Get started

Insights 2022.1   |    |  
Insights in ArcGIS Online
Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise
Insights desktop

ArcGIS Insights is an analytics workbench that allows you to perform iterative and exploratory data analysis. You can answer questions with data from ArcGIS, Excel spreadsheets, business databases, and more by simply dragging the data to perform analysis.

Get started as an Insights user

If you have an account in an ArcGIS organization and have been granted an Insights license by your administrator, you are ready to start using Insights. As an Insights user, you can access data, perform analysis, and share results.

Start with the basics

Use the following guides to learn the basics of using Insights:

Scenario-based exercises

Use the scenario-based exercises from Learn ArcGIS to learn more about how to use Insights.

Get started as an administrator

Use the following resources to administer your Insights organization:

Additional resources

For more information about ArcGIS Insights, see the following: