ArcGIS StreetMap Premium data is available for use in ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Pro. The StreetMap Premium product coverage is organized by country and applies to each of the StreetMap Premium products whether that country is found in the StreetMap Premium mobile map packages (.mmpk), the StreetMap Premium file geodatabase (.gdb), or StreetMap Premium Custom Roads.
The following tables describe the capabilities for each country available in ArcGIS StreetMap Premium products.
In the following tables, the Geocoding Quality Level is Esri's relative indicator for the quality of geocoding when using the locators and locator updates. The Geocoding Quality Level is a function of the degree of street-level address coverage in a country, knowledge of a country's address styles, and geocoding performance for addresses in that country. The information in the following tables only applies to street addresses and not to POIs (geocode candidates with Addr_type = POI). POI geocoding is available at every level. Geocoding Quality Levels are defined as follows:
- Level 1—These countries provide the highest quality geocoding experience. Address searches are likely to result in accurate matches to PointAddress and StreetAddress levels.
- Level 2—These countries provide a good geocoding experience. Address searches often result in PointAddress and StreetAddress level matches, but sometimes match to StreetName and Admin levels.
- Level 3—These countries provide a fair geocoding experience. Address searches will more likely match to StreetName and Admin levels.
- Level 4—These countries only provide matches to populated places and some points of interest. There may be very few searchable places available for some of the countries.
The following tables also include a column for Mapping or Routing Level with Local Roads having the highest detail, and columns that show the presence of traffic information in the Speed Data Source column and Trucking Restrictions. Speed Data Source refers to the level of detail of traffic information. Predictive and live traffic (which are only available for an additional fee as part of the ArcGIS StreetMap Premium product) have the highest detail, followed by Historical Traffic, Fixed Speeds, Limited Street Coverage, and Minimal Street Coverage, respectively. These last four are included in the StreetMap Premium product at no additional cost. Refer to Network Analysis coverage in the ArcGIS Online documentation for detailed descriptions of each of these traffic levels. Trucking Restrictions in StreetMap Premium are also referred to as Logistics Attributes in the Network Analysis coverage section, but represent the same information.
Refer to the tables below before purchasing the StreetMap Premium Live Traffic service. If your country of interest does not list either Predictive Traffic or Live Traffic as the Speed Data Source, then only Historical Traffic, Fixed Speeds, or less detailed traffic data is available for that country.
Click a country on the map to access its coverage details:
The following tables describe the capabilities for each country available in ArcGIS StreetMap Premium products.North America
Country | Country Code | Geocoding Quality Level | Mapping or Routing Level | Speed Data Source | Trucking Restrictions |
American Samoa | ASM | Level 3 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Canada | CAN | Level 1 | Local Roads | Predictive Traffic* | Yes |
Guam | GUM | Level 2 | Local Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Mexico | MEX | Level 2 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Northern Mariana Islands | MNP | Level 3 | Local Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Puerto Rico | PRI | Level 1 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | No |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon | SPM | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
United States (A United States geography license includes data for the United States, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands) | USA | Level 1 | Local Roads | Predictive Traffic* | Yes |
United States Minor Outlying Islands (Johnston Atoll) | UMI | Level 4 | None | None | No |
U.S. Virgin Islands | VIR | Level 3 | Local Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Country | Country Code | Geocoding Quality Level | Mapping or Routing Level | Speed Data Source | Trucking Restrictions |
Albania | ALB | Level 3 | Local Roads | Fixed Speeds | Yes |
Andorra | AND | Level 2 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Armenia | ARM | Level 3 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Austria | AUT | Level 1 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Azerbaijan | AZE | Level 3 | Local Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Belarus | BLR | Level 2 | Local Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Belgium | BEL | Level 1 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BIH | Level 3 | Local Roads | Historical Traffic | Yes |
Bulgaria | BGR | Level 2 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Croatia | HRV | Level 1 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Cyprus | CYP | Level 3 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | No |
Czechia | CZE | Level 1 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Denmark | DNK | Level 1 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Estonia | EST | Level 1 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Faroe Islands | FRO | Level 2 | Major Roads | Fixed Speeds | Yes |
Finland | FIN | Level 1 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
France | FRA | Level 1 | Local Roads | Predictive Traffic* | Yes |
Georgia | GEO | Level 3 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Germany | DEU | Level 1 | Local Roads | Predictive Traffic* | Yes |
Gibraltar | GIB | Level 3 | Local Roads | Historical Traffic | Yes |
Greece | GRC | Level 1 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Greenland | GRL | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Hungary | HUN | Level 1 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Iceland | ISL | Level 1 | Local Roads | Historical Traffic | Yes |
Ireland | IRL | Level 1 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Isle of Man | IMN | Level 4 | Local Roads | Historical Traffic | Yes |
Italy | ITA | Level 1 | Local Roads | Predictive Traffic* | Yes |
Kazakhstan | KAZ | Level 2 | Local Roads | Historical Traffic | Yes |
Kosovo | KOS | Level 3 | Local Roads | Historical Traffic | Yes |
Kyrgyzstan | KGZ | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Latvia | LVA | Level 1 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Liechtenstein | LIE | Level 1 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Lithuania | LTU | Level 1 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Luxembourg | LUX | Level 1 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Malta | MLT | Level 3 | Local Roads | Historical Traffic | No |
Moldova | MDA | Level 3 | Local Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Monaco | MCO | Level 2 | Local Roads | Historical Traffic | Yes |
Montenegro | MNE | Level 3 | Local Roads | Historical Traffic | Yes |
Netherlands | NLD | Level 1 | Local Roads | Predictive Traffic* | Yes |
North Macedonia | MKD | Level 2 | Local Roads | Historical Traffic | Yes |
Norway | NOR | Level 1 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Poland | POL | Level 1 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Portugal | PRT | Level 1 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Romania | ROU | Level 1 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Russia | RUS | Level 1 | Local Roads | Predictive Traffic* | Yes |
San Marino | SMR | Level 2 | Local Roads | Historical Traffic | Yes |
Serbia | SRB | Level 2 | Local Roads | Historical Traffic | Yes |
Slovakia | SVK | Level 1 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Slovenia | SVN | Level 1 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Spain | ESP | Level 1 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen | SJM | Level 4 | Major Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Sweden | SWE | Level 1 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Switzerland | CHE | Level 1 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Tajikistan | TJK | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Türkiye | TUR | Level 1 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Turkmenistan | TKM | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Ukraine | UKR | Level 2 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
United Kingdom | GBR | Level 1 | Local Roads | Predictive Traffic* | Yes |
Uzbekistan | UZB | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Vatican City | VAT | Level 2 | Local Roads | Historical Traffic | No |
Asia Pacific
Country | Country Code | Geocoding Quality Level | Mapping or Routing Level | Speed Data Source | Trucking Restrictions |
American Samoa | ASM | Level 3 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Australia | AUS | Level 1 | Local Roads | Predictive Traffic* | Yes |
Bangladesh | BGD | Level 4 | Major Roads | Fixed Speeds | Yes |
Bhutan | BTN | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
British Indian Ocean Territory | IOT | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Brunei Darussalam | BRN | Level 3 | Local Roads | Historical Traffic | No |
Cambodia | KHM | Level 4 | Major Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
China | CHN | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Christmas Island | CXR | Level 3 | Local Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands | CCK | Level 3 | Local Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Cook Islands | COK | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Federated States of Micronesia | FSM | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Fiji | FJI | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
French Polynesia | PYF | Level 3 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Guam | GUM | Level 2 | Local Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Hong Kong SAR** | HKG | Level 1 | Local Roads | Fixed Speeds | Yes |
India | IND | Level 3 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | No |
Indonesia | IDN | Level 3 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | No |
Japan | JPN | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Kiribati | KIR | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Laos | LAO | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Macau SAR** | MAC | Level 3 | Local Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Malaysia | MYS | Level 2 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Maldives | MDV | Level 3 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Marshall Islands | MHL | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Mongolia | MNG | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Myanmar | MMR | Level 3 | Major Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Nauru | NRU | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Nepal | NPL | Level 4 | Local Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
New Caledonia | NCL | Level 3 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
New Zealand | NZL | Level 1 | Local Roads | Predictive Traffic* | Yes |
Niue | NIU | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Norfolk Island | NFK | Level 3 | Local Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
North Korea | PRK | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Northern Mariana Islands | MNP | Level 3 | Local Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Pakistan | PAK | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Palau | PLW | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Papua New Guinea | PNG | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Philippines | PHL | Level 2 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Pitcairn Islands | PCN | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Samoa | WSM | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Singapore | SGP | Level 1 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Solomon Islands | SLB | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
South Korea | KOR | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Sri Lanka | LKA | Level 3 | Local Roads | Fixed Speeds | Yes |
Taiwan [China] | TWN | Level 2 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Thailand | THA | Level 2 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Timor-Leste | TLS | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Tokelau | TKL | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Tonga | TON | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Tuvalu | TUV | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
United States Minor Outlying Islands (Baker Island, Howland Island, and Palmyra Atoll) | UMI | Level 4 | None | None | No |
Vanuatu | VUT | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Vietnam | VNM | Level 2 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | No |
Wallis and Futuna | WLF | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
**Special Administrative Region (SAR)
Latin America
Country | Country Code | Geocoding Quality Level | Mapping or Routing Level | Speed Data Source | Trucking Restrictions |
Anguilla | AIA | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Antigua and Barbuda | ATG | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Argentina | ARG | Level 1 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Aruba | ABW | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Bahamas, The | BHS | Level 3 | Local Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Barbados | BRB | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Belize | BLZ | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Bermuda | BMU | Level 3 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Bolivia | BOL | Level 3 | Major Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Brazil | BRA | Level 1 | Local Roads | Predictive Traffic* | Yes |
British Virgin Islands | VGB | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Caribbean Netherlands (Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba) | BES | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Cayman Islands | CYM | Level 3 | Local Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Chile | CHL | Level 1 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Colombia | COL | Level 2 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Costa Rica | CRI | Level 3 | Local Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Cuba | CUB | Level 3 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Curacao | CUW | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Dominica | DMA | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Dominican Republic | DOM | Level 3 | Major Roads | Fixed Speeds | Yes |
Ecuador | ECU | Level 3 | Major Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
El Salvador | SLV | Level 3 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Falkland Islands | FLK | Level 4 | Local Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
French Guiana | GUF | Level 2 | Local Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Grenada | GRD | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Guadeloupe | GLP | Level 3 | Local Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Guatemala | GTM | Level 2 | Major Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Guyana | GUY | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Haiti | HTI | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Honduras | HND | Level 3 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Jamaica | JAM | Level 3 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Martinique | MTQ | Level 3 | Local Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Montserrat | MSR | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Nicaragua | NIC | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Panama | PAN | Level 4 | Local Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Paraguay | PRY | Level 3 | Local Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Peru | PER | Level 1 | Local Roads | Historical Traffic | No |
Saint Barthelemy | BLM | Level 3 | Local Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | KNA | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Saint Lucia | LCA | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Saint Martin | MAF | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | VCT | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Sint Maarten | SXM | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | SGS | Level 4 | Local Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Suriname | SUR | Level 1 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Trinidad and Tobago | TTO | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Turks and Caicos Islands | TCA | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Uruguay | URY | Level 1 | Local Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Venezuela | VEN | Level 3 | Local Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Middle East and Africa
Country | Country Code | Geocoding Quality Level | Mapping or Routing Level | Speed Data Source | Trucking Restrictions |
Afghanistan | AFG | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Algeria | DZA | Level 3 | Major Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Angola | AGO | Level 4 | Major Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Bahrain | BHR | Level 3 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Benin | BEN | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Botswana | BWA | Level 3 | Local Roads | Fixed Speeds | Yes |
Bouvet Island | BVT | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Burkina Faso | BFA | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Burundi | BDI | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Cabo Verde (Cape Verde) | CPV | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Cameroon | CMR | Level 4 | Major Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Central African Republic | CAF | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Chad | TCD | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Comoros | COM | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Congo-Brazzaville | COG | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | COD | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Djibouti | DJI | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Egypt | EGY | Level 3 | Local Roads | Historical Traffic | No |
Equatorial Guinea | GNQ | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Eritrea | ERI | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Eswatini | SWZ | Level 3 | Local Roads | Historical Traffic | Yes |
Ethiopia | ETH | Level 4 | Major Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
French Southern and Antarctic Lands | ATF | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Gabon | GAB | Level 3 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Gambia (The) | GMB | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Gaza Strip | XXG | Level 4 | Major Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Ghana | GHA | Level 4 | Major Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Guinea | GIN | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Guinea Bissau | GNB | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Heard Island and McDonald Islands | HMD | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Iran | IRN | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Iraq | IRQ | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Israel | ISR | Level 1 | Local Roads | Historical Traffic | Yes |
Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire) | CIV | Level 4 | Major Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Jordan | JOR | Level 3 | Local Roads | Historical Traffic | Yes |
Kenya | KEN | Level 3 | Local Roads | Historical Traffic | No |
Kuwait | KWT | Level 2 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Lebanon | LBN | Level 3 | Local Roads | Historical Traffic | No |
Lesotho | LSO | Level 3 | Local Roads | Historical Traffic | No |
Liberia | LBR | Level 3 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Libya | LBY | Level 3 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Madagascar | MDG | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Malawi | MWI | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Mali | MLI | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Mauritania | MRT | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Mauritius | MUS | Level 3 | Major Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Mayotte | MYT | Level 3 | Local Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Morocco | MAR | Level 3 | Local Roads | Historical Traffic | Yes |
Mozambique | MOZ | Level 3 | Local Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Namibia | NAM | Level 3 | Local Roads | Fixed Speeds | Yes |
Niger | NER | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Nigeria | NGA | Level 4 | Local Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Oman | OMN | Level 3 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Palestine (Gaza Strip and West Bank) | PSE | Level 4 | Local Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Qatar | QAT | Level 2 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
Reunion | REU | Level 1 | Local Roads | Historical Traffic | Yes |
Rwanda | RWA | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha | SHN | Level 3 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Sao Tome and Principe | STP | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Saudi Arabia | SAU | Level 2 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | No |
Senegal | SEN | Level 3 | Major Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Seychelles | SYC | Level 3 | Major Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Sierra Leone | SLE | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Somalia | SOM | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
South Africa | ZAF | Level 2 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
South Sudan | SSD | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Sudan | SDN | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Syria | SYR | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Tanzania | TZA | Level 4 | Major Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Togo | TGO | Level 4 | Major Roads | Limited Street Coverage | No |
Tunisia | TUN | Level 3 | Local Roads | Historical Traffic | No |
Uganda | UGA | Level 3 | Major Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
United Arab Emirates | ARE | Level 2 | Local Roads | Live Traffic* | Yes |
West Bank | XXW | Level 4 | Major Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Yemen | YEM | Level 4 | Major Roads | Minimal Street Coverage | No |
Zambia | ZMB | Level 4 | Local Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
Zimbabwe | ZWE | Level 3 | Local Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |
The following capabilities are available for Japan in the ArcGIS StreetMap Premium product:
Country | Country Code | Geocoding Quality Level | Mapping or Routing Level | Speed Data Source | Trucking Restrictions |
Japan | JPN | Level 1 | Local Roads | Fixed Speeds | No |