Use Mosquito Service Requests

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The Mosquito Service Requests solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you solicit mosquito activity reports from the public, triage reports to staff and field crews for resolution and monitor the resolution of reports in a community.

In this topic, you will learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the following workflows.

Use your organization's data or configured apps to follow these workflows.

Report mosquito activity

You will first assume the role of a member of the community seeking information about mosquito control services. You will use the Mosquito Control site to learn about mosquito abatement services in your community and how you can report mosquito activity and potential breeding sites. Reports you submit using the Mosquito Service Request app will be immediately available to the local Mosquito Control Agency.

  1. In a browser, go to the Mosquito Control site.
  2. From the item page, click View.
  3. Scroll to the Report a Problem section, and then click Submit a Request to open the Mosquito Service Request app.

    You can jump directly to the Report a Problem section by clicking the Outreach button in the What Are We Doing To Help? section.

  4. On the Mosquito Service Request splash page, click Continue as guest.
  5. Review the details in the introduction window, then click OK.
  6. At the lower left, in the Mosquito Reports panel, click Submit Report.
  7. Specify the report location by searching for an address or clicking on the map.
  8. Fill out the request details by providing the request type and additional details.
  9. Click Submit to submit the report.
  10. At the top of the Mosquito Reports panel, click the report you just submitted to select it.

    The report details are displayed. As the request moves through its life cycle (Submitted, Received, In Progress, and Completed), the status bar updates.

Respond to mosquito reports

Next, you will assume the role of an operations manager responsible for handling submitted mosquito activity reports. You will use the Mosquito Service Request Manager app to triage submitted reports and assign reports to the field inspectors responsible for resolution.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Mosquito Service Request Manager app.
  2. From the item page, click View.
  3. In the Mosquito Reports table, select a report with a status of Submitted.

    Review the details of the request in the Information panel .

  4. On the Information panel, click Edit .
  5. Click the Status drop-down and choose Received.
  6. Click Update.

    Field inspectors are ready to address the report.

  7. On the Information panel, click Edit.
  8. Click the Assigned To drop-down and choose the appropriate district.
  9. Click Update.

    Field inspectors inform you that the report has been resolved.

  10. On the Information panel, click Edit.
  11. Click the Status drop-down arrow and choose Completed.
  12. For Date Contacted, choose the current date.
  13. In the Resolution text box, type details about how the issue was resolved.
  14. Click Update.

    Once the issue is complete, the status indicator changes and the details now provide information about when and how the issue was resolved.

Update reports from the field

Now, you will assume the role of a field inspector responsible for addressing mosquito activity reports submitted by the public.

In addition to verifying and updating the status of public reports, field inspectors can also record the type of mosquitoes found on site, recommend treatments, and record any adulticide or larvicide treatments applied while on site. Status updates that are provided in the Mosquito Field Operations app will be immediately viewable to the public in the Mosquito Service Request app, and detailed information will be immediately available to operations managers in the Mosquito Service Request Dashboard app.

  1. Download ArcGIS Field Maps onto your mobile device.
  2. Open ArcGIS Field Maps and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  3. Tap Mosquito Field Operations to open the map.
  4. On the map, locate a reported problem, and then tap it to see details and additional options.
  5. At the lower left, tap Edit.
  6. Swipe up on the form and tap Status, and then tap Completed.
  7. Complete the rest of the form with information from your field inspection, such as information related to the people contacted at the location; the date; observations about the mosquitoes or larvae found on site; and what type of treatments, if any, were used.
  8. If applicable, tap Take Photo to take and attach a photo to document any standing water or water-retaining receptacles found during the inspection.
  9. When you are finished, at the upper right, tap the check mark or Submit.

    Your interface may vary depending on the type of mobile device that you use.

Monitor activity reports

Finally, you will assume the role of an operations manager responsible for overseeing mosquito abatement activity and reports submitted by the public. You will use the Mosquito Service Request Dashboard app to monitor incoming reports submitted by the public. Relevant metrics can be viewed at a glance or examined in more detail if time permits.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Mosquito Service Request Dashboard app.
  2. From the item page, click Open Dashboard.
  3. Review the high-level metrics.
  4. On the left, use the filters to refine the results by request type, status, or date submitted.

    When you filter results, the map, bar chart and number of reports in the Mosquito Reports panel update.

  5. On the right, in the Mosquito Reports panel, click a report to view the location.
  6. Click the point on the map to get detailed report information.