Detailed information about what changed for Esri Demographics standard demographics, advanced demographics, and ArcGIS Places data for the June 2023 release is provided below.
Standard demographics
This release includes updates to standard demographics for 25 European countries and one in North America with data from Michael Bauer Research GmbH.
The following European countries are updated with new standard demographics (vintage updated from 2021 to 2022): Albania, Andorra, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Hungary, Iceland, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Ukraine.
North America
Greenland is updated with new standard demographics (vintage updated from 2021 to 2022).
Advanced demographics
This release includes updates to advanced demographics for Japan, the Netherlands, Puerto Rico, and the United States.
Esri Japan provides 53 new attributes for 2020 for households, housing, jobs, population, education, income, and age, and three new spending attributes for 2023. Learn more in the release notes and view the Japan Summary sample report.
In the Netherlands, the vintage for attributes in the advanced demographics data from 4orange were updated to 2021 and 2022.
Puerto Rico
This release of the 2017-2021 ACS database for Puerto Rico includes updated ZIP code and Place boundaries, and the addition of the Poverty Index variable.
United States
Esri 2023 U.S. Demographics are available for all standard Census geographic levels (states, counties, census tracts, and block groups) as well as Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSAs), Designated Market Areas (DMAs), Congressional Districts (CDs), Places, County Subdivisions (CSDs), and residential ZIP codes. This release reflects new boundaries for Places, DMAs, Congressional Districts, and ZIP codes.
Esri Updated Demographics
Esri Updated Demographics represent the suite of annually updated U.S. demographic data that provides current-year and five-year forecasts for more than 2,000 demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. The following are new in the 2023 release:
- Data vintage updated to 2023 and 2028.
- New socioeconomic variables: Socioeconomic Index, Gini Index, Ratios of Income Inequality, Households in Income Tiers for 2023 and 2028 (see Definitions).
- New Labor Force variables by male and female.
- Read more in the Release Notes.
Esri Census Demographics
Esri Census Demographics include the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2017-2021 American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year data, 2020 Census data, and portions of Census 2010 and 2000 data in 2020 Census geography. The following are new in the 2023 release:
- Data is updated to represent 2023 boundary revisions as noted above.
- New Poverty Index added to the ACS 2017-2021 5-year data.
- Read more in the Release Notes.
Esri Tapestry Segmentation
Esri Tapestry Segmentation provides a detailed description of America’s neighborhoods—U.S. residential areas are divided into distinct segments based on their socioeconomic and demographic composition. Neighborhoods with the most similar characteristics are grouped together, and neighborhoods showing divergent characteristics are separated. The following are new in the 2023 release:
- Data vintage updated to 2023.
- Read more in the Release Notes.
Esri Consumer Spending
Esri Consumer Spending includes details about the products and services that consumers are buying. Data is reported by product or service and includes total expenditures, average spending per household, and a Spending Potential Index (SPI). Current-year and five-year consumer spending forecast data is available. The following are new in the 2023 release:
- Data vintage updated to 2023 and 2028.
- Esri has integrated the latest Consumer Expenditure Surveys (CEX), 2019−2021, from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
- Read more in the Release Notes.
Esri Business Summary
Esri Business Summary summarizes businesses for specified North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) summary categories by geography and includes total number of businesses, total sales, and total number of employees. The following are new in the 2023 release:
- Data vintage updated to 2023.
- Data reflects the transition to the newer 2022 NAICS classification system, resulting in the removal of two categories: N19 Misc Retailers and N20 Nonstore Retailers. Businesses formerly in those categories are now included in other more applicable NAICS categories.
- Read more in the Release Notes.
ArcGIS Places
This release includes the following updates and new releases for ArcGIS Places:
- Global—Quarterly update to ArcGIS Places data sourced from data provided by Foursquare (April 2023).
- Canada—Quarterly update to ArcGIS Places sourced from Data Axle Business Locations and SafeGraph Places data (Q2 2023).
- Puerto Rico—Quarterly update to ArcGIS Places sourced from SafeGraph Places data (Q2 2023).
- United States—Quarterly update to ArcGIS Places sourced from Data Axle Business Locations and SafeGraph Places data (Q2 2023).
Data Axle
Changes and updates to the Esri 2023 Data Axle Business Location data released in June 2023.
What's new
This release includes improvements to the quality and accuracy of Data Axle Business Location data and additional business attributes. It also includes enhancements to Point of Interest names, new and updated attributes, and improved NAICS-based and SIC-based categorization to improve location and competitive analysis. There are also some deprecated attributes.
Users will find changes to search methodology in ArcGIS Business Analyst, ArcGIS Community Analyst, and ArcGIS Pro with a Business Analyst license.
Review the Data update notes in the ArcGIS Business Analyst documentation for information about the availability of ArcGIS Places vintages.
Review the Migration Guide: Data Axle Business Locations 2023 for more information about this update and for information about differences when using 2023 Data Axle Business Locations in ArcGIS Business Analyst.