Introduction to ArcGIS StreetMap Premium

ArcGIS StreetMap Premium provides enriched street data for use in ArcGIS software to deliver high-quality and multiscale cartographic map display; accurate geocoding (batch, reverse, and interactive search); and optimized routing, driving directions, and network analysis. StreetMap Premium is an out-of-the-box solution that is designed specifically to use with ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Pro. It can be deployed rapidly on-premises behind your firewall with no data preparation.


ArcGIS StreetMap Premium is a subscription data product with yearly renewal required. Use of the product or services created from the product will not be usable after the time-out date. See the license expiration FAQ for more information.

StreetMap Premium is based on commercial street reference data from leading global and local street data suppliers. Data is available for North America, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa, Asia Pacific, and Japan. StreetMap Premium data is available for use in ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Pro. The dataset includes detailed basemap data, locators for geocoding, and a network dataset for routing. For more information on the geocoding and routing capabilities for each country available in StreetMap Premium, see StreetMap Premium product coverage.

StreetMap Premium in Geographic Coordinate System (GCS) mobile map package (.mmpk) format is available for download and use in ArcGIS Pro or ArcGIS Enterprise when it is provisioned with a StreetMap Premium extension. The GCS mobile map package is downloadable through My Esri. The mobile map package contains the mapping, geocoding, and routing components of StreetMap Premium, the vector tile package (.vtpk), the locator files, and the network dataset, respectively. The mobile map package format performs well across the ArcGIS platform including in ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Enterprise. Think of it as 'mobile map packages aren't just for mobile devices anymore'. Instead, the all-in-one package is mobile or travels across the entire ArcGIS platform. Notably, the mapping, geocoding, and routing components can be clipped to any geography with the Create Mobile Map Package geoprocessing tool creating a truly customizable study area for the first time.

In addition, the ArcGIS StreetMap Premium product includes basemap layers and a network dataset in file geodatabase (.gdb) format, downloadable through My Esri.

There is also a separate, orderable product called ArcGIS StreetMap Premium Custom Roads, which allows organizations to combine their own street data with the StreetMap Premium streets for a single continuous routable transportation network. A StreetMap Premium subscription includes regular data updates to ensure the most accurate geocoding, routing, and cartographic output possible.

ArcGIS StreetMap Premium offers access to three key functions:

  • Routing—Generate shortest-distance, fastest, point-to-point, or multistop routes. For any route generated, StreetMap Premium takes one-way and turn restriction information into consideration, ensuring route planning is as accurate as possible. StreetMap Premium also includes historical traffic and trucking restrictions data as well as an optional live traffic feed. The StreetMap Premium network dataset can be used with the ArcGIS Network Analyst extension in ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Pro to provide more detailed network analysis.

    Routing in Dubrovnik, Croatia

    For details on publishing a routing service in ArcGIS Enterprise, see Publish Routing Services utility in the ArcGIS Server help.

    For details on using routing services in ArcGIS Pro, see Work with network analysis layers in the ArcGIS Pro help. For details on using routing services in ArcGIS Enterprise portal, see Perform analysis in the Portal for ArcGIS help.

    For details on using a network dataset with ArcGIS Network Analyst extension, see What is the ArcGIS Network Analyst extension? in the ArcGIS Pro help.

  • Geocoding—StreetMap Premium locators provide the ability to geocode addresses individually or in batch mode. These addresses can then be added as stops along a route. You can also perform reverse geocoding, which returns the closest address to an input X-Y location. There is also a StreetMap Premium offering called the Locator Update, which is available to all StreetMap Premium users. The Locator Updates include the most recent locators for all regions, that match the most recent release of ArcGIS World Geocoding Service. The Locator Updates are also available for download through My Esri. For information about the locators and the Locator Updates, see the Locators section under Frequently asked questions.

    Geocode in Savannah, Georgia

    For details on publishing and using these locators in ArcGIS Pro, see Add locators to a project and Geocode with StreetMap Premium locators in ArcGIS Pro in ArcGIS Pro help. For ArcGIS Enterprise, see About publishing services in the ArcGIS Server help.

  • Cartographic display—StreetMap Premium is ideal for high-quality basemaps and cartographic output. The product offers a vector tile package (.vtpk) that is the same as the Esri Navigation map on ArcGIS Online that includes the commercial data, plus other GIS community contributions.