Returns the number of pending changes to the specified layer. Returns number of additions, deletions, and modifications. Use this function before synchronization to determine expected changes.
(esri_webfeaturelayer_editcounts flname)
- flname | string | required | An existing web feature layer name in the drawing.
Example usage
Attempt to get the edit counts for the Shelters web feature layer:
(esri_webfeaturelayer_editcounts "Shelters")
Result example usage
Gets the edit counts for the Shelters web feature layer as an associated list:
(("Additions" . 1) ("Deletions" . 0) ("Modified" . 3))
Return values
- If successful, returns the edit count types and values as an associated list of dotted pairs.
Associated label Value type Value description "Additions" Integer
The number of features that would be added to the feature layer.
"Deletions" Integer
The number of features that would be deleted from the feature layer.
"Modified" Integer
The number of features that would be modified in the feature layer.
A failed return value can occur for any of the following reasons:
- (nil ("Error" . "Missing required
The required argument is not supplied.
- (nil ("Error" . "Web feature layer not
The specified web feature layer value is not a valid web feature layer in the drawing.