Change log — October 2023

Detailed information about what changed for Esri Demographics standard demographics, advanced demographics, and ArcGIS Places data for the October 2023 release is provided below.

Deprecation announcements

The following deprecation announcements apply to the October 2023 release:

Notice about Demographic maps

Esri offers a comprehensive set of ready-to-use demographic maps for over 170 countries and regions. Data categories include population, income, age, education, and consumer spending for a variety of products and services. You can quickly access these maps through the Demographics and Lifestyle group in ArcGIS Online.

As of November 27, 2023, these demographic maps will no longer be discoverable through ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World. See the Introducing the Demographics and Lifestyle group for accessing demographic maps blog post for more information.


Advanced demographic map services and layers for Canada which have been in mature support and not actively maintained will be removed in December 2023. The item descriptions for these legacy demographic map layers contain  recommended replacements, or see the Demographic Maps Item Status for links to web maps and map image layers.


With the ArcGIS Online release on October 25, 2023, there are 12 ready-to-use map items for Advanced Demographics for France (Esri France) that are marked deprecated (which removes them from ArcGIS Living Atlas, but leaves them in ArcGIS Online).

The workaround is to access data from within the generally available items still in ArcGIS Living Atlas maps (Esri France). The remaining 8 items are updated with new data.

The following 12 maps are deprecated:

  • France Management Workers
  • Management Workers in France
  • Industry Workers in France
  • France Industry Workers
  • Population Over 80 in France
  • France Population Over 80
  • Foreign Population in France
  • France Foreign Population
  • Retired Population in France
  • France Retired Population
  • Household Owners in France
  • France Household Owners


With the ArcGIS Online release on October 25, 2023, there are 8 ArcGIS Living Atlas items for Advanced Demographics for Spain (AIS Group) that are marked deprecated (which removes them from ArcGIS Living Atlas, but leaves them in ArcGIS Online).

The workaround is to access data from within the generally available items still in ArcGIS Living Atlas maps (AIS). The remaining 20 items are updated with new data.

The following 8 maps are deprecated:

  • Foreign Population in Spain
  • High Income Households in Spain
  • Low Income Households in Spain
  • Population Density in Spain
  • Spain Foreign Population
  • Spain High Income Households
  • Spain Low Income Households
  • Spain Population Density

U.S. Demographic map services and layers in mature support removed in 2023

Advanced demographic map services and layers for the United States which have been in mature support and not actively maintained were removed in October 2023 and December 2023. The item descriptions for these legacy demographic map layers contain recommended replacements.

Standard demographics

This release includes updates to standard demographics for 46 African countries and 25 North American countries with data from Michael Bauer Research GmbH.


The following African countries are updated with new standard demographics (vintage updated from 2021 to 2023): Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Republic of the Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Reunion, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

North America

The following North American countries are updated with new standard demographics (vintage updated from 2020 to 2022): Anguilla, Aruba, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique, Mexico, Montserrat, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Saint Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Advanced demographics

This release includes updates to advanced demographics for Canada, France, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Spain, and the United States. Advanced demographics for New Zealand are now available.


The 2023 update for Canada includes the newly released CensusPlus 2021 data and new Census 2021 boundaries from Environics Analytics.


In France, the vintage for attributes in the advanced demographics data from Esri France are updated to 2023. Additionally, a new coding system has been implemented that removes the vintage from variable IDs.


In Mexico, the boundaries and settlement points from INEGI are updated. There is also a new Spanish translated version providing a dual language dataset.

New Zealand

This update includes the first release of 2018 Stats New Zealand Census data for New Zealand.

Puerto Rico

This release includes an updated combined Census 2000/2010/2020 dataset for Puerto Rico with the new 2020 Census Demographic and Housing Characteristics Data.


In Spain, the vintage for attributes in the advanced demographics data from the AIS Group are updated to 2023, and there are additional variables available.

United States

 The following content is added for Esri U.S. Demographics for 2023:

  • Historical Time Series data for population, households, and housing units, including annual counts from 2010 to 2023, enables visualization of population changes over time.
  • New 2020 U.S. Census data provides access to 1,400 variables, including detailed age by gender and race, relationship and household type, group quarters, housing by size, and housing by tenure. Additional 2020 U.S. Census data from the recently released Demographics and Housing Characteristics (DHC) includes updates to report templates and updated DHC data for Puerto Rico that will be added to existing American Community Survey (ACS) data in a single hierarchy.
  • The new Esri Retail Demand by Industry database represents an extension to Esri 2023 Consumer Spending (by product and service) estimates. Retail Demand by Industry highlights where consumers are likely to spend money. In all, these estimates provide an alternative view of spending potential based on the industries where such market transactions may occur.

ArcGIS Places data

This release includes the following updates and new releases for ArcGIS Places data:

  • United States—Quarterly update to ArcGIS Places sourced from Data Axle Business Locations and SafeGraph Places data (Q3 2023).
  • Puerto Rico—Quarterly update to ArcGIS Places sourced from SafeGraph Places (Q3 2023).
  • Canada—Quarterly update to ArcGIS Places sourced from Data Axle Business Locations and SafeGraph Places (Q3 2023).
  • India—New ArcGIS Places sourced from Esri India Places (April 2023).
  • Global—Quarterly update to ArcGIS Places data based on data sourced from Foursquare (Q3 2023), including coverage for Russia, Ukraine, Iran, and Belarus.

Esri India

This release includes an April 2023 ArcGIS Places dataset from Esri India with more than 8 million points of interest, including businesses, government buildings, and cultural centers. The dataset is newly available in Business Analyst and is expected to be updated annually.