Share a page

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Insights in ArcGIS Online
Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise
Insights desktop
Insights desktop

You must be signed in to your primary ArcGIS connection to share pages from Insights desktop. Pages can be saved locally without being signed in to an organization.

Shared pages are a read only view of your maps, charts, and tables at the time that your page was shared. Who can view your page will depend on who the page is shared with and how it is distributed. Insights licenses are not required to view a shared page, but the viewer may be required to have an account in your ArcGIS organization.

Share your page

Pages can be shared to create Insights page items. Insights page items can be opened in the interactive Page Viewer.

Follow these steps to share your page:

  1. Click the Share and edit page button Share and edit page on the page that you want to share.
  2. Click Share. The Share as window appears.

    If you are sharing a page with database tables from Insights desktop to Insights in ArcGIS Online, a window appears warning you that the data will be copied, rather than referenced from the database. Click OK to continue to the Share as window.

  3. Change Type to Page.
  4. Add a title, description, and additional tags if desired. If you have already shared the page, the fields will be automatically updated for you. You can still edit any of the fields before sharing.
  5. For Enable viewers to export as, choose which export formats are available to people viewing your page. If enabled, viewers can export compatible cards on the page as a dataset or image.

    For more information, see View the back of a card.

  6. Choose who you want to share your page with. You can share the page with your organization, select groups from your organization, or share the page with the public.
  7. Click Share or Update.

    The Page shared successfully window appears. You can use the window to view your shared page, view the page item in your ArcGIS organization, copy an iframe code to embed your shared page, or schedule updates to your page.

  8. Optional: Configure the iframe for your shared page.

    For more information, see Configure iframes to embed shared pages.

  9. Optional: Schedule automatic updates to your shared page, if available.

    For more information, see Schedule updates for shared pages.

  10. Close the Page shared successfully window.

Once the window is closed, the Insights page item will continue to be available from the Pages tab on the home page.


Insights desktop pages will be shared to the primary ArcGIS connection.

If you are sharing pages with database tables from Insights desktop to Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise, you may have to map your database connections.

Page items

When you share a page, an Insights Page item is created. When accessed, the page item opens a separate read-only viewer that allows others to interact with cards by making selections and viewing pop-ups.

The Page Viewer can be accessed by anyone with an ArcGIS account, even without an Insights license. Users without an ArcGIS account can also access the Page Viewer to see public pages if they have access to the URL for the item. The Page Viewer is interactive, but does not allow editing functions, such as adding or deleting cards, or performing spatial analysis.

Who can see your page

Page visibility is based on who the page is shared with and how the page is being viewed. The following chart summarizes who can see a shared page based on the sharing parameters and the viewing method.

Share with:Page Viewer<iframe>


You, members of your organization with administrator privileges.

ArcGIS StoryMaps: You.

Web page: Shared page will not be visible.


To see a page shared with the organization in the Page Viewer, the following specifications about the user's account must be true:

  • Any user type applied*
  • Member of the organization

ArcGIS StoryMaps: To see a page shared with the organization in a story, the following specifications about the user's account must be true:

  • Any user type applied*
  • Member of the organization

The story and Insights page must be made in the same organization for both the page and story to be accessible by the same users.

Web page: Shared page will not be visible.


To see a page shared with specific groups in the Page Viewer, the following specifications about the user's account must be true:

  • Any user type applied*
  • Member of the organization and the specified group

ArcGIS StoryMaps: To see a page shared with specific groups in a story, the following specifications about the user's account must be true:

  • Any user type applied*
  • Member of the organization and the specified group

The story and Insights page must be made in the same organization for both the page and story to be accessible by the same users.

Web page: Shared page will not be visible.


Everyone who can access the items, or who has access to the Page Viewer URL. For Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise users, access may also be limited based on firewalls and other security features.

ArcGIS StoryMaps: All users who can view the story (organization, groups, or public).

Web page: All members of the public.

*The Storyteller user type is supported for viewing content in Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise deployments using ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 and Insights in ArcGIS Online.

Change the shared status

Shared pages are saved as Insights Page items. The status of the Page item can be changed using the Share button Share for the item on the home page.

For more information, see Share your work.

Print your page

Pages can be printed to create reports and handouts. Follow these steps to print your page:

  1. Click the Share and edit page button Share and edit page on the page that you want to print.
  2. Click Print.
  3. From the Print window, choose the print destination and configure the page to use the correct layout and color options.
  4. Click Print.

Data on shared pages

Shared pages include a snapshot of the data at the time the shared page was created. Therefore, you must reshare the page to view updates to your datasets or analysis. Data will be displayed live in the following exceptions:

  • A cross filter is applied to a card.
  • A predefined filter is used on the page.

In situations where pages are displayed live, the data on the page must also be shared to the same viewers who can see the page (for example, the data must be shared publicly when the page is public).


Shared pages with data from ArcGIS organizations that are secured with web-tier authentication (for example, PKI or IWA) require credentials to view the page, even when shared publicly.

In Insights desktop, pages with secured data from a data-only ArcGIS connection and cross filters applied will fail when shared to the primary ArcGIS connection because of an invalid URI. For information on adding a redirect URI, see Configure redirect URIs.

Cross filters

Cross filters are enabled on shared pages for cards that have the Enable cross filters button Enable cross filters activated.

For more information on cross filters, see Filter data.


Selections between link maps and charts may not work properly on shared pages using a snapshot of data. The interactions will work on pages with live data (meaning a cross filter or predefined filter is applied on the page).


Use the following resources to learn more about sharing pages: