Census 2010

Esri provides the US Census Bureau's Census 2010 data for the United States. Census data is updated every 10 years and represents a complete count of the population. Census demographics are point estimates, representing April 1 of the census year. Census 2010 data categories provided by Esri include the following:

  • Population
  • Age
  • Race and Ethnicity
  • Group Quarters
  • Households
  • Families
  • Housing—Total Housing Units, Occupied, Vacant, by Race, by Size, by Age, Mortgage Status, Tenure


Census 2010

Available geographies

United States: See Advanced Demographics available geographies.

Puerto Rico: See Advanced Demographics available geographies.

Update frequency

Census data is updated decennially (plus annual updates to geographies that are updated annually such as ZIP Codes).

Sample reports

The following sample census reports are available:

For more information about reports and the products that contain them, visit Esri Reports.

For information about the number of credits needed to run reports, see Credits by capability.

Release notes

The following are the release notes for the U.S. and Puerto Rico:

Variable lists

The variable lists for Esri's Census demographics data are in the following data catalogs:

Data availability

Esri's Census demographics data is available in various products including the following:

For information about purchasing Esri's Census demographics data as a stand-alone dataset, contact datasales@esri.com.