Integration with other apps

ArcGIS Earth can be launched from a hyperlink or integrated with other apps with the ArcGIS Earth link, which begins with The link works for Windows, Android, and iOS apps, and optional URL parameters can be added to customize how the app opens.

The following parameters can be used to customize how the app is opened:



The viewpoint defines the camera position. It's declared as viewpoint=cam:x,y,z,h,t, where, x, y, z are the required longitude, latitude, and elevation, and h, t are the optional heading and tilt.



The URL represents an online service, portal item, or any web service that is supported in ArcGIS Earth when you add data from a URL.

It is recommended that the URL parameter is encoded so that it will always work properly in different environments and systems.

(One way to create encoded parameters is to use Arcade. The UrlEncode function allows you to define a collection of key value pairs that represent each parameter and produce a URL with appropriate encoding.)


or encoded: home%2Fitem.html%3Fid%3D19dcff93eeb64f208d09d328656dd492