Share your data

Insights 2022.1   |    |  
Insights in ArcGIS Online
Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise

Sharing data is not currently supported in Insights desktop.

Sharing your data is often a necessary step when collaborating with colleagues or communicating the results of your analysis. Sharing your data can include creating a new feature layer from a dataset, such as a result dataset, or updating the shared status of an existing feature layer so that it can be accessed by other Insights users.

Share a dataset

Sharing your data as a feature layer allows others to use your value-added data in their own analysis process. For example, you may want to share data you added from Excel, or results from analytical operations, such as spatial aggregation. Sharing your data will create a new feature layer item.


You can't share data as feature layers (Share is disabled) for the following:

  • A database dataset that has more than one location field.
  • Remote feature layers.
  • Layers that were shared with you. The exception is users with administrator privileges, who can share datasets owned by other members of their organization.

Complete the following steps to share a dataset from ArcGIS Insights:

  1. From the data pane, next to the dataset you want to share, click the Dataset options button Dataset options.
  2. Click Share.

    The Share data window appears.


    If Share is disabled, the dataset you have selected does not qualify to be shared.

  3. Add a description and tags, or change the title of the dataset if desired.
  4. Choose who you want to share the dataset with. You can share the dataset with your organization, select groups, or everyone.
  5. Click Share.

A new Feature Layer item is created.


Datasets with multiple location fields can only be used in Insights. If you share a dataset with multiple location fields, it will be saved as a feature service with multiple feature layers.

Change the shared status

A Feature Layer item is created when you share a dataset from the Insights data pane, create a new feature layer from the home page, or publish a feature layer to your organization. The shared status of a feature layer item can be changed using the Share button Share for the item on the home page.

For more information, see Share your work.

Advanced tip

Sharing your data is a way to grant access to your data to other users, but it can also be a way to give yourself access to your data across ArcGIS. When you create result datasets in Insights by performing analysis, the datasets are stored inside your workbook and cannot be accessed through other applications. If you share your dataset, you create a feature layer item. The feature layer can then be opened in Map Viewer Classic, or you can sign in to your organization through ArcGIS Pro to access your feature layer. Sharing your data from Insights can help you connect your Insights analysis across ArcGIS, giving you access to even more capabilities and processes for analyzing your data.