Manage baseline indicators

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You can use baseline indicators in ArcGIS GeoPlanner to perform a statistical analysis on data layers in your project. Baseline indicators can be useful for collecting information about features in your project. You can display your baseline indicators on your project's dashboard. For example, a regional planning organization may add a feature layer containing data on its area's population density. By creating a baseline indicator, that organization could report the data on its dashboard to help determine the location of a new protected habitat core.

Create a baseline indicator

To create a baseline indicator, complete the following steps:

  1. Open a project in GeoPlanner.
  2. Click Dashboard Dashboard on the map.
  3. Click Dashboard Options Dashboard Options.
  4. Choose Add a Baseline Indicator from the drop-down menu.

    The Baseline Indicator dialog box appears.

  5. Provide a short descriptive caption for your indicator in the Caption text box.

    This caption is displayed with your indicator on the dashboard.

  6. Choose the type of indicator for your project:
    • Gauge—The indicator is a gauge.
    • Numeric—The indicator is a numerical value.
  7. If you chose Gauge as the type of indicator, complete the following substeps:
    1. Choose a range of values from the drop-down menu next to Number of Ranges.

      This value defines the number of range values the gauge shows.

    2. Optionally, provide a numerical value in the Target text box.

      A marker appears on the gauge at the value you selected.

    3. Provide numerical values in the Range text boxes.

      This defines where the gauge's colors start and end.


      The color ramp below the Range text boxes indicates how the numerical values you entered relate to the colors on the gauge.

    4. Optionally, click Reverse Color Ramp.

      The start and end values of the color ramp are switched.

  8. Click the Layer drop-down arrow and choose the baseline feature layer you want this indicator to use.
  9. Choose one of the following options for your statistical baseline:
    • Select a Field—Allows you to create a statistical baseline on a single field. For example, to show raw counts of data, choose this option.
    • Supply an SQL Expression—Allows you to create a statistical baseline from multiple fields. This can be useful when you want to build relationships between fields in a data layer.

    Create a statistical baseline on a single field

    Choose a field from the Statistic Field drop-down menu and choose the type of statistic to run on the chosen field from the Statistic Type drop-down menu. This is where you determine how the tool summarizes the features' unique values into one value.

    Create a SQL expression

    Type your SQL expression in the SQL Expression text box.

    Learn more about building SQL expressions

  10. Click Create.

    The Baseline Indicator dialog box closes, and the baseline indicator appears in your dashboard.


You can update the baseline indicator at any time by clicking the Settings button Settings next to the indicator on the dashboard.

Delete a baseline indicator

You can delete unwanted baseline indicators on your dashboard. To delete indicators, complete the following steps:

  1. Open your project's dashboard, and locate the baseline indicator you want to delete.
  2. Click the Delete button Delete on the dashboard.

    The Delete Baseline Indicator dialog box appears.

  3. Click Delete.

    The baseline indicator is deleted from the dashboard and the Delete Baseline Indicator dialog box closes.

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