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Insights 2022.1   |    |  
Insights in ArcGIS Online
Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise
Insights desktop

ArcGIS Insights 2022.1 includes enhancements to reference tables, new options for enabling location, updates to workbook and page settings, plus other enhancements and updates throughout the software.


Insights 2022.1 has two separate versions for ArcGIS Enterprise. Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise 2022.1 is compatible with ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8.1 and Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise 2022.1.1 is compatible with ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9 and ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1. The two Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise versions have equivalent functionality.

For more information on version compatibility, see Compatibility with ArcGIS Enterprise.

Reference table

Reference tables now support conditional formatting, sparklines, and additional table formatting options. Conditional formatting options include rule based formatting and data bars. Sparklines can be line, column, or win/loss visualizations. Table formatting options include new preset colors. For more information, see Create a reference table.


The temporal filter widget now supports a slider configuration for both dates and times. The widget layout can also be expanded so the calendar or slider is always visible on the page.

The results from Temporal Decomposition and Forecast now support cross filters. Cross filters allow you to filter the data on a card using selections on a different card.

Data sources

Publicly shared workbooks, models, datasets, pages, and themes from ArcGIS Online can now be accessed from the home page for Insights in ArcGIS Online. Public datasets, models, and themes can be added to your own workbook, while public workbooks and pages can be opened in viewer mode.

TNS connections are now supported for Oracle databases. A TNS connection can be created using the TNS file and alias. For more information, see Create a database connection.

You can now enable location on a dataset using standard boundaries from ArcGIS Living Atlas or configured boundary layers without adding the boundary to your workbook first. For more information, see Enable locations for your data.


The Enrich Data tool has a new, streamlined data browser. The data browser is used to select demographic and landscape data to add to your dataset.

Centrality values can now be viewed in a reference table for link maps and link charts. The table includes the entity (field), node (feature), and centrality values for the map or chart.

Weighted centralities are now available for link maps and link charts. Weights can be applied to closeness, betweenness, and eigenvector centralities. For more information, see Link analysis.

Page settings

The page options now include settings to update card backgrounds and borders for all cards on a page. The settings can also be applied to all pages in the workbook. For more information, see Customize your page.

Insights workbooks now support uploading image files to use as the workbook banner. For more information, see Customize your banner and logo.


Bulgarian is now a supported language for the Insights app. For a full list of supported languages, see Set language.

Insights desktop

Insights desktop has been certified with Microsoft Windows 11 operating systems and Apple M1 processors. For more information, see System requirements.

Workbooks can now be shared from Insights desktop to ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise through the primary ArcGIS connection. For more information, see Share a workbook.


You can now access resources for learning more about Insights by clicking the Help button and choosing Insights resources. The resources include help documentation, tutorials, training, blogs, and more.


New lessons were recently released on the Learn ArcGIS website:

Explore the other Insights lessons in the Learn ArcGIS gallery.