Some question types in XLSForm have additional parameters that allow you to control the style or behavior of questions in a survey. In some cases, these parameters complement the appearances that a question type supports. The tables below provide an overview of the parameters you can use in XLSForm, and the column on the survey worksheet that accepts each parameter. Not all parameters are supported in both the ArcGIS Survey123 field app and the web app. For more information about field app and web app support, refer to the documentation topic for each parameter.
You can add multiple parameters for a question to the same column by separating the parameters with spaces. For example, a geoshape question can have map, method, lineColor, and fillColor parameters in the body::esri:style column, as follows:
map="Imagery Hybrid" method=vertex lineColor=#DC143C fillColor=LightYellow
The following table contains the XLSForm parameters you can use with various question types. Refer to the description for each parameter for the list of question types that support it. These parameters are only supported in the field app.
XLSForm column | Parameter | Description |
bind::esri:parameters | calculationMode | Control when the calculation in a question is calculated. Question types: text | decimal | integer | note | date | time | dateTime | select_one | select_multiple | geopoint | calculate | hidden Values: auto | manual | always | whenEmpty Examples:
body::esri:style | placeholderText | Specify the text that appears in the question's input area when the question is empty. Question types: text | integer | decimal | select_one (with autocomplete appearance) | barcode Values: @[hint] | @[guidance_hint] Examples:
The following table contains the XLSForm parameters you can use with the audio question type. These parameters are only supported in the field app unless indicated otherwise in the description.
XLSForm column | Parameter | Description |
bind::esri:parameters | codec | Specify the preferred codec for an audio recording. Multiple codecs can be provided, separated by commas. The first codec compatible with the device will be used. Value: <codec name> Example:
fileName | Specify the file name. Values: <expression> This parameter is only supported in the web app. Examples:
| |
max-duration | Specify the maximum duration in seconds for an audio recording. The default duration in the web app is 600 (10 minutes). Value: <seconds> Example:
| |
max-size | Specify the maximum file size in megabytes for an audio recording. The default size in the field app is 10 MB. Value: <megabytes> Example:
The following table contains the XLSForm parameters you can use with the barcode question type. These parameters are only supported in the field app.
XLSForm column | Parameter | Description |
body::esri:style | Specify the types of barcodes users can scan. Multiple types can be provided, separated by commas. When the barcodeType parameter is not provided, all supported barcode types can be scanned except aztec, code39, datamatrix, maxicode, and pdf417. Values: all | 1d | 2d | <barcode types>
One-dimensional types: codabar | code128 | code39 | code93 | ean13 | ean8 | itf | upca | upce | upceanextension Two-dimensional types: aztec | datamatrix | maxicode | pdf417 | qrcode | rss14 | rssexpanded Examples:
The following table contains the XLSForm parameters you can use with the file question type.
XLSForm column | Parameter | Description |
bind::esri:parameters | fileName | Specify the file name. Values: <expression> This parameter is only supported in the web app. Examples:
max-size | Specify the maximum file size in megabytes. The default is 10 MB. Value: <megabytes> This parameter is supported in the field app and web app. Example:
The following table contains the XLSForm parameters you can use with the begin group question type. These parameters are only supported in the field app.
XLSForm column | Parameter | Description |
body::esri:style | backgroundColor borderColor | Set the background and border colors for a group or page. For more information, see Group, page, and repeat colors. Values: <HTML color name> | <hex color code> Examples:
layout | Set the grid layout style for a group. Values: dynamic-grid | fixed-grid Example:
The following table contains the XLSForm parameters you can use with the image question type. These parameters are only supported in the field app unless indicated otherwise in the description.
XLSForm column | Parameter | Description |
bind::esri:parameters | allowAdds | Disable the addition of new images when editing existing records. Value: false Example:
fileName | Specify the file name. Values: <expression> This parameter is also supported in the web app. Examples:
| |
max-size | Specify the maximum file size in megabytes. The default is 10 MB. Value: <megabytes> This parameter is also supported in the web app. Example:
| |
For an image question with annotate appearance, automatically generates annotation graphics of labels and bounding boxes around the detected objects. Append these properties to define the style and formatting of the annotation. Required property: <model_name> Optional properties: minScore | cameraPreview | label | class | boundingBoxes | outlineWidth | fontSize | font | bold | italic Examples:
| ||
Perform object detection or image classification and use the EXIF results in your survey. Required property: <model_name> Optional properties: minScore | cameraPreview | label | class Examples:
| ||
Automatically generate or manually add bounding boxes and apply redacting effects on the target region. Required property: <model_name> | @faces | @manual Optional properties: minScore | cameraPreview | label | class | effect | symbol | fillColor | scale Examples:
| ||
watermark topLeftWatermark topCenterWatermark topRightWatermark leftCenterWatermark centerWatermark rightCenterWatermark bottomLeftWatermark bottomCenterWatermark bottomRightWatermark | Specify the position of an image watermark. Append properties to define the contents and formatting. For more information, see Watermarks. Properties: text | color | outlineColor | outlineWidth | haloColor | size | font | bold | italic | margin | image | imageSize Examples:
| |
body::esri:style | allowRename | Specify whether users can manually edit the file name. Values: true | false Example:
fileNameVisible | Specify whether the file name is visible in the survey. Values: true | false Example:
| |
footerText | For an image question with signature appearance, specify the text to display at the bottom of the signature pop-up. If no value is specified, the question's guidance hint will appear below the signature. This can be changed to the question's hint by using footerText=@[hint]. Values: <none> | @[hint] Examples:
| |
method | Specify the capture method for an image question. The map value is only supported for image questions with annotate appearance. This parameter is also supported in the web app. Values: browse | camera | map Examples:
| |
palette | For an image question with draw or annotate appearance, specify a custom drawing tools palette. Value: <palette name> Example:
| |
previewHeight | Set the height of the image preview after the image is selected. Use previewHeight=0 if you want your image preview to be of maximum size without unnecessary blank space. Values: <lines> | <lines>lines | <percentage of screen height>% | <pixels>pixels Examples:
| |
parameters | max-pixels | For an image question, set the maximum size of the image on the longest edge, preserving the original aspect ratio. For an image question with signature appearance, set the maximum width for the signature pop-up. For an image question with draw appearance, set the canvas to a square (1:1) image. This parameter is also supported in the web app. Value: <pixels> Examples:
Map questions
The following table contains the XLSForm parameters you can use with the geopoint, geotrace, and geoshape question types. These parameters are only supported in the field app unless indicated otherwise in the description.
XLSForm column | Parameter | Description |
body::esri:style | height | Set the height of the map preview. Values: <lines> | <lines>lines | <percentage of screen height>% | <pixels>pixels Examples:
lineColor² fillColor³ | Specify the line and fill colors for the line or polygon feature. This applies to the map preview in Survey123 only. For more information, see Style options. Values: <HTML color name> | <hex color code> Example:
| |
lineWidth² | Specify the line width in pixels for the line or polygon feature. This applies to the map preview in Survey123 only. Value: <pixels> Examples:
| |
map | Set a default basemap. This parameter is also supported in the web app. Values: <map name> | <map item ID> Examples:
| |
mapTools | Control the map tools that are available for geopoint, geotrace, and geoshape questions. This parameter is only supported in the field app. Values: search | mapSwitcher | zoom | home | locate Examples:
| |
method² | Specify the capture method. When using the vertex method, additional parameters can be set. This parameter is also supported in the web app. Values: sketch | vertex Additional values for vertex, applicable only in the field app: streaming | beep | haptic | edit Examples:
| |
minCaptureZoomLevel | Specify the minimum level at which geometry can be captured. This parameter is only supported in the web app. Value: <integer> Example:
| |
overlay | Display point locations from the first geopoint question within a repeat on any other geopoint, geoshape, or geotrace question in your survey. Append properties to define the contents and style. Value: <repeat name> Properties: view | preview | icon | iconColor | iconOutlineColor | iconSize | label | labelColor | labelOutlineColor | fontSize Examples:
| |
precision | Specify the number of decimal places that will be both captured in the map question and shown in the individual response panel in the survey. When this parameter is not set, all available decimal places are captured in the map question but only six decimal places will be shown in the individual response panel. This parameter is only supported in the web app. Value: <integer> Example:
| |
snapMode | Specify snapping behavior. Points can be snapped to other features, and lines and polygons can be snapped to other features or themselves. Only available when method=vertex. This parameter is only supported in the web app. Values: feature | self² Example:
| |
symbol¹ | Specify a .png file to use as the point marker on the map. Append properties to define the position and scale. Value: <file name>.png Properties: x | y | scale Example:
¹Supported by the geopoint question type only.
²Supported by the geoshape and geotrace question types only.
³Supported by the geoshape question type only.
Multiple-choice questions
The following table contains the XLSForm parameters you can use with the select_one, select_multiple, and rank question types. This parameter is supported in the field app and web app.
XLSForm column | Parameter | Description |
parameters | randomize | Randomize the order of choices in a choice list. Values: true Example:
The following table contains the XLSForm parameters you can use with the range question type. These parameters are supported in the field app and the web app.
XLSForm column | Parameter | Description |
body::esri:style | startColor endColor color | Specify the color of the slider at the start and end of the range. Use the color parameter to specify the color that is used to fill the space between the start of the slider and the selected value. Parameters must be separated by a space. For more information, see Style options. Values: <HTML color name> | <hex color code> Examples:
parameters | start end step | Specify the start, end, and step values of the range slider. Parameters must be separated by a space. For more information, see Range parameters. Values: <integer> | <decimal> Examples:
The following table contains the XLSForm parameters you can use with the begin repeat question type. These parameters are only supported in the field app.
XLSForm column | Parameter | Description |
bind::esri:parameters | allowAdds | Allow new repeat records to be added. Values: true | false Example:
allowUpdates | Allow existing repeat records to be modified. Values: true | false Example:
| |
query | Allow existing repeat records to be shown in the form. Specify additional query parameters to filter the available records. Values: <none> | "SQL statement" Examples:
| |
body::esri:style | backgroundColor borderColor | Set the background and border colors for a repeat. For more information, see Group, page, and repeat colors. Values: <HTML color name> | <hex color code> Examples:
The following table contains the XLSForm parameters you can use with the text question type. These parameters are only supported in the field app unless indicated otherwise in the description.
XLSForm column | Parameter | Description |
bind::esri:parameters | geocode | For a text question with geocode appearance, set the locator to return geocoded results from when using geocode appearance. This parameter is also supported in the web app. Value: <locator item ID> Example:
measurement | For a text question with rangefinder appearance, set which measurements will be stored in the question. Enclose the list of values in quotation marks if values include spaces. Values: height | azimuth | horizontalDistance | slopeDistance | inclination | multipleHeights Examples:
| |
body::esri:style | defaultHeight | For a text question with multiline appearance, set the initial height of the text box. The height of the text box will increase to accommodate the answer text. Value: <number of lines> Example:
indicator | For a text question with geocode appearance, allow geocoded results to show the direction and distance from the current device location. Values: direction | distance | none Examples:
| |
maxResults | For a text question with geocode appearance, specify the maximum number of results to be returned. The default is 6. Value: <number of results> This parameter is also supported in the web app. Example:
| |
proximity | For a text question with geocode appearance, specify whether the geocoded results only show results within a certain radius of the device's location. Values: <distance>m | km | ft | mi | yd Examples:
| |
suggestions | For a text question with geocode appearance, change how suggestions are populated. The default is yes. Values: yes | no Example:
The following table contains the XLSForm parameter you can use with the text, decimal, and integer question types to retrieve values from a rangefinder. These parameters are only supported in the field app unless indicated otherwise in the description.
XLSForm column | Parameter | Description |
bind::esri:parameters | measurement | For a text question with rangefinder appearance, set which measurements will be stored in the question. Enclose the list of values in quotation marks if values include spaces. Values: height | azimuth | horizontalDistance | slopeDistance | inclination | multipleHeights Examples: