Create, share, and edit items

Insights 2022.1   |    |  
Insights in ArcGIS Online
Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise
Insights desktop

Content that you create or share in Insights is saved as an item. Items can be viewed or opened from the home page and include item details that provide information about the item.

Item types

The following item types can be created in Insights:

In addition, workbook packages can be uploaded in ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise to create an Insights workbook package item. Workbook package items cannot be accessed or managed from the Insights home page. You can download a workbook package item from its item details page and import the package in Insights.


Insights workbook package items are supported in ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1.

Manage items

Items can be managed from the tabs, such as Workbooks or Pages, on the home page. You can access the home page by signing in to Insights or clicking the Home button Home in a workbook. The following options are available for Insights items:

Schedule Schedule

Create or edit scheduled updates to shared pages. Schedule is available for page items in Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise and Insights in ArcGIS Online.

For more information, see Schedule updates for shared pages.

Details Details

View or change the item details, including the description, content status, tags, and license information.

Rename Rename

Change the name of the item.

Share Share

Share the item or change the shared settings. For more information, see Share your work.

Favorite Favorite

Make an item a favorite. Favorite items can be viewed using the Favorites button Favorites under the search bar and in the Favorites list on the home page.

Export Export

Export a dataset or a workbook package. Export is only available for feature layer items and workbooks.

Duplicate Duplicate

Create a copy of the item. Duplicate is only available for workbook items.


Workbooks that have been shared with you can only be opened in read-only mode. You can duplicate a shared workbook to gain full access to the data and analysis. Any changes made to the duplicated workbook are not reflected in the original workbook.

Move to folder Move to folder

Move the item to a folder.

Sign in Sign in or Sign out Sign out

Sign in or sign out of an ArcGIS connection.

Delete Delete

Delete the item. Items can be deleted by the item owner or any member of the organization with Administrator privileges.


The Delete button is disabled if delete protection is enabled for the item.

You can share, move, or delete multiple items from the same folder. When you select multiple items, the Share button Share, Move to folder button Move to folder, and Delete button Delete appear above your folders. Using these buttons will apply the action to all of the selected items.

Item details

Item details provide important information about the item, including a description, the owner, and the status. Item details can be viewed using the Details button Details for the item. Item details can be edited by the item owner or any member of the organization with Administrator privileges by clicking the information in the details.

The following details are available for Insights items:

Item detailDescription


The description of an item is empty by default and needs to be added manually by the item owner or an administrator. The description should include a summary of the item as well as other item-specific information, such as data source.

Content status

Items can be designated as authoritative or deprecated, which makes it easier for others to find authoritative items while discouraging the use of items that are out of date. The Authoritative and Deprecated badges are used to identify items to members of the organization.

The item owner or a member of the organization with administrative privileges can mark an item as deprecated. Only users with administrative privileges can mark an item as authoritative or change its status from authoritative.


Lists the names of each layer in a feature layer, along with the option to export the data or open in a workbook. This detail is only available on feature layer items.


The owner of an item is the person responsible for the item, including updating the item details. By default, the owner is the person who created the item.

Shared with

This detail indicates who can see or use the item. The shared status can be No one, Shared to group, Organization, or Everyone.


Tags help people find your items when they initiate a search. The tags you specify should correspond to keywords you think people will use to search for your item.


Your item may contain data from different agencies or individuals. Use this item to credit the data providers.

Change item ownership

By default, the owner of an item is the person who created it. The ownership of an item can be changed by a member of the organization with Administrator privileges.

Complete the following steps to change the owner of an item:

  1. Use the Home button Home to go to the home page, if necessary. If you're signing in to Insights, the home page opens automatically.
  2. Use the tabs, search bar, filter, and other sorting options to find the item with the ownership you want to change.
  3. Hover over the item and click the Details button Details.

    The item details appears.

  4. Under Owner, click the user name.
  5. Select the new owner's name and click Change.

    The item's ownership is updated.