Save content in Insights desktop

Insights 2022.1   |    |  
Insights desktop

Insights content can be saved in Insights desktop to make it accessible from the home page or the Add to page window.

The following content can be saved in Insights desktop:

  • Datasets
  • Pages
  • Themes
  • Models
  • Workbooks

Save datasets

Saved datasets can be accessed from the home page or the Add to page window.

Complete the following steps to save a dataset:

  1. From the data pane, next to the dataset you want to save, click the Dataset options button Dataset options.
  2. Click Save as. The Save data window appears.
  3. Add a title, description, and additional tags if desired.
  4. Click Save.

Save pages, themes, and models

Saved pages, themes, and models can be accessed from the home page in Insights desktop. Themes and models can also be accessed from the Add to page window.

Complete the following steps to save a page, theme, or model:

  1. Click the Share and edit page button Share and edit page.
  2. Click Save. The Save As window appears.
  3. Change Type based on the content you want to save.
  4. Add a title, description, and additional tags if desired.
  5. Click Save.

Save a workbook

An open workbook can be saved using the Save button on the workbook toolbar. A saved workbook is available to open from the Workbooks tab on the home page. Recently created or edited workbooks are also available from the Home tab.