Share a script

Insights 2022.1   |    |  
Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise

The Insights scripting environment is available in Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise and Insights desktop, but scripts can currently only be shared from Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise.

Scripts can be shared to create Insights script items. Script items can be opened in the Insights scripting environment.

Share your script

Complete the following steps to share your script:

  1. Expand the Scripts heading in the data pane, if necessary.
  2. Click the Dataset options button Dataset options for the script you want to share.
  3. Click Share.

    The Share script window appears.

  4. Provide a title, description, and tags for your script.
  5. Choose who you want to share the script with. You can share your script with your organization, certain groups, or everyone.
  6. Click Share.

An Insights script item is created. The script item can be opened from the Models tab on the home page, or from the Scripts tab Scripts in the Add to page window.

Open a script in your workbook

A script item can be opened and added to your data pane. Use the following steps to open a script item in your workbook:

  1. Open the Add to page window using one of the following options:
    • Create a workbook. The Add to page window appears when the workbook is created.
    • Click the Add to page button Add to page above the data pane in an existing workbook.
    • Create a page in an existing workbook. The Add to page window appears when the page is created.
  2. Click the Scripts tab Scripts.
  3. If you created the script, continue on the Contents tab. If the script was shared with you, click Groups or Organization.

    The available scripts are listed in the content pane.

  4. Optionally click View details if you want more information about a script in the list, such as a description.
  5. Choose the script and click Add.

    The script is added to the data pane.