Mowing Operations can be used to create and refine mowing areas, monitor real-time mowing activity, share near real-time mowing status updates, track mower locations, and plan seasonal mowing operations.
Well-maintained parks, open space, and roadsides improve the overall appearance of a community, reduce traffic accidents, and decrease health and safety risks. Mowing grassy areas also ensures public agencies comply with local ordinances that regulate the maintenance of public and private lands. As a result, seasonal mowing operations help to reduce public safety hazards, control weeds, and ensure recreation areas are welcoming for residents. While routine mowing operations can create a cleaner community, the sheer volume of mowing areas in a community makes it difficult to mow every park and open space. Understanding where mowing has occurred and measuring performance helps organizations understand whether staff and contractors are meeting service agreements. Furthermore, understanding seasonal performance improves mowing plans and can be used to optimize any contracted resources.
The Mowing Operations solution helps you develop seasonal mowing plans, manage a central repository of mowers, and monitor real-time mowing activity and service performance.
Deploy the solution
This solution can be deployed in your ArcGIS organization.
See Deploying a solution for more information.
Mowing Operations requires the following:
- ArcGIS Online
- ArcGIS Pro 3.2 or later
- ArcGIS Survey123 Connect
- ArcGIS Velocity (Standard)
- ArcGIS QuickCapture (Optional)
Information products
Mowing Operations includes the following information products:
Item | Description | Minimum user type |
Mowing Data Management | An ArcGIS Pro project used by mapping technicians to create and load vehicle, mowing area, and service agreements data |
Creator |
Mowing Operator Reporter | An ArcGIS QuickCapture project used by equipment operators to record current equipment location and service status during mowing operations | Contributor |
Mowing Contractor Reporter | An ArcGIS QuickCapture project used by contractors to record current equipment location and service status during mowing operations | Contributor |
Mowing Operations Center | An ArcGIS Experience Builder app used by operations and maintenance managers to inventory and manage mowing data, triage service requests, and track operations activity | Contributor |
Mowing Inventory | An ArcGIS Experience Builder app used by mowing operations staff to create, update, and review mowing areas and agreements data | Contributor |
Mowing Operations Dashboard | An ArcGIS Dashboards app used by operations and maintenance managers to monitor real-time mowing, measure progress against schedule goals, and view overall performance | Viewer |
Mowing Request Manager | An ArcGIS Instant Apps app used by operations and maintenance managers to triage service requests | Contributor |
When you deploy this solution in your ArcGIS organization, you also get a solution item that organizes the key information products and summarizes all the ArcGIS items (applications, forms, projects, maps, feature layers, feature layer views, and so on) included with the solution. The solution item also illustrates any dependencies items have on each other.
Release notes
The following are the release notes:
Version | Description |
1.0 (November 2024) |