Filter data

Insights 2022.1   |    |  
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Attribute filters use queries to reduce the scope of the data you work with, without changing the underlying data. Filters limit what you see on the page or card from one session to another session until you change or reset the filters. You can filter dates, numbers, rate/ratios, and string fields at the dataset level or for an individual card.

One or more filters can be:

  • Applied to a single card
  • Applied to all cards from the same dataset
  • Cumulative so you can filter at both the dataset and card levels

  • Filtering a calculated field from a database dataset is not supported for dataset or card filters. Database datasets are supported in Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise and Insights desktop.
  • If you adjust your card filters to the point at which no results are returned, a card error appears. Filter settings that show no values display a blank map, chart, or table. Try readjusting your filters.


A retail chain is looking to expand into new markets in the Chicago area. Market research has shown that the chain's main clientele are women between the ages of 30 and 45 with a household income of at least $75,000. The market analyst has to use that information to determine which neighborhood in which to expand.

The analyst has collected data for census block groups in Chicago, including total population, population of women by age range, and median household income. The analyst calculates a new field with the percentage of the total population that is women ages 30 to 45. With that preparation finished, the analyst is ready to apply filters and find which block groups fit the criteria of the market research.

The first filter is applied to the calculated field. After studying the distribution of the data, the analyst decides to set the threshold for percentage of women ages 30 to 45 to 20 percent. The second filter is created for the median household income, which the market research indicates should have a lower limit of $75,000.

In a few steps, the analyst narrowed down the data to the 18 best block groups for the new store location. The analyst can now cross-reference the findings with zoning information and available retail rentals to find a final location.

The filtered data includes 18 block groups.

Filter types

An attribute filter can be applied to either the full dataset or a single card. Multiple filters can be applied to the same dataset and card. When multiple filters are applied to the same data, the filters will be treated as if they are joined by an AND clause.

Dataset filter

A dataset filter is applied to a field from the data pane and is reflected on all cards using the dataset, regardless of whether the filtered field is displayed on the card.

Complete the following steps to create a dataset filter:

  1. In the data pane, hover your pointer over the field you want to filter.
  2. Click the Dataset filter button Dataset filter next to the field.
    The Dataset filter button is accessed from the data pane.
  3. Adjust the filter to include the data you want to show in your cards.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. All of the cards from the same dataset update to reflect the filter settings.

Card filter

A card filter is only applied to the data shown on a single card. Therefore, card filters can be used to make comparisons within a dataset by creating separate views of the same data.

After a card filter is applied, a number will be added to the Card filter button Card filter showing the number of filters on the card. A result dataset Results will also be added to the data pane with the same filter applied to it at the dataset level. If new cards are created using the result dataset, all of the cards will reference the dataset filter on the result dataset, and the card filter will be removed from the original card. Since the original card also references the result dataset, there will be no change to the data being displayed.

Complete the following steps to create a card filter:

  1. Click the card you want to filter to activate it.
  2. Click the Card filter button Card filter. The Card filters pane appears.
    The Card filter button is accessed from the card toolbar
  3. From the list, choose the field you want to filter.

    If the card already has an existing filter, it will be listed in the Card filters pane. A new filter can be created by clicking New filter before choosing the field by which to filter.

  4. Adjust the filter to include the data you want to show in your cards.
  5. Click Apply.
  6. Only the current card updates to reflect your filter settings.

Filter a number or rate/ratio field

Numbers and rate/ratios are continuous data that is filtered by changing the range of values that are displayed. When you filter a number or a rate/ratio field, you see a histogram with a slider along the bottom. The histogram aggregates the values in the field into equal interval bins and displays the frequency of values within each bin. The histogram allows you to see how much data you're including or excluding with your filter.

Adjust the slider at the lower and upper ends of the range, or click the nodes and enter a new value.

Filter the range on a number field

Filter a string field

String fields contain text or, in some circumstances, discrete number values (for example, a ZIP Code is more accurately categorized as a string than as a number). When you filter a string field, you will select or deselect unique values that you want displayed or excluded. The following methods can be used to select or deselect values from a string filter:

  • Select all—Turn on or off the Select All box to select or deselect all the values in the filter.
  • Click—Turn on or off individual values in the filter. Only boxes that are clicked will be selected or deselected.
  • Shift+click—Turn on or off multiple values. All boxes between the first and second click will be selected or deselected.


Shift+click can only be used on fields with fewer than 500 unique values.

Filter the values for a string field

Filter a date/time field

A date/time field contains temporal data. The following options are available depending on whether the date/time field contains dates only, times only, or dates and times:

  • Dates only—Change the date range by either using the calendar button to select start and end dates or adjusting the slider.
  • Times only—Change the time range by using the clock button to select start and end times.
  • Dates and times—Change the date/time range by using the calendar and clock buttons to select a start date and time and an end date and time.

An advanced filter can be used to incorporate date functions, like DATEDIF() or NOW(), into your filter. See Create advanced filters for examples of expressions using dates and other functions.

Filter the range of a date/time field

A date/time field also contains subfields, such as Year and Month, which are stored and filtered as string fields.

Remove or update your filter

Attribute filters provide a specific view of your data and do not change the underlying data. Therefore, a filter can be edited or removed if it is no longer needed.


If you plan on updating your filter frequently, you may want to use a cross filter or predefined filter instead of a regular attribute filter.

Complete the following steps to update a dataset filter:

  1. Click the active Dataset filter button Dataset filter.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Change the filter values and click Apply to update the filter.
    • Click the Remove filter button Remove filter to delete the filter. You can also select all filter values and click Apply to remove the filter.

Complete the following steps to update a card filter:

  1. Click the active Card filter button Card filter.
  2. Click the filter that you want to update.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Change the filter values and click Apply to update the filter.
    • Click the Remove filter button Remove filter to delete the filter. You can also select all filter values and click Apply to remove the filter.

Filter by n values


Top and bottom n values are currently available in card filters for bar charts, column charts, bubble charts, donut charts, and line charts. If you apply a filter by n values then switch to an unsupported visualization, the filter will be deleted.

Filters by n values are not available for certain remote feature layers. If your remote feature layer does not support filters by n values, you can copy the layer to your workbook and apply the filter to the copy.

Filtering using n values allows you to pick the top or bottom values on your chart based on its category and summary statistic.

Complete the following steps to filter by n values:

  1. Click the Card filter button Card filter on a supported chart type.
  2. Click the n values tab.
  3. Choose either Show top n values or Show bottom n values.
  4. Use the menu to choose a value for n, or type a number in the text box.
  5. Click Apply.

Cross filters

Cross filters are a way to filter your data using a selection on a different card. When the Enable cross filters button Enable cross filters is activated on a card, a filter will be applied to that card whenever a compatible selection is made. For a selection to be compatible, the card with the filter and the card with the selection must be using the same dataset.

Cross filters can be applied to all charts and tables. However, polynomial trendlines on scatter plots are not supported when using cross filters.

Cross filters are not compatible with result datasets created from Buffer/Drive Times, Calculate Density, or Find Nearest. Cross filtering also cannot be used with certain remote feature layers. If these types of datasets are used, the Enable cross filters button is disabled. If you want to apply a cross filter to a card with one of these datasets you can copy the dataset to your workbook and apply a cross filter to the cards created by the copy.


Use the following resources to learn more about filters: