What's new in ArcGIS Earth for mobile

Version 2.1 May 2024

The following describe changes in this version of ArcGIS Earth.

OGC 3D Tiles Layer

ArcGIS Earth Mobile adds support for a new layer type, 3D Tiles. 3D Tiles is an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standard that is designed for streaming and rendering large volumes of 3D geospatial content, similar to Indexed Scene Layer (i3s). ArcGIS Earth supports Batched 3D Model (.b3dm + .json) and 3D Tiles Archive Format (.3tz) 3D Tiles formats for visualizing continuous meshes or discrete 3D objects.

  • Add a tileset from a local directory in a supported file format (.3tz).
  • Add 3D tile services hosted in ArcGIS Online or third-party web server.
    • Services hosted outside of ArcGIS must not require authentication or use token-based authentication.
  • 3D Tiles layers can be used with interactive analysis tools like line of sight and viewshed.

OGC Geopackage

ArcGIS Earth Mobile adds support for a new package type, GeoPackage. GeoPackage is an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) spatial data storage format that can contain multiple datasets of geographic features, nonspatial tabular data, and raster data.

  • Add GeoPackages from local file directory.
  • Added search, filter, and download support for GeoPackages hosted as portal items.


GeoPackages containing datasets with large amounts of features can cause performance issues when added to ArcGIS Earth Mobile. It is recommended that you use GeoPackages with fewer than 50,000 features per layer for optimal performance.

App link

ArcGIS Earth now supports universal app link with parameters. See Integrate with other apps for supported parameters.

Base URL: https://earth.arcgis.app/.


  • Enhanced drawing editor with support for picture attachments.
  • View and play slides embedded in a web scene.

Version 2.0 December 2023

The new ArcGIS Earth mobile app 2.0 was built from scratch using the ArcGIS Maps SDK 200.x for Swift/Kotlin. Almost all the features, UX, and UI from the previous version were migrated, and some new features were added, such as the following.

Features and enhancements

  • UI redesign:
    • A new toolbox user interface to display more tools for quick access, including Data, Draw, Measure, 3D Analysis, Underground mode, AR mode, Tour, and Track.
    • A new look for the Table of Contents includes a basemap gallery, data list, and drawing list.
  • Underground mode—Allow enabling underground mode and adjust transparency of the surface for viewing regarding data on mobile devices.
  • Draw tool—Add point, line, and polygon drawingswith different styles and edit and share them as native .kml/.kmz files. Drawings will be saved and managed in the Table of Contents Drawings tab.
  • Enhanced Tour experience—Create a tour from geotagged pictures or from searched locations or drawing points, and edit more details of the waypoints such as the camera view and caption text.
  • Improved geosearch—A redesigned Search tool with a candidate list to allow you to quickly browse between different results and with a copy tool to get the coordinates.

Version 1.7.2 April 2023 (iOS)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed BUG-000157537 causing the iOS app to crash when connecting to a specific portal.
  • Fixed BUG-000157182 preventing you from adding tile packages in the .tpkx format in ArcGIS Earth on iOS devices.

Version 1.7.1 January 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed BUG-000153015 in setting a basemap from a portal to be honored in the ArcGIS Earth app.
  • Fixed an issue in opening local files on Android.
  • Fixed an issue in identifying feature services on Android and highlighting features on iOS.
  • Fixed a problem of selecting albums in adding tour pictures in iOS.

Version 1.7.0 November 2022


  • Support for adding web maps to a 3D scene.
  • Support for the location unit setting in UTM and MGRS.
  • Support for recording and sharing video in AR mode.

Version 1.6.0 July 2022


  • Support for measuring distance and area on the ground surface.
  • Support for measuring direct, vertical, and horizontal distances between two points in a 3D scene.
  • The ability to view temporal data changing over time and control the time animation.


  • Added a native screen capture tool to share a snapshot of the data viewed in AR mode.
  • Optimized the fly-to animation when identifying the feature items in the scene.
  • Support for renaming Track name in My Tracks.

Version 1.5 March 2022


  • Support for vector tile layer data type.
  • Display data on a flat surface in AR mode. (Android devices require ARCore support.)
  • View details of Track statistics including speed and elevation profiles.
  • Support for recording and visualizing GPS Tracks in 3D with a z-value.


  • Improved the error messages for adding data and connecting to a portal.
  • Enhanced the style of the information displayed in a feature's pop-up.
  • Support for editing a placemark's symbol and description.
  • Allowed renaming of a title when sharing a track to a portal.

Version 1.4.2 October 2021

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue in adding a portal item containing specified sublayers from a feature service.
  • Fixed an issue in calculating the data size in the waiting list of Downloading MSPK in Android.
  • Fixed a bug in hanging when signing out from certain ArcGIS Enterprise portals in Android.
  • Fixed an issue in listing matching results when searching a place or address in Android.
  • Fixed an issue in showing the correct downloading status when pausing other tasks in the queue of Downloading MSPK in iOS.
  • Fixed a bug in displaying labels when zooming on the scene with a selected placemark in iOS.
  • Fixed an issue in which the app crashes when rendering the scene on certain iOS devices.
  • Fixed an issue in refreshing the list of available basemaps according to the current portal connection in iOS.


  • Improved the performance and visual appearance of replaying a track in Android.
  • Enhanced the camera view when restoring track recording from the minimized bubble in Android.
  • Unified the exported file name of the shared .kmz file from a recorded track.
  • Improved the performance of identifying features in an added layer on the scene.

Version 1.4.1 September 2021

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue in displaying pictures in KML pop-up contents.
  • Fixed an issue in which the message Untrusted Host appears when connecting to a trust portal in Android.
  • Fixed a bug in signing out from a PKI-based portal in Android.
  • Fixed a bug in which the app prompts for an additional certificate when adding data from a PKI signed-in portal in iOS.

Version 1.4 August 2021


  • Track with the alternative footprint symbol and view location history on the move.
  • Create a shareable card from the recorded track with custom view and an elevation profile.
  • Showcase selected online contents on launch of the app.
  • Add online contents to My Favorites when signed in with an ArcGIS account.


  • Switch between full extent or dynamic following mode in replaying recorded tracks.
  • Search history in Add data from portal is saved and can be retrieved.
  • Redesigned the experience in adding data from Living Atlas, ArcGIS Online, and ArcGIS Enterprise and browsing it on the scene. You can add and preview multiple data contents without leaving the search result list in the portal.
  • Enhanced sharing My Placemarks files as KMZ and added support for sharing across other apps and uploading to ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise.
  • Support for searching locations from geographic coordinates in various formats.
  • Support for recording and sharing tour videos in landscape mode.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue in adding the SPK data type in Android.
  • Fixed an issue in filtering Authoritative data in a portal when a user is signed in.
  • Fixed an issue in uploading a .kmz file and downloading it from ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise when it's shared as public.

Version 1.3.2 June 2021

Bug fixes

Fixed the issue in which adding specific image service data would cause a crash on both iOS and Android and some other bugs.

Version 1.3.1 April 2021


  • Support for MDM with AppConfig (portal URL).


  • Redesigned the GPS tracks symbol to show both location and direction of shared KMZ points.
  • Unified users' placemarks, tracks, tours, and downloads into My Contents for easier navigation.
  • The UI and workflow of downloading MSPK from a portal item have been optimized to provide a better user experience.
  • Improved the user experience of the viewshed analysis tool editor in Measure.
  • Support for viewing uploaded .kmz files in ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise.

Bug fixes

  • For Android users, fixed the bug that prevented adding local data in the document folder.
  • Fixed the bug for PKI portal connection.

Version 1.3 January 2021


  • Users can record their tracks from a GPS location on a mobile device and export the result as a .kmz file or upload to their organization's portal. Users can also add the .kmz file in ArcGIS Earth on desktop for further advanced analysis.
  • With a native screen capture tool, taking and sharing a snapshot of data in full screen can be easily achieved.
  • ArcGIS Earth on mobile supports routing to a searched place or a predefined placemark through navigation apps.
  • Connecting to a portal has been simplified by scanning a QR code of the portal URL.
  • The default terrain can be switched on and off from the Basemap list when needed.


  • Enhanced layer management by supporting deletion of multiple layers.
  • Improved the layout of Add Data.
  • Support for displaying a layer's full name by long pressing the layer in the table of contents.
  • Improved support for connecting to an ArcGIS Enterprise portal with PKI authentication.

Version 1.2 August 2020


  • Adapted for iPad and Android tablets (vertical screen mode).
  • A default basemap named Imagery is now provided in the Basemap list, if not signed in to ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise.
  • Enhanced 2D map and 3D scene rendering in iOS with Apple's Metal framework.

Version 1.1.1 April 2020


  • Support for downloading a mobile scene package from a portal.
  • Support for sharing data between mobile devices. ArcGIS Earth supports generating QR codes and saving to the album. Supported data types are as follows:
    • ArcGIS services
    • Portal items


  • Added a filter in portal content to filter data by item type, date modified, and status.

Version 1.1 January 2020


Sample: Bodemkaart - Soil map of the Netherlands

QR code sample

  • Added data from the QR code generated from ArcGIS Earth on desktop. Supported data types are as follows:
    • ArcGIS services
    • Portal items
    • Web scenes



  • Adapted the icon size to iOS 13.
  • Enhanced the zoom to algorithm.
  • When sharing My Placemarks files, if the account is not set up, ArcGIS Earth supports opening and configuring the Mail app.


  • Enhanced the zoom to algorithm.
  • Enhanced the tour feature performance.

Version 1.0.1 November 2019


More options

  • More options to open and share local data with ArcGIS Earth on mobile:
    • For iOS users, you can share data among devices with AirDrop, download and add data from browsers, and download and add data from email attachments or instant message apps such as Messenger.
    • For Android users, you can share data among Android devices through Bluetooth, download and add data from browsers, and download and add data from email attachments or instant message apps such as Messenger.
  • Support for adding portal items with Enter a URL.



  • Support for iOS 13.
  • Enabled to open hyperlinks in the pop-up with an external browser.
  • Support for signing in to a portal with SAML authentication of version 10.7 and later.


  • Removed the support of x86 and upgraded to SDK 28.
  • Improved user interface adaptability for Samsung, Huawei, Xiaomi, Vivo, and OPPO devices.
  • Support for signing in to a portal with SAML authentication of version 10.7 and later.

Version 1.0 September 2019

ArcGIS Earth is released on Google Play and the App Store.

Key features

  • Connect to ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise.
  • Tap to identify a feature.
  • Support for collecting, editing, and sharing placemarks.
  • Interactive analysis tools—Measure, Line of Sight, and Viewshed.
  • Create and share tours with geotagged photos.
  • Search for places and switch locators.
  • Locate to your location.
  • Added startup tips and hand gesture guidance.