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esri_docfeaturelayer_add (AutoLISP)

Adds a document feature layer definition to the AutoCAD drawing.


  • If the FEATURE_LAYER_PROPERTIES are omitted, the feature layer will be created without a query filter, and the GEOMTYPE is set to point.
  • If the optional parameter LAYERFILTER is included, the layer list is used as the QUERYFILTER.
  • If a more sophisticated query filter than a layer list is required, use the separate esri_docfeaturelayer_setquery function.
  • If the new feature layer name already exists then the specified name is added, but with an appended number in succession


(esri_docfeaturelayer_add flname [featurelayer_properties])


  • flname | String | required | The new document feature layer name.
  • featurelayer_properties | associated list | optional | The feature layer properties.

    Associated labelValue typeValue descriptionRequired or optional


    The geometric type of the new feature layer : {"Polygon", "Point", "Polyline", "Annotation", or "Multipatch"}

    optional (Point is the default.)



    One or more AutoCAD layer names separated by commas as a single string to define a QUERYFILTER of the new feature class.

    • Default is "*", which is all layers.
    • Use the esri_docfeaturelayer_setquery function to create a complex QUERYFILTER.


Example usage

Attempt to add a polyline document feature called ROADS, where the entities that define the feature layer are on the AutoCAD STREETS layer:

(esri_docfeaturelayer_add "ROADS"

Result example usage

Adds a polyline document feature called ROADS, where the entities that define the feature layer are on the AutoCAD STREETS layer and returns a list containing the new feature layer name:


Return values

  • If successful, returns a list containing the new document feature layer name.
  • If failed, returns a list with the first value of nil and then an associated list containing the key value "Error" and an associated error message as a string: (nil ("Error" . "<message>"))

Failed return values

A failed return value can occur for any of the following reasons:

  • (nil ("Error" . "Missing required argument."))

    One or more of the required arguments was not supplied.

See Also

(esri_webfeaturelayer_add) | Adds a new web feature layer.

(esri_weblayer_add) | Adds a new web layer: image layer, map image layer or web feature layer.

(esri_docfeaturelayer_setquery) | Defines a document feature layer query filter.