Install Insights desktop

Insights 2022.1   |    |  
Insights desktop

Insights desktop is compatible with both macOS and Windows computers. Before you install Insights desktop, check that your computer has the correct system requirements.


Download the install program

Complete the following steps to download the install program:

  1. Follow the link to the Insights desktop client download page.
  2. Choose Windows for the operating system.
  3. Select a language from the list of supported setup languages. The language you choose will be used when you run the install program.

    Once Insights desktop is installed, the app language will be based on your computer language. For more information, including a list of supported app languages, see Set language.

  4. Fill out the remaining fields on the form.
  5. Read Esri's privacy statement and check the box if you agree.
  6. Click Submit.

The Insights desktop download page uses cookies. If you have previously filled out the form and have not cleared the cookies on your browser, you can start the download by clicking the Windows button.

The installation program is saved in your browser's default download location.

Run the install program

The installation program includes the Insights desktop app and English language reference help. The installation can be run using a setup assistant or as a silent install.


If you are unable to launch Insights desktop after installing it on Windows, then your operating system may have UTF-8 enabled. Uncheck Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support from the Windows Region Settings and relaunch Insights desktop.

Complete the following steps to run the installation program:

  1. Browse to the location of the downloaded installation file and extract the .zip file.
  2. Double click the .exe file to begin the setup.
  3. Click Yes to allow Esri to make changes to your computer.

    The Esri Insights Setup launches.

  4. Review the information and click Next to proceed.
  5. Review the license agreement and accept it if you agree. Click Next to continue with the installation. You must exit if you do not agree with the terms.
  6. Click Change to specify the installation folder or click Next to accept the default location of C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Insights\. Note that if the installation folder is changed, neither ArcGIS nor Insights is appended to the modified path. It is recommended that the selected custom installation location include a folder and not the root location of a drive.
  7. Click Install to begin the installation.

    The installation program runs and Insights desktop is installed on your computer. A shortcut icon is added to your desktop and can be used to launch Insights desktop.

  8. Click Finish when the installation completes.

Silent install

Insights desktop can also be installed silently. Complete the following steps to run a silent install using the command prompt:

  1. Browse to the location of the downloaded installation file and extract the .zip file.
  2. In the command prompt, navigate to the folder containing the .exe file.
  3. Use the following syntax to run the installation program: Setup.exe /qn ACCEPTEULA=yes

    The syntax runs the installation and accepts Esri's license agreement. Accepting the license agreement is a required step in the Insights desktop installation.

    A shortcut icon is added to your desktop and can be used to launch Insights desktop.

Install the help package (optional)

Insights desktop includes access to online reference help (default) and offline (installed) reference help. English help is installed with the Insights desktop setup and your deployment can be configured to use the offline help. A language pack can be installed separately to provide access to installed help in all supported languages.


The offline help language pack is normally available within a few weeks of the software release.

Complete the following steps to install the reference help language pack:

  1. Follow the link to the Insights desktop client download page and download the language pack.
  2. Browse to the location of the downloaded help installation file and extract the .zip file.
  3. Double click the .exe file to begin the setup.
  4. Click Yes to allow Esri to make changes to your computer.

    The language pack setup launches.

  5. Review the information and click Next to proceed.
  6. Review the license agreement and accept it if you agree. Click Next to continue with the installation. You must exit if you do not agree with the terms.
  7. Click Install to begin the installation.

    The installation program runs and the help package is installed on your computer.

  8. Click Finish when the installation completes.

Uninstall Insights desktop

Complete the following steps to uninstall Insights desktop:


You do not need to uninstall Insights desktop to upgrade to a newer version.

  1. Click Start to open the Start menu, then click Settings.
  2. Click System > Apps & features.
  3. Select the program to be removed and click Uninstall.

    The Esri Insights Setup launches.

  4. Keep Remove selected, then click Next to continue with the setup.
  5. Click Remove.

    The uninstall process begins.

  6. Click Finish to complete the uninstall process.

Repeat these steps to uninstall the reference help language pack, if necessary.


Download the install program

Complete the following steps to download the install program:

  1. Follow the link to the Insights desktop client download page.
  2. Choose macOS for the operating system.
  3. Fill out the remaining fields on the form.
  4. Read Esri's privacy statement and check the box if you agree.
  5. Click Submit.

The Insights desktop download page uses cookies. If you have previously filled out the form and have not cleared the cookies on your browser, you can start the download by clicking the macOS button.

The installation program is saved in your browser's default download location.

Run the install program

The installation program includes the Insights desktop app and English language reference help. Complete the following steps to run the installation program:

  1. Browse to the location of the downloaded installation file and double click the .dmg file to extract the setup files.
  2. Double click the .pkg file to launch the setup.

    The installation program supports 12 languages and will automatically detect the language of your operating system. If the OS language is not supported, the program will default to English.

  3. Review the information and click Continue to proceed.
  4. Review the license agreement. If you agree, click Continue then Agree to continue with the installation. You must exit if you do not agree with the terms.
  5. Click Change Install Location to specify the installation folder or click Install to accept the default location.
  6. Enter your password to allow the installer to begin the installation process. Click Install Software.

    The installation program runs and Insights desktop is installed on your computer.

  7. Click Close when the installation completes.

Use the search function to find and launch Insights on your computer.

Install the help package (optional)

Insights desktop includes access to online reference help (default) and offline (installed) reference help. English help is installed with the Insights desktop setup and your deployment can be configured to use the offline help. A language pack can be installed separately to provide access to installed help in all supported languages.


The offline help language pack is normally available within a few weeks of the software release.

Complete the following steps to install the reference help language pack:

  1. Follow the link to the Insights desktop client download page and download the language pack.
  2. Browse to the location of the downloaded installation file and double click the .dmg file to extract the setup files.
  3. Double click the .pkg file to launch the setup.
  4. Review the information and click Continue to proceed.
  5. Review the license agreement. If you agree, click Continue then Agree to continue with the installation. You must exit if you do not agree with the terms.
  6. Click Change Install Location to specify the installation folder or click Install to accept the default location.
  7. Enter your password to allow the installer to begin the installation process. Click Install Software.

    The installation program runs and Insights desktop help language pack is installed on your computer.

  8. Click Close when the installation completes.

Uninstall Insights desktop

Complete the following steps to uninstall Insights desktop:


You do not need to uninstall Insights desktop to upgrade to a newer version.

  1. Open the Finder window and click Applications.
  2. Locate the program to be removed.
  3. Drag the program to the Trash.
  4. Empty the Trash to permanently remove the application.

Uninstall the help language pack

A help language pack includes access to non-English reference help, stored locally on your computer. If you only have access to English-language installed help, then the language pack has not been installed on your computer.

Complete the following steps to uninstall the Insights desktop help language pack:

  1. Locate and double click the InsightsDesktopHelpLP_<version>.dmg file.
  2. Click the Tools folder.
  3. Double click Uninstall ArcGIS Insights Desktop Help LP.

Upgrade Insights desktop

If you have Insights desktop installed and want to upgrade to a new version, there is no need to uninstall the previous version. Running the Insights desktop installer will upgrade the software to the new version.

You may want to verify the supported database versions before you upgrade.

Use Insights desktop with roaming user profiles

Roaming user profiles are available on some Windows networks, such as educational institutions and libraries, and allow users to access their files and applications from any computer on the network.

The following best practices are recommended when using Insights desktop with roaming user profiles:

  • The same version of Insights desktop should be installed on all computers.
  • Always sign out of a computer when you are finished using it so your changes in Insights desktop will be updated on the network.