The Roadway Management solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you inventory public roads and their characteristics, conduct routine pavement condition assessments, and streamline inspection and maintenance activities.
In this topic, you will learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the following workflows.
Use your organization's data or configured apps to follow these workflows.Manage road data
To help organizations effectively manage and assess the quality of their roadway assets, a series of apps can be used to create an accurate inventory of the location and characteristics of roads, guardrails, pavement markings, traffic calming devices, and pavement condition inspection survey units.
The Roadway Data Management ArcGIS Pro project can be used by mapping technicians to load existing GIS records into the solutions feature layers and create new record information while being guided through a series of tasks. After record information is loaded, the Roadway Management Center can be used to manage and monitor roadway asset information.
In these workflows, you will assume the role of a mapping technician responsible for maintaining an authoritative record of roadway asset information for your organization.
Load and create roadway assets and characteristics
The Roadway Data Management ArcGIS Pro project includes a series of tasks to help you get started using the solution's layers and guide you through data loading and data creation workflows.
To use the Roadway Data Management ArcGIS Pro project, complete the following steps:
- Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Roadway Data Management desktop application template.
- From the item page, click Download.
- Unzip the downloaded folder, and then from the unzipped folder, open the ArcGIS Pro project.
- In the Catalog pane, expand the Tasks folder.
If you do not see the Catalog pane, from the View tab, in the Windows group, click Catalog Pane.
- Double-click the Roadway Data Management task item.
- In the Tasks pane, click the Getting started, Load roadway data, and Create roadway data task groups to expand each collection of tasks.
- Complete the tasks in each task group.
Inventory and monitor roadway assets
The Roadway Management Center app can also be used to inventory and monitor roadway assets. This app provides an organization the ability to manage and monitor roadway asset information on the web, providing updates to road, road characteristic, guardrail, pavement marking, traffic calming devices and road survey unit information.
In this workflow, you will manage the roadway asset inventory by adding new road characteristic data for speed limits using the Roadway Management Center app.
The workflow below assumes you have completed previous steps in the Load and create roadway assets and characteristics section and that feature records already exist in the Road Segments layer.
- In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Roadway Management Center app.
- From the item page, click View.
The Roadway Management Center Home page is open by default.
- At the upper right, click Inventory.
The Road Segments view is shown by default in the list of Roadway Assets. Each of the layers in the Roadway Assets list include a panel on the right with three tabbed sections containing a Legend, Edit, and Filter or Stat tab.
- Select Speed Limit from the Roadway Assets list.
- Use the map to zoom and pan to an area of interest.
As you zoom in to the map, your road segments will appear at the Town visible scale range (1:40,000).
- From the right panel of the Speed Limit view, click the Edit tab.
- Click Settings > Snapping layers, and then check the Road Segments Snapping Layer check box to enable snapping to this layer.
- Under Create features, select a speed limit from the editing template.
- Hover over a road segment in the map and follow the on-screen tips to complete your edits, snapping your speed limit features to the Road Segments Snapping Layer.
When you need the line to curve or change directions, click the map in those locations to add a node. When you get to the end of the new line, double-click that location on the map to complete the drawing. Each time you add a feature to the map, the attributes for the feature appear in the Create features pane.
- Type or choose values for each attribute, and then, when you finish providing attribute values, click Create.
To deactivate the Create features pane, unselect the active template.
- On the right panel, click Filter and view the options.
Here, you can filter by speed limit, view the total length of features in your speed limit inventory, and view a pie graph displaying the breakdown of length (in feet) of various speed limit features in your inventory.
Maintain roadway assets
Operations and maintenance supervisors frequently manage complex operations around the inspection and maintenance of roadway assets, delegating related field assignments to mobile workers. Sharing near real-time information between the field and the office is also critical to running operations smoothly and efficiently.
You will now assume the role of an operations and maintenance supervisor responsible for organizing routine and ad hoc inspections and maintenance activities.
Monitor asset condition
In this workflow, you will monitor the conditions of your roadway assets.
- In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Roadway Management Center app.
- From the item page, click View.
The Roadway Management Center Home page is open by default.
- In the upper right, click Maintenance.
Roads is shown as the active view in Roadway Maintenance list and is open by default. Each of the layers in the Roadway Maintenance list contains a view panel with Filter and Legend widgets.
- Review the high-level road metrics, such as In Progress and Completed road maintenance.
- On the map, select a road segment.
Map selections are linked. If you select a feature in the map, related details are filtered and updated in the tables below.
- Optionally, select a road segment record from the Road Segments table.
Table selections are linked. If a record is selected in the table, the map zooms to the selected feature, and related details are filtered and updated in the Road Maintenance Lines and Road Maintenance Points tables.
- In the Asset details feature details pane, click Create Assignment.
The Assignments page opens in another tab.
- Choose an assignment type and assign a mobile worker.
- Optionally, modify the priority, due date, description, or other assignment details.
- When you're finished, click Create Assignment, and then close the Assignments page and return to the Maintenance page.
- On the left, use filters to explore the asset collection by road name, maintenance type, status, or date.
The filter widget includes a button at the bottom for users to reset all filters to their original configured states.
- At the top-left corner, click Guardrails.
- Review the high-level metrics, such as Inspected and Needs Maintenance.
- Use the charts to explore damage and asset condition.
- On the map or in the Inspection Details table, select a feature.
- In the Asset details feature details pane, click Create Assignment.
The Assignments page opens in another tab.
- Choose an assignment type and assign a mobile worker.
- Optionally, modify the priority, due date, description, or other assignment details.
- When you're finished, click Create Assignment, and then close the Assignments page and return to the Maintenance page.
- On the left, use filters to explore the asset collection by type, condition, date installed or inspected, or other specification.
- Repeat these steps to filter and explore inspection and maintenance activities for pavement marking symbols, stripes, and areas.
Respond to and monitor requests for service
In this workflow, you will respond to and monitor service requests.
- In the upper right of the Roadway Management Center app, click Requests and choose Manage.
- Click the Filters button.
- Use the filters to refine the submitted service requests, and then click Close when you are done setting the filters.
- In the Requests table, select the request you reported.
Review the details of the request in the Information panel.
- On the Information panel, click Edit.
- Click the Status drop-down and choose Received.
- Click Update.
- In the table, click the service request feature to view its details.
- On the Details tab, click Create Assignment.
The Assignments page opens in another tab.
- Choose an assignment type and assign a mobile worker.
- Optionally, modify the priority, due date, description, or other assignment details.
- When you're finished, click Create Assignment, and then close the Assignments page and return to the Manage page.
- In the upper right, click Requests and choose Monitor.
- Use the charts to filter and explore active and resolved requests for service.
Dashboard charts are linked. As you click and select a category in one chart, related details are filtered and updated in other charts, which allows a manager to identify issues and areas that need attention.
You will create an assignment so that the request for service can be addressed by mobile workers.
Assign field work
In this workflow, you will manage field assignments.
- In the upper right, click Assignments.
- Close the Create Assignments window that initially appears on the left.
- At the bottom of the pane, click the Assignments tab.
- From the list of assignments, click an assignment, if present.
- In the upper left, click Assign and choose a mobile worker who will complete the work if one has not been assigned yet.
- Optionally, click the Edit button to modify the priority, description, or other assignment details.
- When you're finished, click Save.
- Click the back button.
- On the map, select a roadway asset and review its information, and then click + Create Assignment.
You can also use the search box on the map to search by address, place, asset ID, or needs maintenance. To search for assets flagged as needing maintenance type 'yes' into the search box. Select individual records or select all to bulk generate assignments.
- Choose an assignment type and assign a mobile worker.
- Optionally, modify the priority, due date, description, or other assignment details.
- Click Create Assignment.
Conduct field operations
Operations and maintenance staff are constantly monitoring and reporting on the status of roadway assets and addressing issues as they arise. As supervisors triage service requests and schedule routine maintenance, they delegate field assignments to mobile workers to ensure that work activity is addressed in a timely manner.
You will now assume the role of a mobile worker responsible for reporting issues as they arise, collecting roadway asset information in the field, assessing asset conditions, and recording maintenance activities against those assets.
Report roadway issues at speed
In this workflow, you will report roadway issues at speed while traveling as a passenger in a work vehicle.
- Download ArcGIS QuickCapture onto your mobile device.
- Open QuickCapture and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
- Tap the button to add a project, and then tap Browse Projects.
- Tap the Road Reporting project card to download the project.
- Tap the Road Reporting project in the gallery to open it.
- Tap the Pothole button or another button from the Damage, Debris and Safety button group that best describes the issue you are reporting.
Every time you tap a button, a new road issue is submitted to your Request layer, indicating the location, time reported, road issue type, and signed-in user information.
Inventory roadway assets
In this workflow, you will use the Roadway Field Map to collect guardrails in the field.
- Download ArcGIS Field Maps onto your mobile device.
- Open ArcGIS Field Maps and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
- Tap Roadway Field Map to open the map.
- Tap Add.
- Scroll to the Guardrail feature templates.
- Optionally, tap Filter and search for the guardrail feature template.
- Tap Guardrail.
- Drag the map to the correct location, and then tap Add Point.
- Continue to tap Add Point until the guardrail line is complete.
- Optionally, tap Take Photo to take and attach a photo.
- Optionally, tap Attach to record video and audio and to attach other photos from your device.
- Swipe up on the form and provide all the required information in the Guardrail Details section.
- Scroll to the Location Details section of the form, and then provide location information as needed.
- Scroll to the Ownership Details section of the form, and then provide guardrail ownership information as needed.
- When you are finished, at the upper right, tap the check mark or Submit.
Your interface may vary depending on the type of mobile device that you use.
- Swipe up on the form to review the guardrail's information.
Inspect roadway assets
In this workflow, you will use the Roadway Field Map to assess guardrails in the field.
- On the Roadway Field Map, tap a guardrail.
- Swipe up on the form to review the guardrail's information.
- Swipe up on the form to the Related section.
- Tap Guardrail Maintenance.
Previously recorded maintenance activities are displayed. When present, you can tap the maintenance record and swipe up on the form to review the information.
- Tap Add.
- Swipe up on the form to expand the form.
- Tap Type to enter the type of maintenance activity completed.
- Tap Date to enter the date that the maintenance activity was completed.
- Optionally, tap Status to modify the status of the maintenance record.
- Optionally, tap Notes to enter maintenance notes.
- When you are finished, at the upper right, tap the check mark or Submit.
Your interface may vary depending on the type of mobile device that you use.
- Swipe up on the form to review the recorded maintenance information.
- In the Related section, tap Guardrails to return to the feature.
- Repeat these steps to record any additional maintenance activity.
- Tap Edit.
- Swipe up on the form to expand the form.
- Tap Inspected On to enter the date that the inspection was completed.
Additional inspection fields appear.
- Optionally, tap Rail damaged
- In the Length of damaged rail field, enter the total length of damaged rail.
- Optionally, tap Posts damaged.
- In the Number of posts damaged field, enter the total number of damaged posts.
- Optionally, tap Start treatment damaged.
- Optionally, tap End treatment damaged.
- Tap Condition to record the overall condition of the inspected guardrail.
- Optionally, tap Needs Maintenance to flag the guardrail for maintenance or tap Needs Replacement to flag the guardrail for replacement.
- When you are finished, at the upper right, tap the check mark or Submit.
Your interface may vary depending on the type of mobile device that you use.
- Swipe up on the form to review the recorded inspection information.
Complete field assignments
Mobile workers often receive work through assignments. These assignments help organize tasks and can be used to communicate the status of work to operations and maintenance supervisors.
In this workflow, you will complete a field assignment.
- Download ArcGIS Workforce onto your mobile device.
- Open ArcGIS Workforce and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
- Tap the Road Assignments map.
- In the To do list, tap an assignment to view its location on the map and see details about the assignment.
- In the assignment details, tap Directions to see a list of installed navigation apps, and then tap the app you want to use and allow ArcGIS Workforce to open it.
The app opens, generating a route to your assignment.
- In the assignment details, tap Start to begin working on an assignment.
- Optionally, tap Add Note to enter information for the operations and maintenance supervisors, and then tap Done.
- Optionally, tap Take Photo to take and attach a photo.
- Optionally, tap Attach to record video and audio and to attach other photos from your device.
- Swipe up and tap Open in Field Maps.
Roadway Field Map opens in ArcGIS Field Maps and defaults to the location of the assignment. Depending on the assignment type, the inspection or maintenance form automatically opens for you.
- To pause, decline, or reset the assignment, tap the Overflow button
and tap the appropriate status, or tap Cancel.
- In the assignment details, tap Finish when you have completed the assignment.
- Optionally, tap To Do and tap Completed to view your completed assignments.
- Optionally, tap Sync
if you have edits that aren't synced) and tap Sync Now to sync them.
Changes to the status of your assignments automatically syncs with your ArcGIS organization at the default interval of every 15 minutes.
Assess pavement conditions
Road condition is greatly affected by a local government's ability to perform timely maintenance and upgrades. Over time, weather, climate, and traffic cause road pavement to degrade. When roads are in poor condition, they constrain a community's economic vitality, put lives at risk, and increase the cost of operating a vehicle. As a result, road maintenance organizations routinely inspect pavement conditions to help them plan for the right treatments on the right roads at the right time.
In this collection of workflows, you will assume various roles within transportation and public works agencies that work together to assess pavement condition, process and summarize pavement assessment results, and monitor pavement condition ratings on roads throughout the community.
Conduct pavement condition index surveys
A pavement condition index (PCI) is a statistical measure of pavement condition and is often used to help agencies select pavement preservation and rehabilitation strategies in their pavement management systems. Before PCI is calculated, detailed distress observations are recorded on a given section of pavement or survey unit. After distress observations are complete, the PCI is calculated based on equations that combine the severity, extent (measure), and the relative importance of the type of distress observed, resulting in a deduct value for each distress type and severity. The sum of these deduct values are deducted from 100, and the result is a PCI.
The Roadway Management solution includes a series of apps to help you conduct asphalt concrete (AC) pavement condition inspections resulting in a PCI. The PCI Field Map can be used by pavement inspection professionals to review completed inspections, view PCI survey units, and launch a new pavement condition inspection. The Pavement Condition Inspections Survey123 field app, launched from a survey unit within the PCI Field Map, is used to record distress observations and calculate a PCI.
In this workflow, you will assume the role of a pavement inspection professional responsible for conducting asphalt concrete (AC) pavement condition inspections that result in a pavement condition index (PCI).
- Download the Survey123 field app onto your mobile device.
- Open Survey123 and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
- Download ArcGIS Field Maps onto your mobile device.
- Open ArcGIS Field Maps and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
- Tap the PCI Field Map map to open it.
- Use the map to locate your target PCI survey unit (green line features), and then tap the feature to see details and additional options.
- Tap the Launch PCI Survey button.
The Pavement Condition Inspections Survey123 field app launches.
When launching a new inspection, information from the survey unit feature layer will be passed to the Survey123 field app, including the geometry of the survey unit and other survey unit details. At the same time, an attempt will also be made to intersect layers from the Road Characteristics feature layer, passing road class and construction history information to the Survey123 field app when possible.
- From the Pavement Condition Inspections Survey123 field app, review the prepopulated information on the Survey Unit Information page.
- Tap to go to the Distress Observations page.
- For Distress Type, choose Alligator Cracking.
- For Severity, choose High.
- For Measure, type 20.
- Optionally, use the camera to capture a distress photo.
- For Distress location, tap a location on the map and tap the check mark at the lower right.
As observations are added, a summary of distress observations are provided at the bottom of the Distress Observations page.
- Tap the + button to add a new distress observation.
- Repeat these steps for each distress observed within the survey unit.
- After recording distress observations, tap to go to the Pavement Condition Scoring page.
- Optionally, tap the Distress Observations Summary map to view the survey unit and all distress observations.
- Review the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) and PCI Rating results.
The PCI has been calculated for you and has taken into account the physical dimensions of the survey unit and the relative importance (weight) of the extent for every distress type and severity observed.
- For Information integrity, choose I agree.
- Tap the check mark at the lower right and tap Send now.
Assess pavement conditions at speed
Organizations can quickly assess a large amount of their road network using the Rapid Pavement Assessment QuickCapture project. Although results of rapid pavement assessments cannot be broken down into more granular distress information that is helpful in determining treatment options, these assessments are economical and require less training compared to conducting a PCI inspection. They can also be very helpful in providing transportation and public works agencies a high level view of the condition of the overall road network, as observed by operations and maintenance staff most familiar with the roads and their conditions throughout the community.
In this workflow, you will assume the role of an operations and maintenance staff member responsible for providing a rapid assessment of pavement conditions while traveling as a passenger in a work vehicle.
- Download ArcGIS QuickCapture onto your mobile device.
- Open QuickCapture and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
- Tap the button to add a project, and then tap Browse Projects.
- Tap the Rapid Pavement Assessment project card to download the project.
- Tap the Rapid Pavement Assessment project in the gallery to open it.
- In the Pavement Condition Score exclusive button group, tap the button that most accurately describes the pavement condition of the road you are traveling on.
- As the pavement condition changes, tap the button that best reflects the changing pavement condition scores along the road.
Each button tap starts a new line segment with the updated pavement condition score value.
- Optionally, take a photo of the road while your are streaming your pavement condition rating observations.
Process pavement assessments
Organizations have the flexibility to conduct pavement assessments using the Pavement Condition Inspections Survey123 field app, the Rapid Pavement Assessment, or both. The Process Pavement Assessments Notebook helps organizations process pavement assessment results from both sources and to summarize and load assessment results into the Pavement Assessment feature layer's Rating History table.
For assessment results created by Rapid Pavement Assessment QuickCapture project, the notebook will execute a series of geoprocessing tasks and will summarize and associate rapid assessment results with feature records in the Road Segments layer (Road Characteristics feature layer).
For assessment results created by the Pavement Condition Inspections Survey123 field app, ratings are associated with the Road Segment feature the inspection was performed on.
For both assessment results, the original numerical score or index is retained in the Rating History table and is used to reclassify a new, standardized rating category used by both assessments.
In this workflow, you will assume the role of GIS technician responsible for processing pavement assessment results.
You must be assigned a role of Administrator or a custom role that includes the privilege to create, edit, and schedule notebooks in order to run ArcGIS Notebooks and complete the steps below.
- In a browser, verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Process Pavement Assessments notebook.
- From the item page, click Open Notebook.
- Click Cell > Run All.
- Follow the prompts on screen to select a date range on which to process pavement assessment results, and then select a summary statistic (if applicable).
- Click Calculate.
After the run completes, new records are appended to the Rating History table (PavementAssessments feature layer).
The join feature layer view, LatestRoadRatings, is created from a join between the Road Segments layer and the Rating History table and is used to visualize a road segment's most recent rating stored in the Rating History table.
Monitor assessment results
In this workflow, you will assume the role of a transportation or public works director responsible for overseeing paving programs and monitoring the condition of road pavements in your community. You will use the Pavement Assessment Dashboard app to review latest pavement ratings and drill into detailed PCI results.
- In a browser, verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and then browse to the Pavement Assessment Dashboard app.
- From the item page, click View Dashboard.
The Pavement Assessment Dashboard app can also be accessed from the Roadway Managment Center > Pavement Assessments page.The Pavement Assessment Dashboard app allows directors and managers to monitor current and historical pavement ratings (Pavement Ratings tab group), detailed pavement condition inspection results and distress observations (PCI Scores tab group), and rapid pavement assessment results (Rapid Pavement Scores tab group). The Pavement Ratings tab group is open by default.
- On the left of the app, click the arrow to display the filter panel.
You can pin the filter panel to the dashboard by clicking the pin in the upper right corner.
The filter panel allows you to filter across the various tab groups. The Assessment Date filter applies across all tab groups. The Pavement Rating Source and Pavement Rating filters apply to the Pavement Ratings tab group, and the PCI Scores and Rapid Assessment Scores apply to their respective tab groups.
- Click the PCI Scores tab group.
- Within the PCI Scores tab group, click the Functional Road Class bar chart to filter a category.
In addition to using PCI Scores filter in the filter panel, the PCI Scores tab group contains additional ArcGIS Dashboards elements to filter PCI assessment results such as the Functional Road Class bar chart mentioned above, the Pavement Age at Survey line chart, the survey unit Branch table element, and the tab group's pie chart displaying pavement ratings.
Discover pavement quality
Properly maintained roads increase a community's standard of living, save lives, prevent injuries or property damage, and improve traffic flow. Over time, weather, climate and traffic cause pavements to degrade. When roads are in poor condition, they constrain a community's economic vitality, put lives at risk, and increase the cost of operating a vehicle. Routine inspections by road maintenance organizations help reduce capital costs and identify safety issues before incidents can occur.
In these workflows, you will assume the role of a resident or member of the public who wants to learn about the quality of roads in their community. Finally, as a concerned resident, you will notify the city of a pothole you encountered while driving to work.
View pavement condition ratings
First, you will view the latest pavement condition ratings for roads in your community.
- In a browser, view the Quality Roads Hub site.
The Quality Roads site provides access to current pavement ratings and paving plans provided by your local municipality or state government agency.
- Scroll to the State of the Pavement section.
The Current Pavement Ratings app is embedded in this section. It features a map with current pavement ratings for roads in your community.
Click Launch App to open the Current Pavement Ratings app in full screen.
- Use the pie chart to understand the breakdown of pavement rating conditions throughout the community and to filter specific ratings.
- Click a road segment in the map to get more detailed information about the rating for that road, including a history of past pavement condition ratings.
- After you have finished reviewing current pavement ratings for roads in your community, scroll to the top of the Quality Roads site.
If you've launched the Current Pavement Ratings app in full screen, at the upper left, click the Quality Roads site title link to return to the main site.
Report roadway issues
Finally, you will submit a service request.
- In a browser, view the Quality Roads Hub site.
- Scroll to the Responsive Roadway Management section.
To jump to this section, scroll to the Our Roads, Our Responsibility section and click the Responsive button.
- Click Submit Request to launch the Road Request form.
- For Select Request Type, choose a request type from the drop-down list.
- For Add a Location, use the search field to set the service location; alternatively, click the Find my location button or click the location on the map.
- Optionally, add additional details, photos, and contact information.
- To complete your service request, click Submit.
- At the upper left, click the Quality Roads title link to return to the main site.