The Mowing Operations solution helps you develop seasonal mowing plans, manage a central repository of mowers, and monitor real-time mowing activity and service performance.
In this topic, you will learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the following workflows.
Use your organization's data or configured apps to follow these workflows.Manage feeds and analytics
The feeds and analytics that support the Mowing Operations solution are meant to be long-running resources, kept on and running continuously over the course of the year while operations are performed on any given day according to mowing schedules.
In these workflows, you will assume the role of a GIS technician supporting your agency's mowing operations by managing the ArcGIS Velocity feeds and analytics used by the Mowing Operations solution.
Turn on Mowing feeds and analytics
The Mowing Operations solution requires certain feeds and analytics to be running to perform correctly.
To turn on the feeds and analytics used by the Mowing Operations, complete the following steps:
- In a browser, sign in to your organization and open the ArcGIS Velocity app.
- In the ArcGIS Velocity app, use the site menu and click Real-Time.
- On the Real-Time Analytics page, click the Edit button
for the Mower Vehicle Tracking real-time analytic.
- For each feed in the analytic, click the Start feed button if it is not already on.
- Click Save to commit changes (if applicable) and validate the analytic.
- Click Start to start the real-time analytic.
- Use the ArcGIS Velocity site menu and click Big Data.
- Click the Start button
on the Mower Operations Analytics scheduled big data analytic.
Turn off Mowing feeds and analytics
Feeds and analytics supporting the Mowing Operations solution can be turned off during the off-season.
To turn off mowing feeds and analytics, complete the following steps:
- In the ArcGIS Velocity app, use the site menu and click Real-Time.
- On the Real-Time Analytics page, click the Edit button
for the Mower Vehicle Tracking real-time analytic.
Before proceeding to the next step, ensure that any feeds you turn off in the Mower Vehicle Tracking real-time analytic are not being used by other real-time analytics currently running in your organization.
- For each feed in the analytic, click the Stop feed button.
- Click Save to commit changes (if applicable) and validate the analytic.
- Click Stop to stop the real-time analytic.
- Use the ArcGIS Velocity site menu and click Big Data.
- On the Big Data Analytics page, click the Stop button
on the Mower Operations Analytics scheduled big data analytic.
Manage vehicle inventory
Maintaining an authoritative and up-to-date inventory of mower vehicle information helps operations and maintenance managers prepare and plan for mowing operations throughout the year. Changes in technology, workforce, and an increased use of contracted resources can make planning operations difficult to manage. The result can lead to missed assignments, budget overruns, and a frustrated community. Completing a vehicle inventory can help agencies identify needs by documenting all vehicles supporting their mowing operations, both fleet and contracted.
The Mowing Operations Center app can be used by operations managers of public works, parks, and transportation agencies to manage an authoritative source of information for all vehicles supporting mowing operations.
The Vehicles feature layer is shared by the Mowing Operations and Street Sweeping Operations solutions. Although a vehicle can support more than one of these operations, it can only be assigned to one operation at a time. If you are using more than one of these solutions, you can use the Operations Center web experience to view all vehicles supporting these operations and reassign a vehicle's current operation.
In these workflows, you will assume the role of an operations and maintenance manager of a public works agency responsible for updating information on vehicles supporting mowing operations.
Add a new vehicle
In this workflow, you will add a new vehicle to the vehicle inventory.
- Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Mowing Operations Center app.
- From the item page, click View.
- At the top of the page, click the Mowers tab.
- At the bottom of the page, click the + Add New button.
The Add New Asset window appears.
- Complete the form with vehicle inventory details.
Required fields are marked with a red asterisk.
- Click Submit.
The success screen appears, indicating your new asset information has been processed. This information will take approximately one minute to be reflected in the Mowers page.
- Click Close to close the Add New Asset window.
If you chose ArcGIS Only or Vendor AVL Location and ArcGIS Field Operations for the Automated Vehicle Location (AVL) Source question, you need to complete the following tasks to support drivers of this vehicle with use of the Mowing Operator Reporter QuickCapture project:
- Ensure drivers of this vehicle are added to the Mower Operators group. See Provision users for more information.
- Ensure drivers of this vehicle are added to the ArcGIS Tracker track view, ArcGIS Mowing Operators, created in the Create a track view section.
Update vehicle information
Regular maintenance on assets supporting mowing operations means occasional downtime for vehicles. In this workflow, you will update the status of a vehicle in your inventory.
- Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Mowing Operations Center app.
- From the item page, click View.
- At the top of the page, click the Mowers tab.
- Click Edit Asset
for a vehicle in the list.
The Edit Asset window appears.
- Update Status to Out for repair.
- Click Submit.
The success screen appears, indicating your changes have been processed. These changes will take approximately one minute to be reflected on the Mowers page.
- Click the Close button to close the Edit Asset window.
Manage mowing areas and agreements
The Mowing Inventory app can be used by operations and maintenance managers to create, update, and review mowing areas and service agreements. Existing mowing areas and agreements can be updated and information added to help staff manage the mowing program. New mowing areas and agreements can also be added to the inventory.
You will assume the role of an operations and maintenance manager of a public works agency. In this workflow, you are asked to update mowing areas and agreements, and add mowing areas and agreements to the inventory.
Update mowing areas and agreements
First, you will update mowing areas data and agreement ID using the Mowing Operations Center app.
- Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Mowing Operations Center app.
- From the item page, click View.
- In the right panel, click Filter, and click the Mowing Areas – No Agreements toggle button.
The map filters mowing areas that have no associated Agreement ID.
- On the map, click the mowing area polygon you want to update.
- In the right panel, click Edit, then click Select Agreement.
The Add / Edit Agreement ID window appears.
- Type or select an agreement ID for the Select an Agreement ID text box.
- Select the desired agreement ID from the list to associate it with the selected mowing area.
- Click Submit to update the associated mowing area agreement ID, then close the Add/Edit Agreement ID window.
In the Edit features panel, the Agreement ID field is updated.
- Click the Close button to close the Add / Edit Agreement ID window.
- In the Edit feature panel, complete the form and click Update.
- Open the Filter panel and turn off the Mowing Areas - No Agreements filter or click the Reset all button.
The Mowing Inventory app can also be accessed outside the Mowing Operations Center app.
Add a new mowing area and agreement
Next, you will create a mowing area and new agreement using the Mowing Operations Center app.
- Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Mowing Operations Center app.
- From the item page, click View.
- In the app, click Inventory.
- In the app, zoom and pan to an area of interest.
- In the Edit pane, under Create features, click Mowing Areas.
- Click the map to draw a mowing area. Double-click to complete the polygon.
- In the Edit feature panel, complete the form and click Create.
To deactivate editing, unselect the Mowing Areas editing template.
- To add a new agreement, click Add New Agreement.
- Type agreement details and click Submit.
- Click the Close button.
- To associate the new agreement to a mowing area, on the map click a mowing area polygon you want to update.
- Click Select Agreement from the Edit panel.
- Type or select an agreement ID in the Select an Agreement ID text box to associate it with the selected mowing area.
- Click Submit to update the associated mowing area agreement ID.
- Click Close.
- Repeat steps 3 through 15 to add more mowing areas and agreements.
Report issues and service status during operations
Public works, parks, and transportation agencies can use ArcGIS to extend their ability to track and monitor mowing operations by including vehicles with limited or no existing automated vehicle location (AVL) technology on board. Drivers equipped with ArcGIS location tracking technology and field operations apps can be tracked alongside vehicles supported by an AVL system.
Use the Mowing Operator Reporter project
The Mowing Operator Reporter QuickCapture project can be used by mowers to record current vehicle location, service status, and submit issues during mowing operations.
In this workflow, you will assume the role of a mower operator for a public works agency who needs to track their vehicle location and report operations status and observation information.
- Download ArcGIS QuickCapture onto your mobile device.
- Open QuickCapture and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
- Tap the button to add a project, and tap Browse Projects.
- Tap the Mowing Operator Reporter project card to download the project.
- Tap the Mowing Operator Reporter project in the gallery to open it.
- Tap Continue to share your location with permitted members of your organization.
- Tap the Vehicle option for the vehicle that you will use for mowing operations.
- In the Track Mower group, tap the In Transit button.
- Once on site and ready to begin mowing, tap the Mowing button to start tracking.
- In the Request Service group, tap the Litter, Weeds, Illegal Dumping, or Standing Water buttons to report an actionable issue at your current location.
- Once a mowing area is complete, tap the Mowing button to stop tracking.
- Tap the In Transit button to change the service status of the vehicle.
- Repeat steps 7 through 12 for each mowing area as progress is made.
Use the Mowing Contractors QuickCapture project
The Mowing Operator Reporter QuickCapture project can be used by mowing contractors to record current vehicle location, service status, and submit issues during mowing operations.
In this workflow, you will assume the role of a mowing contractor who needs to track their mowing location and report operations status and observation information.
- Open QuickCapture and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
- Tap the button to add a project.
- Tap the button to add a project, and tap Browse Projects.
- Tap the Mowing Contractor Reporter project card to download the project.
- Tap the Mowing Contractor Reporter project in the gallery to open it.
- Tap Continue to share your location with permitted members of your organization.
- Tap the Vehicle option for the vehicle that you will use for mowing operations.
- If needed, in the Track Mower group, tap the In Transit button.
- Once ready to begin mowing, tap the Mowing button to start tracking.
- In the Request Service group, tap the Litter, Weeds, Illegal Dumping, or Standing Water buttons to report an actionable issue at your current location.
- Once a mowing area is complete, tap the Mowing button to stop tracking.
- Tap the In Transit button to change the service status of the vehicle.
- In the Report Mowing group, tap the Mowing Area Completed button and take a photo of the completed mowing area.
- Repeat steps 7 through 13 for each mowing area as progress is made.
Monitor operations
Real-time information is important to departments and agencies who track mowing operations during the growing season. Mowing grassy areas ensures that public agencies are complying with local ordinances and helps to reduce public safety hazards by improving road visibility, controlling weeds, and ensuring recreation areas are welcoming for residents. Understanding where mowers are and measuring schedule performance helps organizations understand whether they are meeting service-level agreements and verify work was completed.
The Mowing Operations Dashboard app can be used by operations and maintenance managers to monitor mowing operations in real time and track mower movement, reported issues, and performance for the current day and week of operation, as well as see mowing that is past due.
Track progress and mowers during active operations
The Mowing Operations Dashboard app helps you monitor active mowing operations so you can ensure service agreements and planned mowing goals are being met.
In this workflow, you will assume the role of an operations and maintenance manager who is looking to monitor progress during the mowing season. You will use the Mowing Operations Dashboard app to review key metrics and to monitor operations progress for today and this week’s scheduled mowing operations.
- Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Mowing Operations Center app.
- From the item page, click View.
- Click the Operations tab.
- In the map element, click the Map legend element.
Mowing areas are symbolized in five symbol classes—Past Due, Due Today, and Due This Week, and On Track—that are shown by filtering on their Next Service Date, as well as areas that are Mowed As Needed.
- In the left panel, count indicators and an Active Mowers list is used to see all mowing activity that is in progress.
- On the left side of the dashboard, click the arrow to open the left panel.
- On the left, in the filter panel, adjust the filters to refine the results.
The filter panel allows you to filter by Next Service Date, Service Agreement, and Maintained By information.
- Click Reset on the bottom of each filter to clear any selections made on elements and return the map to its default extent.
- Click the arrow to close the left panel.
- Click the Area Finished tab to see the Mowing Reports submitted by mowing contractors in the field.
- Click the Requests tab to see the Mowing Requests submitted by mowing operators and contractors.
The Mowing Operations Dashboard app can also be accessed outside the Mowing Operations Center by browsing directly to the dashboard.
The Mowing Operations Dashboard app allows operations and maintenance managers to monitor active operations including last known mower locations, open service requests, progress metrics for daily and weekly progress, and areas that are past due.
Triage service requests
Staff can use the Mowing Request Manager app to triage mowing requests from operators and contractors. This allows staff to monitor and address small issues before they become too big, costly, or unsafe for your community.
You will assume the role of an operations and maintenance manager responsible for providing status updates on service requests. You will use the Mowing Request Manager app to triage submitted reports and update the status of reports as they move through the queue.
- Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Mowing Operations Center app.
- From the item page, click View.
- Click the Requests tab.
- In the Mowing Requests table, identify and select a service request.
- On the lower left side of the app, review the details of the service request.
- Click Edit.
- Click the Status drop-down arrow and change the status.
As new service requests are submitted by the mowing operators and contractors, update the status to Received to acknowledge receipt of the new request. Continue to update the status of the request as you further investigate, prepare to address, and complete or cancel the service request.
- Click Update to commit your changes.