated rule package to generate the Trees scene layer.