Configure redirect URIs

Insights 2022.1   |    |  
Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise
Insights desktop

In Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise and Insights desktop, shared pages and packaged workbooks with secured data may fail because of an invalid URI.

Shared pages will fail because of an invalid URI when the following criteria are met:

  • The page contains a secured remote feature layer. For Insights desktop, the feature layer must be from a data-only ArcGIS connection.
  • Cross filters are applied to cards containing the secured data.

Packaged workbooks will fail because of an invalid URI when the following criteria are met:

  • The workbook contains a secured remote feature layer. For Insights desktop, the feature layer must be from a data-only ArcGIS connection.
  • Cross filters are applied to cards containing the secured data.
  • The Reference data method is used to package the workbook.

An ArcGIS administrator can add redirect URIs to prevent shared pages and workbook packages from failing.

Add a redirect URI

Complete the following steps to add a redirect URI:

  1. For the portal where the data originates, sign in to the ArcGIS Portal Directory as an administrator. The URL for the ArcGIS Portal Directory is in the format
  2. From the Portal Administrator Directory, click Security > OAuth > Get App Info.
  3. For App ID, type arcgisInsights.
  4. Change the Format setting to JSON.
  5. Click Get App Info.
  6. Copy the JSON output.
  7. Return to the OAuth page.
  8. Click Update App Info.
  9. Change the Format setting to JSON and paste the copied text in the App Info text box.
  10. Add the information for the primary connection into the redirectURIs array. Use the following code as an example:
  11. Click Update App.

The page can now be shared or the workbook can be packaged successfully.

In this topic
  1. Add a redirect URI