Customize your banner and logo

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You can customize the Insights workbook banner and logo to match the branding of your report or company. The customized banner and logo will also be used on a shared page and shared workbook.

Customize banner

You can customize the banner by changing the title text and icon color, changing the banner color, and uploading a banner image.


You can configure the banner with both a banner color and banner image. The banner color will be visible if the image does not fill the width of the banner or if the banner image includes transparency.

Banner and title color

Complete the following steps to change the banner and title color:

  1. On the workbook banner, click the Style workbook banner button Style workbook banner.
  2. From the menu, choose Customize banner.

    The Customize banner window appears.

  3. On the Color tab, click the drop-down arrow for Title color and Banner color and choose a color from the palette or enter a hex value.

    The default title and banner colors (white and blue, respectively) are also available below the color palettes.

  4. Click Apply to apply the changes or Reset to return to the default banner and title colors.

Banner image

Complete the following steps to add a banner image:

  1. On the workbook banner, click the Style workbook banner button Style workbook banner.
  2. From the menu, choose Customize banner.

    The Customize banner window appears.

  3. Click the Image tab.
  4. Open an image to use as your banner.

    The image must be a PNG, JPEG, or GIF format.

  5. Choose an image alignment:
    • Align left Align left (default)—The image is left justified. If the image does not fill the full banner, the banner color will appear to the right of the image.
    • Align center Align center—The image is center justified. If the image does not fill the full banner, the banner color will appear to the left and right of the image.
    • Align right Align right—The image is right justified. If the image does not fill the full banner, the banner color will appear to the left of the image.
    • Horizontal fill Horizontal fill—The image is stretched or compressed to fill the full width of the banner. Horizontal fill may result in distortion for images that are not the same width as the browser window.
    • Repeat Repeat—The image is repeated to fill the full width of the banner.
  6. Click Apply to apply the changes or Reset to remove the image.

Customize logo

You can customize the logo by changing the image. Complete the following steps to customize the logo:

  1. On the workbook banner, click the Style workbook banner button Style workbook banner.
  2. From the menu, choose Customize logo.

    The Customize logo window appears.

  3. Click the Edit logo button Edit logo and choose Change.
  4. Open an image to use as your logo.

    The image must be a PNG, JPEG, or GIF format.

  5. Optionally, click the Square button Square to change the shape of the logo from circular to square.
  6. Use the slider to resize the image and drag the image to reposition it within the circle or square, if necessary.
  7. Click Apply to apply the changes or close the window to exit without applying the changes.

To reset the logo to the default Insights logo, click the Edit logo button and choose Reset.

Image requirements

For best results, use the following requirements and recommendations for logo images:

  • PNG, JPEG, or GIF format
  • Recommended size of 100x100 pixels or larger
  • Maximum file size of 5 MB

For best results, use the following requirements and recommendations for banner images:

  • PNG, JPEG, or GIF format
  • Recommended height of 60 pixels or larger. For banner images that are expected to fill the width of the browser window, a minimum width of 1440 pixels is recommended.
  • Maximum file size of 5 MB