Add data

Insights 2022.1   |    |  
Insights in ArcGIS Online
Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise
Insights desktop

Your data is the basis of everything you do in Insights. You can add data to your workbook page from various data sources, allowing you to quickly find the data you need for your analysis.

Add data from the home page

The Datasets tab Datasets on the home page gives you access to the feature layers that you created or that were shared with you by members of your organization. Clicking the title of a dataset opens the dataset in a new workbook. You can use the search bar, filter, Favorites list Favorites, View items button View items, and Sort button Sort to help you find the items you want to add to a page.

Add to page window

The Add to page window organizes your data to make it available in your workbook. Data types are organized into tabs, and the available tabs depend on the Insights deployment (Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise, Insights in ArcGIS Online, or Insights desktop) you are using.

Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise

Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise

The following data tabs and data sources are available in Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise:

  • Living Atlas—Feature layers curated by ArcGIS Online and configured for your ArcGIS Enterprise organization.
  • ArcGIS public—Feature layers shared publicly from ArcGIS Online users outside of your organization.
  • Upload fileExcel workbooks, CSV files, shapefiles, and GeoJSON files that are added directly to your workbook.
  • ArcGIS organization—Data from your ArcGIS Enterprise organization. The following data sources are available from your ArcGIS connection:
    • My content—Feature layers created by you.
    • My groups—Feature layers created by you or another member of your organization and shared to a group of which you are a member.
    • My organization—Feature layers created by you or another member of your organization and shared to your organization.
    • Boundaries—Standard boundary feature layers that have been configured for your organization.
  • Databases—Database connections and their associated spatial and nonspatial tables.
  • SharePoint—Datasets stored in Microsoft SharePoint.
  • OneDrive—Datasets stored in Microsoft OneDrive.

The OneDrive and SharePoint connectors can be disabled for an Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise organization during the installation process. Contact your administrator if the connectors are not available. For more information, see Install Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise.

Insights in ArcGIS Online

Insights in ArcGIS Online

The following data tabs and data sources are available in Insights in ArcGIS Online:

  • Living Atlas—Feature layers curated by ArcGIS Online.
  • ArcGIS public—Feature layers shared publicly from ArcGIS Online users outside of your organization.
  • Upload fileExcel workbooks, CSV files, shapefiles, and GeoJSON files that are added directly to your workbook.
  • ArcGIS organization—Data from your ArcGIS Online organization. The following data sources are available from your ArcGIS connection:
    • My content—Feature layers created by you.
    • My groups—Feature layers created by you or another member of your organization and shared to a group of which you are a member.
    • My organization—Feature layers created by you or another member of your organization and shared to your organization.
    • Boundaries—Standard boundary features that are part of the ArcGIS Living Atlas content.
  • SharePoint—Datasets stored in Microsoft SharePoint.
  • OneDrive—Datasets stored in Microsoft OneDrive.

Insights desktop

Insights desktop

The following data tabs and data sources are available in Insights desktop:

  • Living Atlas—Feature layers curated by ArcGIS Online.
  • ArcGIS public—Feature layers shared publicly from ArcGIS Online users outside of your organization.
  • Upload fileExcel workbooks, CSV files, shapefiles, file geodatabases, and GeoJSON files that are added directly to your workbook.
  • Local content—Feature layers created by you.
  • ArcGIS organizations—Data from your ArcGIS connections. The following data sources are available for each connection:
    • My content—Feature layers created by you.
    • My groups—Feature layers created by you or another member of your organization and shared to a group of which you are a member.
    • My organization—Feature layers created by you or another member of your organization and shared to your organization.
    • Boundaries—Standard boundary feature layers that have been configured for your organization.
  • Databases—Database connections and their associated spatial and nonspatial tables.

Add data to your workbook

Data can be added to your workbook from ArcGIS Living Atlas, ArcGIS Online, uploaded files, local content, your ArcGIS organization, database connections, SharePoint, and OneDrive.

ArcGIS Living Atlas

Insights in ArcGIS Online
Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise
Insights desktop

Living Atlas is only available for an ArcGIS organization. You must be signed in to an organization to access this tab from Insights desktop.

Living Atlas is not available for Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise organizations where the server cannot access ArcGIS Online (for example, in a disconnected environment).

To add data from the Living Atlas tab, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Add to page window using one of the following options:
    • Create a workbook. The Add to page window appears when the workbook is created.
    • Click the Add to page button Add to page above the data pane in an existing workbook.
    • Create a page in an existing workbook. The Add to page window appears when the page is created.
  2. Click the Living Atlas tab.
  3. Find the feature layer you want to add, using the search bar and sorting tools, if necessary.
  4. Select the dataset.

    The dataset appears in the Selected data pane. If there is more than one layer or table associated to the selected dataset, all of the layers or tables will be listed.

  5. Optionally, deselect any datasets, layers, or tables that you do not want to add to the workbook.
  6. Click Add.

ArcGIS public

Insights in ArcGIS Online
Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise
Insights desktop

You must be allowed to search for content outside your organization to use this option in Insights in ArcGIS Online.

ArcGIS public is only available for Insights desktop and Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise with an internet connection. You cannot access the ArcGIS public tab in a disconnected environment where you cannot access ArcGIS Online.

To add data from the ArcGIS public tab, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Add to page window using one of the following options:
    • Create a workbook. The Add to page window appears when the workbook is created.
    • Click the Add to page button Add to page above the data pane in an existing workbook.
    • Create a page in an existing workbook. The Add to page window appears when the page is created.
  2. Click the ArcGIS public tab.
  3. Optionally, use the drop-down menu to change from Public content to Public groups, then select a group from which to add content.
  4. Find the feature layer you want to add, using the search bar and sorting tools, if necessary.
  5. Select the dataset.

    The dataset appears in the Selected data pane. If there is more than one layer or table associated to the selected dataset, all of the layers or tables will be listed.

  6. Optionally, deselect any datasets, layers, or tables that you do not want to add to the workbook.
  7. Click Add.

Upload file

Insights in ArcGIS Online
Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise
Insights desktop

To add data from the Upload file tab, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Add to page window using one of the following options:
    • Create a workbook. The Add to page window appears when the workbook is created.
    • Click the Add to page button Add to page above the data pane in an existing workbook.
    • Create a page in an existing workbook. The Add to page window appears when the page is created.
  2. Click the Upload file tab.
  3. Browse to add files using the Browse my computer button or drag files into the window.

    The dataset appears in the Selected data pane. If there is more than one layer or table associated to the selected dataset, all of the layers or tables will be listed.

  4. Optionally, deselect any datasets, layers, or tables that you do not want to add to the workbook.
  5. Click Add.

Local content

Insights desktop

The Local content tab is available for Insights desktop.

To add data from the Local content tab, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Add to page window using one of the following options:
    • Create a workbook. The Add to page window appears when the workbook is created.
    • Click the Add to page button Add to page above the data pane in an existing workbook.
    • Create a page in an existing workbook. The Add to page window appears when the page is created.
  2. Click the Local content tab.
  3. Find the feature layer you want to add, using the search bar and sorting tools, if necessary.
  4. Select the dataset.

    The dataset appears in the Selected data pane. If there is more than one layer or table associated to the selected dataset, all of the layers or tables will be listed.

  5. Optionally, deselect any datasets, layers, or tables that you do not want to add to the workbook.
  6. Click Add.

ArcGIS organization

Insights in ArcGIS Online
Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise
Insights desktop

You must be signed in to an organization to access data from an ArcGIS organization in Insights desktop.

To add data from your ArcGIS organization, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Add to page window using one of the following options:
    • Create a workbook. The Add to page window appears when the workbook is created.
    • Click the Add to page button Add to page above the data pane in an existing workbook.
    • Create a page in an existing workbook. The Add to page window appears when the page is created.
  2. Click the tab for your ArcGIS connection, if necessary. Data from the last data source you used is displayed by default.
  3. Use the drop-down menu to display My content, My groups, My organization, or Boundaries, if necessary.
    Choose My groups, My organization, or Boundaries from the menu.

    If you are unsure where to find your dataset, choose My organization. All datasets from your content, groups, and boundaries are also available in My organization.

  4. If you selected My groups, click the group with which the data is shared.
  5. Find the feature layer you want to add, using the search bar and sorting tools, if necessary.
  6. Select the dataset.

    The dataset appears in the Selected data pane. If there is more than one layer or table associated to the selected dataset, all of the layers or tables will be listed.

  7. Optionally, deselect any datasets, layers, or tables that you do not want to add to the workbook.
  8. Click Add.


Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise
Insights desktop

The Databases tab is available for Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise and Insights desktop.

To add data from the Databases tab, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Add to page window using one of the following options:
    • Create a workbook. The Add to page window appears when the workbook is created.
    • Click the Add to page button Add to page above the data pane in an existing workbook.
    • Create a page in an existing workbook. The Add to page window appears when the page is created.
  2. Click the Databases tab.
  3. Click the database connection from which you want to add data. You can also create a connection, if necessary.
  4. Find the table you want to add, using the search bar and sorting tools, if necessary.
  5. Select the table.

    The dataset appears in the Selected data pane. If there is more than one layer or table associated to the selected dataset, all of the layers or tables will be listed.

  6. Optionally, deselect any datasets, layers, or tables that you do not want to add to the workbook.
  7. Click Add.


Insights in ArcGIS Online
Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise

The SharePoint tab is available for Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise and Insights in ArcGIS Online.

To add data from the SharePoint tab, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Add to page window using one of the following options:
    • Create a workbook. The Add to page window appears when the workbook is created.
    • Click the Add to page button Add to page above the data pane in an existing workbook.
    • Create a page in an existing workbook. The Add to page window appears when the page is created.
  2. Click the SharePoint tab.
  3. Click the SharePoint connection from which you want to add data. You can also create a connection, if necessary.
  4. Find the dataset you want to add, using the search bar and sorting tools, if necessary.
  5. Select the dataset.

    The dataset appears in the Selected data pane. If there is more than one layer or table associated to the selected dataset, all of the layers or tables will be listed.

  6. Optionally, deselect any datasets, layers, or tables that you do not want to add to the workbook.
  7. Click Add.


Insights in ArcGIS Online
Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise

The OneDrive tab is available for Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise and Insights in ArcGIS Online.

To add data from the OneDrive tab, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Add to page window using one of the following options:
    • Create a workbook. The Add to page window appears when the workbook is created.
    • Click the Add to page button Add to page above the data pane in an existing workbook.
    • Create a page in an existing workbook. The Add to page window appears when the page is created.
  2. Click the OneDrive tab.
  3. Click the OneDrive connection from which you want to add data. You can also create a connection, if necessary.
  4. Find the dataset you want to add, using the search bar and sorting tools, if necessary.
  5. Select the dataset.

    The dataset appears in the Selected data pane. If there is more than one layer or table associated to the selected dataset, all of the layers or tables will be listed.

  6. Optionally, deselect any datasets, layers, or tables that you do not want to add to the workbook.
  7. Click Add.

Data types

Several data types can be added to a workbook, including feature layers, files, and database datasets.

Feature layers

Feature layers in your organization are categorized in the Add to page window to make them easier for you to find. Depending on who created the layers, how they are shared, and which deployment you are using, you can find feature layers in My content, My groups, My organization, Living Atlas, and Boundaries.

Some feature layers in the Add to page window, such as layers from ArcGIS Living Atlas, may include badges that give you information about the layer. The badges indicate authoritative content Authoritative, deprecated content Deprecated, ArcGIS Living Atlas layers Living Atlas, layers shared through a distributed collaboration Collaboration, subscriber content Subscriber content, premium content Premium content, and content purchased through ArcGIS Marketplace Marketplace.

Feature layers can be either hosted or remote. Hosted feature layers are identified with the dataset icon Dataset in the data pane, whereas remote feature layers are identified with the remote dataset icon Remote dataset.

A map is created automatically when you add a feature layer to your workbook.


Datasets can be added directly to your workbook using the Upload file tab. A file is saved only in the current workbook and must be added again to use it in a separate workbook. If a file will be used frequently, you can import the file on the home page to create a feature layer so that the data will be available in My content or Local data for all workbooks you create.

The following file formats are supported:

  • Microsoft Excel workbook (.xlsx)
  • Comma-separated values (CSV) file (.csv)
  • Shapefile in a compressed (.zip) folder
  • File geodatabase in a compressed (.zip) folder (Insights desktop only)
  • GeoJSON (.json, .geojson, or GeoJSON files in a compressed [.zip] folder)

Each compressed folder can contain more than one file. However, all files in a compressed folder must be the same format (for example, all shapefiles or all GeoJSON files).

CSV files only support one table per sheet. If your CSV file contains multiple tables per sheet, you should convert it to an Excel workbook or move the extra tables to their own sheets.

Excel and CSV files are added as nonspatial tables. To use your Excel and CSV files as spatial data, you must enable location.

Files are identified with the dataset icon Dataset in the data pane.

No cards are created when you add data from a file. You can create charts and tables with all file types. Maps can be created with shapefiles or with Excel and CSV files that have location enabled.


If you use Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise with a PKI authentication and your files fail to upload, it may mean that the value of the uploadReadAheadSize property needs to be increased on your IIS web server. For more information, see Frequently asked questions about distributed collaboration.

OneDrive and SharePoint

Files can also be added from the OneDrive and SharePoint tabs. Connections must be created to OneDrive and SharePoint before data can be accessed.

Insights in ArcGIS Online

In Insights in ArcGIS Online, files from OneDrive have a maximum size of 100 MB.


Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise
Insights desktop

Database connections are available in Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise and Insights desktop.

Connections can be made to PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Oracle, and SAP HANA databases so that you can access database tables from directly within Insights. Database tables can be spatial or nonspatial. Spatial tables load with the location field symbol Spatial dataset.

Database tables are identified with the database dataset icon Database dataset in the data pane.

No cards are created when you add datasets from a database connection. You can create charts and tables with any database tables, or create maps if the table has a location field. You can also enable location in a table without a location field.


To ensure the accurate and consistent analysis of spatial data from database connections, Insights requires that spatial tables have either a primary key or a unique index. An exclamation mark next to the location icon indicates that neither a primary key nor a unique index is detected. You can choose which fields will be used as the location or the ID fields by clicking the location field icon and choosing from the list of spatial and nonspatial fields.

If an ID field is not specified either automatically or manually, the table will be added to Insights as a nonspatial dataset. Only one spatial field is supported for each spatial table from a database connection, where features must meet the following requirements:

  • Features must have a valid geometry or geography (null or invalid features are not supported).
  • Features must have a spatial reference identifier (SRID).
  • All features in the field must have the same SRID.
  • All features in the field must have the same geometry type.

View data sources

Data sources can be viewed for the datasets on the page using the analysis view. The following information is stored and provided for a dataset:

  • Feature layers (including hosted and remote feature layers, public data from ArcGIS Online, and data from ArcGIS Living Atlas)—Feature layer name and dataset name
  • Files—File name and dataset or table name
  • Database tables—Database connection name and table name
  • OneDrive and SharePoint—Connection name, path, and table name

The original data source is not stored for a result dataset that has been copied to the workbook or copied to a different page.

The data source cannot be viewed for files uploaded to a workbook at Insights 2021.2 or earlier.

Use the following steps to view the source of a dataset:

  1. Click the Analysis view button Analysis view in the workbook toolbar.
  2. In the analysis view, click the input dataset whose source you want to see.

    You must perform one or more analytical processes that create a card or result dataset to see an input dataset in the analysis view. For example, creating a map card or joining two datasets are two processes that will make a dataset appear in the analysis view.

  3. Click the Information button .
    The Description button

    The Information pane appears showing the source of the dataset.

Reorder datasets in the data pane

Datasets are listed in the data pane based on the order in which they are added. You can change the order of the datasets by dragging a dataset to a different position in the data pane.

Drag a dataset to a new position in the data pane.

You can also move a dataset by clicking the Dataset options button Dataset options and choosing Move up or Move down from the menu, or by selecting the dataset and using the Shift+Up arrow or Shift+Down arrow keyboard commands.

Remove a dataset

Use the following steps to remove a dataset from the data pane:

  1. Click the Dataset options button Dataset options next to the dataset you want to remove.
  2. Click Remove.

    If there are cards on your page that contain data from the dataset you are about to remove, the following message appears: Are you sure? You are about to remove <dataset-name> from the page. <#> card(s) will be affected. If you choose Yes, Remove, the dataset and all cards containing data from the dataset are removed.


The following resources may be helpful for adding data in Insights: