Armenia | - Vintage 2024.
- Settlement points were updated from the 100m Constrained UN adjusted projected 2020 population grid to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL) raster points. This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Number of new attributes: 4 Marital Status (2024); 6 Education (2024)
- Utilization of updated input data from official statistics has led to deviations for Age and Gender data.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Azerbaijan | - Vintage 2024.
- Settlement points were updated from October 2017 nominal spacing to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Number of new attributes: 15 Total, Female, and Male Population by Age (2024).
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Bahrain | - Vintage 2024 (Unemployed Population 2023).
- Settlement points were updated from October 2017 nominal spacing to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Number of attributes no longer available: 12 Education (2022); 1 Households (2022); 1 Marital Status (2022).
- Population projections at the national level declined by 14.7% compared to former estimates; this difference is attributed to updates to the 2021 Census data.
- Purchasing Power and Consumer Spending projections in national currency for 2024 show a downward trend due to a revision of economic data.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Bangladesh | - Vintage 2024.
- Settlement points were updated from the 100m Constrained UN adjusted projected 2020 population grid to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- The Purchasing Power projections in national currency for 2024 show an upward trend due to inflation.
- Age and Gender are reported separately, not in combination.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Brunei Darussalam | - Vintage 2024 (Unemployed Population 2023).
- Settlement points were updated from the 100m Constrained UN adjusted projected 2020 population grid to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Number of new attributes: 4 Marital Status (2024); 6 Education (2024).
- Number of attributes no longer available: 8 Education (2022).
- The Census 2021 data is included in the calculations.
- Based on official statistics, Unemployed Population shows a significant decline due to economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic.
- The Purchasing Power projections in national currency for 2024 show a downward trend due to a revision of economic data.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Cambodia | - Vintage 2024 (Unemployed Population 2023).
- Settlement points were updated from the 100m Constrained UN adjusted projected 2020 population grid to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Based on official statistics, the number of Unemployed Persons shows a significant decline due to an economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
China | - Vintage 2024.
- Settlement points were updated from October 2017 nominal spacing to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Geography level name changes:
- From Provincial Level Divisions to Provinces.
- From Prefectural Level Divisions to Prefectures.
- From County Level Divisions to Counties.
- Number of new attributes: 6 Education (2024).
- Number of attributes no longer available: 7 Education (2022); 1 Households (2022); 1 Marital Status (2022); 1 Unemployed Population/Jobs (2021).
- Census 2020 data is included in the calculations.
- The Purchasing Power projections in national currency for 2024 show an upward trend due to economic growth and a revision of economic data.
- Consumer Spending for 2024 shows an upward trend due to economic growth.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Georgia | - Vintage 2024 (Unemployed Population 2023).
- Settlement points were updated from October 2017 nominal spacing to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Number of new attributes: 6 Education (2024).
- Number of attributes no longer available: 8 Education (2022); 1 Marital Status (2022).
- Based on official statistics, Unemployed Population shows a significant decline due to an economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic.
- The Purchasing Power projections in national currency fo4 2024 show an upward trend due to economic growth.
- There is no official data available for Ap'khazet'is Avonomiuri Respublika (the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia).
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Hong Kong | - Vintage 2024.
- Settlement points were updated from the 100m Constrained UN adjusted projected 2020 population grid to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Geography level changes:
- Name change from Constituencies to Statistical Areas Level 1.
- New geography level: Statistical Areas Level 2.
- Number of new attributes: 6 Education (2024).
- Number of attributes no longer available: 8 Education (2022); 1 Households (2022); 1 Marital Status (2022).
- The Census 2021 data was used for calculations.
- Data shows a 1.5% national population decrease following UN data based on input from the Census and Statistics department.
- Consumer Spending for 2024 shows variations compared to 2022 with shifts within categories due to new data from official statistics.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
India | - Vintage 2024.
- Settlement points were updated from October 2017 nominal spacing to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Number of new attributes: 15 Population by Age and Gender (2024).
- The Purchasing Power and Consumer Spending projections in national currency for 2024 show an upward trend due to inflation and high economic growth.
- 15-year age bands for India are modeled on the basis of 15-year age bands of a superordinate geographic level and on the basis of the relation of children age 0-6 and adults on the subdistrict level.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Indonesia | - Vintage 2024.
- Settlement points were updated from the 100m Constrained UN adjusted projected 2020 population grid to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Number of new attributes: 6 Education (2024).
- Number of attributes no longer available: 12 Education (2022); 1 Marital Status (2022).
- The use of updated Census data has led to higher deviations for Marital Status variables.
- Consumer Spending for 2024 shows an upward trend due to economic growth and increased regional spending.
- For reasons of data privacy, in areas with few regional inhabitants, all data except Population and Households numbers are anonymized. In these areas, variables simultaneously referring to currency and population are based on the national average; all other variables are set to zero.
- For micro-level data, Education is based on the distribution of the respective Kabupaten.
- Marital Status is based on the distribution of the respective Kabupaten.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Iran | - Vintage 2024 (Unemployed Population 2023).
- Settlement points were updated from the 100m Constrained UN adjusted projected 2020 population grid to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Number of attributes no longer available: 4 Education (2022).
- The Purchasing Power projections in national currency for 2024 show a downward trend due to a revision of economic data.
- For micro-level data, Age and Unemployed Population are based on the distribution of the respective Ostanha.
- Purchasing Power is based on per-capita values of the respective Ostanha.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Israel | - Vintage 2024.
- Settlement points were updated from October 2017 nominal spacing to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Geography level name changes:
- From Districts to Regions.
- From Local Councils to Subregions.
- The Census 2022 data was used for calculations.
- Consumer Spending for 2024 shows variations compared to 2022 with shifts within categories due to new data from official statistics.
- There is no official data for the six territories without jurisdiction or Industrial Subregions.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Japan | - Vintage 2024 (Unemployed Population 2023).
- Settlement points were updated from 2015 Population Census Block Centroids to 2020 Population Census Blocks. This improvement uses area apportionment of block data with 125 meter grids containing buildings, creating a more granular settlement point dataset. These changes to the settlement points may cause significant differences in apportionment results when compared to previous versions.
- Geography level name change from Blocks to Statistical Areas.
- Number of new attributes available: 5 Households by Income (2024); 4 Households by Type (2024); 6 Education (2024).
- Number of attributes no longer available: 8 Education (2022); 5 Households by Type (2022); 1 Marital Status (2022).
- The use of updated Census 2020 data has led to higher deviations in Population variables.
- Population projections at the national level declined by 1% compared to former estimates; this difference is attributed to updates to United Nations data based on input from the Japanese Statistics Bureau.
- Consumer Spending for 2024 shows an upward trend due to inflation.
- For reasons of data privacy, in areas with few regional inhabitants, all data except Population and Households numbers are anonymized. In these areas, variables simultaneously referring to currency and population are based on the national average; all other variables are set to zero.
- For micro-level data, Unemployed Population is based on per-capita values of the respective Shikuchoson.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Jordan | - Vintage 2024 (Unemployed Population 2023).
- Settlement points were updated from October 2017 nominal spacing to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Number of new attributes available: 6 Education (2024).
- Number of attributes no longer available: 6 Education (2022); 1 Marital Status (2022).
- Based on official statistics, Unemployed Population counts show a significant decline due to an economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Due to country-specific structures of the input data, some individual characteristics of the standardized education variables cannot be presented.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Kazakhstan | - Vintage 2024 (Unemployed Population 2023).
- Settlement points were updated from October 2017 nominal spacing to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Number of new attributes: 6 Education (2024).
- Number of attributes no longer available: 1 Marital Status (2022).
- The use of updated Census 2021 data has led to higher deviations for Population and Households variables.
- Purchasing Power projections in national currency for 2024 show an upward trend due to high inflation.
- Due to the country-specific structures of the input data, some individual characteristics of the standardized education variables cannot be presented.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Kuwait | - Vintage 2024 (Unemployed Population 2023).
- Settlement points were updated from October 2017 nominal spacing to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Number of new attributes available: 6 Education (2024).
- Number of attributes no longer available: 9 Education (2022); 1 Marital Status (2022).
- The use of updated Census 2022 data has led to higher deviations for Age, Gender, and Marital Status variables.
- The Purchasing Power projections in national currency for 2024 show a downward trend due to economic decrease related to declining oil prices and a revision of economic data.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Kyrgyzstan | - Vintage 2024.
- Settlement points were updated from October 2017 nominal spacing to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Number of new attributes: 6 Education (2024).
- Number of attributes no longer available: 10 Education (2022).
- The use of updated Census 2022 data has led to higher deviations for Population, Age, and Gender variables.
- The Purchasing Power projections in national currency for 2024 show an upward trend due to inflation.
- Due to the country-specific structures of the input data, some individual characteristics of the standardized education variables cannot be presented.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Lebanon | - Vintage 2024 (Unemployed Population 2023).
- Settlement points were updated from October 2017 nominal spacing to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Number of new attributes: 6 Education (2024).
- Number of attributes no longer available: 9 Education (2022); 1 Marital Status (2022).
- Population projections at the national level declined by 11% compared to former estimates; this difference is attributed to updates to United Nations data that is based on input data from the Lebanon Central Administration of Statistics.
- The Purchasing Power and Consumer Spending projections in national currency for 2024 show a significant upward trend due to extremely high inflation and a revision of economic data.
- Age and Gender are reported separately, not in combination.
- Education data excludes domestic workers.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Macao | - Vintage 2024.
- Settlement points were updated from October 2017 nominal spacing to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Geography level name change from Parishes to Municipalities.
- Number of new attributes: 6 Education (2024).
- Number of attributes no longer available: 8 Education (2022); 1 Marital Status (2022).
- The use of updated Census 2022 data has led to higher deviations in Age, Gender, and Marital Status variables.
- There is no official data for the following parishes: Lù dàng tián hǎiqū, Xīnchéng A qū, and Xīnchéng C qū.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Malaysia | - Vintage 2024.
- Settlement points were updated from the 100m Constrained UN adjusted projected 2020 population grid to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Population at the national level declined by 1.7% compared to former estimates following incorporation of the UN data that is based on input data from the Department of Statistics Malaysia.
- The Purchasing Power projections in national currency for 2024 show an upward trend due to high economic growth.
- Consumer Spending 2024 shows variations compared to 2022 with shifts within categories due to new data from official statistics.
- For reasons of data privacy, in areas with few regional inhabitants, all data except Population and Households numbers are anonymized. In these areas, variables simultaneously referring to currency and population are based on the national average; all other variables are set to zero.
- Age and Gender are reported separately, not in combination.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Maldives | - Vintage 2024 (Unemployed Population 2023).
- Settlement points were updated from the 100m Constrained UN adjusted projected 2020 population grid to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Geography level name change from Atolls to Districts.
- The use of updated Census 2022 data has led to higher deviations for Age and Gender variables.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Mongolia | - Vintage 2024 (Unemployed Population 2023).
- Settlement points were updated from the 100m Constrained UN adjusted projected 2020 population grid to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Number of new attributes: 10 Population Totals by Age and Gender (2024).
- The Purchasing Power projections in national currency for 2024 show an upward trend due to high inflation.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Myanmar | - Vintage 2024.
- Settlement points were updated from the 100m Constrained UN adjusted projected 2020 population grid to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Number of new attributes: 6 Education (2024).
- Number of attributes no longer available: 10 Education (2022).
- Population projections at the national level declined by 0.5% compared to former estimates; this difference is attributed to updates to United Nations data that is based on input data from the Central Statistical Organization.
- Age and Gender are based on the distribution of the respective Pyi ne myar taing.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Nepal | - Vintage 2024 (Unemployed Population 2023).
- Settlement points were updated from the 100m Constrained UN adjusted projected 2020 population grid to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Number of new attributes: 4 Marital Status (2024); 6 Education (2024).
- Number of attributes no longer available: 12 Education (2022).
- Use of updated input data from official statistics has led to deviations for Age and Gender variables.
- The Purchasing Power projections in national currency for 2024 show an upward trend due to inflation and a revision of economic data.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Oman | - Vintage 2024 (Unemployed Population 2023).
- Settlement points were updated from October 2017 nominal spacing to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Number of new attributes: 6 Education (2024).
- Number of attributes no longer available: 8 Education (2022); 1 Marital Status (2022).
- Data shows a 10.5% national population decrease following the use of UN data based on input data from the National Center for Statistics and Information.
- The Purchasing Power projections in national currency for 2024 show an upward trend due to inflation, economic growth and a revision of economic data.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Pakistan | - Vintage 2024.
- Settlement points were updated from the 100m Constrained UN adjusted projected 2020 population grid to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- New geography level: Counties.
- The Purchasing Power projections in national currency for 2024 show a significant upward trend due to high inflation.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Philippines | - Vintage 2024.
- Settlement points were updated from October 2017 nominal spacing to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Number of new attributes: 4 Marital Status (2024); 6 Education (2024).
- Using new input data from the Census 2020 led to deviations for Age and Gender variables.
- Consumer Spending for 2024 shows an upward trend due to inflation and economic growth.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Qatar | - Vintage 2024.
- Settlement points were updated from October 2017 nominal spacing to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Geography level name change from Zones to Subdistricts.
- The Population projections at the national level declined by 2.7% compared to former estimates; this difference is attributed to updates to United Nations data based on input data from the Statistics Authority.
- For reasons of data privacy, in areas with few regional inhabitants, all data except Population and Households numbers are anonymized. In these areas, variables simultaneously referring to currency and population are based on the national average; all other variables are set to zero.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Saudi Arabia | - Vintage 2024.
- Settlement points were updated from October 2017 nominal spacing to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Number of new attributes: 15 Population by Age and Gender (2024); 6 Education (2024).
- Number of attributes no longer available: 10 Education (2022); 1 Marital Status (2022).
- Population at the national level declined by 6% compared to former estimates following incorporation of the new Census 2022 input data.
- Using new input data from the Census 2022 leads to deviations in Population and the respective dependent variables.
- The Purchasing Power projections in national currency for 2024 show a downward trend due to a revision of economic data.
- The Consumer Spending data for 2024 shows variations compared to 2022 with shifts within categories due to new data from official statistics.
- Due to the country-specific structures of the input data, some individual characteristics of the standardized education variables cannot be presented.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Singapore | - Vintage 2024 (Unemployed Population 2023).
- Settlement points were updated from October 2017 nominal spacing to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Geography level name change from Planning Areas to Districts.
- Number of new attributes: 6 Education (2024).
- Number of attributes no longer available: 9 Education (2022); 1 Households (2022); 1 Marital Status (2022).
- Consumer Spending for 2024 shows variations compared to 2022 with shifts within categories due to new data from official statistics.
- There is no official data available for the areas of Changi Bay, Central Water Catchment, Marina East, Marina South, Simpang, Straits View, and Western Islands.
- Due to a lack of available data for the areas of Boon Lay, Lim Chu Kang, North-Eastern Islands, Paya Lebar, Pioneer, Tengah, and Tuas—Age and Gender are set to zero.
- Due to a lack of official data availability for the areas of Boon Lay, Lim Chu Kang, Mandai, Museum, Newton, North-Eastern Islands, Orchard, Paya Lebar, Pioneer, Rochor, Seletar, Singapore River, Southern Islands, Sungei Kadut, Tengah, Tuas, and Western Water Catchment—values for Households by Type are set to zero.
- Due to a lack of official data availability for the areas of Boon Lay, Lim Chu Kang, North-Eastern Islands, Paya Lebar, Pioneer, Tengah, and Tuas—values for Education and Marital Status are set to zero.
- For the areas of Changi, Mandai, Museum, Newton, Orchard, Rochor, Southern Islands, Sungei Kadut, Seletar, Singapore River and Western Water Catchment official statistical data is not collected separately. Therefore, these all have the same shares of Educational Attainment and Marital Status.
- Due to a lack of official data availability for the areas of Boon Lay, Lim Chu Kang, Museum, North-Eastern Islands, Orchard, Paya Lebar, Pioneer, Seletar, Southern Islands, Sungei Kadut, Tengah, Tuas, and Western Water Catchment—Household by Income Quintiles, Unemployed Persons, Purchasing Power, and Consumer Spending data are set to zero.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
South Korea | - Vintage 2024.
- Settlement points were updated from October 2017 nominal spacing to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Number of new attributes available: 6 Education (2024).
- Number of attributes no longer available: 9 Education (2022); 1 Marital Status (2022).
- The Purchasing Power and Consumer Spending projections in national currency for 2024 show an upward trend due to inflation.
- Due to the country-specific structures of the input data, some individual characteristics of the standardized education variables cannot be presented.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Sri Lanka | - Vintage 2024.
- Settlement points were updated from October 2017 nominal spacing to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Number of attributes no longer available: 1 Marital Status (2022).
- Population projections at the national level declined by 1% compared to former estimates; this difference is attributed to updates to United Nations data that is based on input data from the Sri Lanka Department of Census and Statistics.
- The use of updated input data from official statistics has led to deviations for Age and Gender variables.
- The Purchasing Power projections in national currency for 2024 show an upward trend due to high inflation.
- Age and Gender are reported separately, not in combination.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Taiwan | - Vintage 2024.
- Settlement points were updated from October 2017 nominal spacing to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Number of new attributes: 4 Marital Status (2024); 6 Education (2024).
- Number of attributes no longer available: 11 Education (2022).
- Consumer Spending for 2024 shows variations compared to 2022 with shifts within categories due to new data from official statistics.
- Due to the country-specific structures of the input data, some individual characteristics of the standardized education variables cannot be presented.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Tajikistan | - Vintage 2024.
- Settlement points were updated from the 100m Constrained UN adjusted projected 2020 population grid to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Thailand | - Vintage 2024.
- Settlement points were updated from population-weighted hexagonal centroid Nostra 2021 housing units to Nostra 2022 residential housing unit points.
- Population at the national level declined by 0.6% compared to former estimates following incorporation of data from the United Nations that is based on input data from the National Statistical Office.
- Consumer Spending 2024 shows variations compared to 2022 with shifts within categories due to new data from official statistics.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
United Arab Emirates | - Vintage 2024.
- Settlement points were updated from October 2017 nominal spacing to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Number of attributes no longer available: 1 Unemployed Population/Jobs (2021).
- A 4.9% decline in national population was noted in the latest update from Michael Bauer Research GmbH, attributed to updates to United Nations data based on input from the National Bureau of Statistics.
- For regions within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, Households are based on the household size of the encompassing Emirate.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Uzbekistan | - Vintage 2024.
- Settlement points were updated from October 2017 nominal spacing to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Geography level name change from Provinces to Regions.
- The Purchasing Power projections in national currency for 2024 show an upward trend due to high inflation.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.
Vietnam | - Vintage 2024.
- Settlement points were updated from the June 2021 population grid 2020 UN adjusted with HERE Roads and layers to the 2023 European Commission Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This data is newer and more detailed than the previous raster-based data and could result in changes to previously-run values in some trade areas. Settlement points are used in the data apportionment algorithm to redistribute data variables to input polygon features.
- Geography level name change from Communes to Municipalities.
- Number of new attributes: 6 Education (2024).
- Number of attributes no longer available: 14 Education (2022).
- The use of updated national input data from official statistics has led to deviations for Age and Gender variables.
- The Purchasing Power and Consumer Spending projections in national currency for 2024 show an upward trend due to economic growth.
- For micro-level data, Education is based on the distribution of the respective Huyen. Due to the country-specific structures of the input data, some individual characteristics of the standardized education variables cannot be presented.
- See the Release notes (PDF) for more details.