Include a map in a survey

Survey123 is a form-centric data collection app. The form is the first thing you see when you start a survey. A map is optional. To collect location information in a survey, add a Map question to the survey.

Use an online map in a survey

In the Survey123 web designer, you can choose which basemap and locator is used in the survey, the default location to display, and other settings.

On the Edit tab for the map question, choose a basemap or locator from the Map and extent settings. The list of available basemaps and locators in Map and extent can be from your organization's basemap gallery or list of locators, or selected from other locations. Use the drop-down menu to change the location or use the search box to filter the list. The Use all contents below switch allows the survey author to offer the survey respondent a gallery of basemaps or choice of locator (as defined in the organization) to choose from in the survey. When the switch is off, only the single selected map or locator is available in the map question.

For more information on how to define the contents of the organization's basemap gallery or list of locators, see Configure map in ArcGIS Online or Configure map in ArcGIS Enterprise.

The survey author can choose to nominate the minimum zoom level at which the drawing tools will be enabled in the web app. This is useful to ensure that the survey respondent has zoomed in to an appropriate level of detail before capturing a record.

The survey author can also allow vertex snapping. Points can be snapped to the vertices of other features, and lines or areas can have new vertices snap to vertices from other features or themselves. Self snapping means that while a user is actively creating or updating a feature, they will see visualizations to help identify perpendicular and parallel lines, in addition to visualizations that aid in snapping to an extension of an existing feature. Feature snapping allows users to snap vertices of a feature that is currently being drawn or reshaped to that of an existing feature's vertex, edge, or end point. Features can be snapped to different types of layers that may be contained in the online map including: feature, graphics, geoJSON, WFS, and CSV layers.


In the web designer, when you choose to enable snapping for lines or areas, both self and feature snapping is enabled. You can choose only self or feature snapping by defining them in the XLSForm. For information on the snapping parameter, see snapMode.