This function modifies the properties of an existing map or image layer in the drawing with the specified SERVICE_PROPERTIES.
(esri_maplayer_set maplayerid [service_properties])
- maplayerid | integer | required | The index integer number associated with the layer that can be obtained using (esri_maplayers).
- service_properties | associated list | optional | An associated list of map or image layer properties as dotted pairs.
Associated label Value type Value description Required or optional "DYNAMIC" integer
Method of updating the map service when the view changes: {T = Dynamic behavior, nil = Refresh on demand}
"VISIBILITY" integer
Change the visibility of the map: {T = Visible, nil = Hidden}
Percentage of image transparency to apply to the map: {0-99: zero is opaque} (default = 30)
An available imagery layer processing template name which is case sensitive: "RFTHillshade"
Example usage
Modify map number 1 to be visible and draw on demand with a transparency of 45 percent.
(esri_maplayer_set 1
(cons "DYNAMIC" nil)
(cons "TRANSPARENCY" 45)
Result example usage
Updates the map layer properties and returns a list of true:
Return values
This function returns a value.
- If successful, returns a list of true: (T)
- If failed, it returns a list with the first value of nil, and then an associated list is returned containing the key value Error and an associated error message as a string: (nil ("Error" . "<message>")).
Failed return values
A failed return value can occur for any of the following reasons:
- (nil ("Error" . "Missing required argument."))
The required argument was not supplied.
- (nil ("Error" . "No item selected"))
Specified map layer not found.
- (nil ("Error" . "This command requires a network connection."))
A network connection to the web layer's source is required to perform the function.