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esri_webfeaturelayer_remove (AutoLISP)

Removes the web feature layer and its entities from the drawing. This function will also abandon any edits that have not been synchronized.


(esri_webfeaturelayer_remove flname)


  • flname | string | required | An existing web feature layer name in the drawing.

Example usage

Attempt to remove the Facilities web feature layer connection and entities from the current drawing:

(esri_webfeaturelayer_remove "Facilities")

Result example usage

Removes the web feature layer and its entities and returns a list of true:


Return values

  • If successful, returns a list of true: (T)
  • If failed, returns a list with the first value of nil and then an associated list containing the key value "Error" and an associated error message as a string: (nil ( "Error" . "<message>"))

Failed return values

A failed return value can occur for any of the following reasons:

  • (nil ("Error" . "Missing required argument."))

    The required argument is not supplied.

  • (nil ("Error" . "Web feature layer not found."))

    The specified web feature layer value is not a valid web feature layer in the drawing.

See also

esri_featurelayer_remove | Removes a web feature layer or document feature layer from the current drawing.

esri_docfeaturelayer_remove | Removes a document feature layer definition from the current drawing.