Existing Business Analyst users

Available with Business Analyst license.


ArcGIS Business Analyst Desktop is in mature support and follows the ArcGIS Desktop life cycle. There are no plans for future releases of ArcGIS Business Analyst Desktop, and it is recommended that you migrate to ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro. See Migrate to ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro for more information.

The Business Analyst setup package is designed to detect an existing installation (10.8.1 for example) and prompt you to uninstall the older version before upgrading to 10.8.2.

Prior versions (or vintages) of local Business Analyst Data—for example, 2022 U.S. Data, can remain installed when upgrading to the most current vintage (2023 U.S. Data). To switch between vintages, open the Business Analyst Preferences > Dataset tab and toggle to the desired year under Current Dataset.