Learn what's new and improved in ArcGIS AllSource 1.3.
Get started
- The Insert tab has been added to the ArcGIS AllSource ribbon to make it easier for users to add objects into a project.
- The Knowledge Graph control is now on the Insert tab.
- The New Map and Import Map controls have been moved to the Insert tab.
- Task controls are now on the Insert tab.
Analysis and geoprocessing
- A notification appears when a tool completes if the Geoprocessing or History panes are not visible. Use the Show notification when tool completes geoprocessing option to hide or show the notification.
- In a script tool’s ToolValidator class, you can apply filters dynamically for each data type in a composite parameter using the Parameter object's Filters property.
Link analysis
- Several layout types were added to feature-based link charts, including tree, balloon, and radial layouts.
Raster functions
Enhanced raster functions:
- Distance Accumulation and Distance Allocation—The Vertical Factor parameter has new Hiking Time and Bidirectional Hiking Time options. Cost raster values that are negative or zero are invalid but are now treated as small positive values. Previously, they were treated as NoData.
- Distance Accumulation, Distance Allocation, and Optimal Path As Raster—Distance analysis can properly handle the edge of the projection at a global extent when using either a cylindrical projection or a geographic output coordinate system and the geodesic method.
Geoprocessing tools
AllSource toolbox
New tools
- Military Raster To Mosaic Dataset—Simplifies the process of importing CADRG, CIB, DTED, and HRE rasters in a parent folder to individual mosaic datasets. This is useful for creating reference map data on connected or external drives.
Data Management toolbox
Attribute Rules toolset
New tools:
- Generate ID Attribute Rule—Creates an attribute rule that generates a unique value for a field from a query.
- Generate Spatial Join Attribute Rule—Generates a .csv file with an attribute rule for an input based on field values queried from one or more feature classes.
- Generate Symbol Rotation Attribute Rule—Generates an attribute rule specific to symbol rotation logic.
Contingent Values toolset
New tools:
- Generate Contingent Values—Generates contingent values from an existing dataset using either the data values in the table or the domain values assigned to the fields.
Data Loading toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Create Data Loading Workspace:
- You can block field matching on specified target fields using the mapping table.
- The Info worksheet in the data mapping workbook has a quick links section for improved navigation.
- Conditional formatting in the data mapping workbook signifies when the source and target field types might conflict.
- When a non-nullable target GUID field lacks a match, the system automatically inserts the create_guid() function to generate a unique identifier.
- Load Data To Preview—The preview database includes subtypes and domains.
- Update Data Loading Workspace Schema—Field matching during the update process was added for identical field names between the source and target datasets.
Features toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Calculate Geometry Attributes—Supports the Enable Undo toggle button.
- Unsplit Line—The Statistics Fields parameter supports the mode statistic type to get the most common value in a field.
Fields toolset
New tools:
- Alter Fields (multiple)—Alters the field properties of multiple fields in a feature class or table.
Enhanced tools:
- Calculate Fields (multiple)—The Fields parameter supports new or existing field names. When a new field name is specified, you can set the Field Type value to the desired type.
General toolset
New tools:
- Delete Multiple—Permanently deletes multiple data items of the same or different data types.
Enhanced tools:
- Append—The Enforce Domains parameter specifies whether domain rules in the target dataset are honored. Records with field values that are outside allowed domain values are not appended when using this parameter.
- Merge—The Field Matching Type parameter specifies how fields from the input datasets are transferred to the output dataset.
Generalization toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Dissolve—The Statistics Fields parameter supports the mode statistic type to get the most common value in a field.
Layers and Table Views toolset
New tools:
- Generate Definition Query From Selection—Creates a definition query in SQL format from the selected features or rows of the layer or table. See Create a definition query from a feature layer selection in the Highlights section.
Package toolset
New tools:
- Generate Level Of Detail—Generates additional levels of detail for 3rd-party integrated mesh scene layer packages.
Enhanced tools:
- Consolidate Map and Package Map—The Consolidate to a single file geodatabase parameter consolidates data from different sources into a single file geodatabase.
- Create Point Scene Layer Content—The Support Symbol Referencing parameter reduces file size and processing time when using an Esri symbol.
Projections and Transformations toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Project—The Geographic Transformation parameter includes a Select transformation button
to specify the geographic transformation path, and the source and target coordinate system.
Raster toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Export Mosaic Dataset Items—Includes three new parameters for selecting bands: Band Method, Band Name Selection, and Band ID Selection.
- Alter Mosaic Dataset Schema—Supports AVIRIS and Satellogic imagery.
- Add Rasters to Mosaic Dataset—The Auxiliary Inputs parameter has two new options: PanelReflectanceFactor and RadiometricQuantityType.
- Interpolate From Point Cloud—The new Classify Ground Options parameter classifies ground points from an input LAS point cloud data.
Sampling toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Generate Points Along Lines:
- You can set the Point Placement parameter to By Distance Field to generate points based on field values specified in the Distance Field parameter.
- You can use the Distance Method parameter to create points based on planar or geodesic measurements when the Point Placement parameter is specified by distance.
Topology toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Validate Topology—Specific topologic extents can be validated.
Workspace toolset
New tools:
- Enable Editing Templates—Enables a geodatabase to store editing templates.
Server toolbox
Enhanced tools
- Create Map Server Cache—The Ready To Serve Format parameter generates cache content using the open tile package specification.
- Generate Map Server Cache Tiling Scheme—The Ready To Serve Format parameter generates cache content schema using the open tile package specification.
Spatial Analyst toolbox
New tools
- Feature Preserving Smoothing—Smooths a surface raster by removing noise while preserving features.
- Multiscale Surface Difference—Calculates the maximum difference from the mean elevation across a range of spatial scales.
- Multiscale Surface Percentile—Calculates the most extreme percentile across a range of spatial scales.
- Zonal Characterization—Summarizes the values of multiple rasters within the zones of another dataset and reports the results as a table.
Enhanced tools
- Basin, Flow Length, Snap Pour Point, and Stream Order—Performance improvements were made to these hydrology tools.
- Distance Accumulation, Distance Allocation, Optimal Path As Line, and Optimal Path As Raster—Distance analysis with these tools can properly handle the edge of the projection at a global extent, when using either a cylindrical projection or a geographic output coordinate system and the geodesic method.
- Distance Accumulation, Distance Allocation, and Optimal Region Connections—Cost raster values that are negative or zero are invalid but are now treated as small positive values. Previously, they were treated as NoData.
- Interpolate Shape—Improved results are obtained with lidar-based surfaces across data voids such as rivers, lakes, and reservoirs.
- Space Time Kernel Density—Supports NetCDF for output. When the output format is set to the .nc format, use the Output Voxel Layer parameter to create an output voxel layer.
Three new help topics provide more information about analyzing solar radiation with geoprocessing tools: Analyze solar radiation, How Feature Solar Radiation works, and How Raster Solar Radiation works.
Spatial Statistics toolbox
- The new Assessing Sensitivity toolset was added to the Spatial Statistics toolbox. It contains tools related to assessing how analysis results change in the presence of uncertainty, such as uncertainty in attribute values.
- The new Spatial Component Utilities (Moran Eigenvectors) toolset was added to the Spatial Statistics toolbox. It contains tools related to creating and using spatial components (called Moran eigenvectors). The tools are typically run before other analysis tools in the toolbox.
New tools
Assess Sensitivity to Attribute Uncertainty—Simulates multiple datasets from a spatial statistics analysis result and repeats the analysis with the simulated datasets. The tool then compares the analysis results of the simulated datasets to the original analysis results to measure the stability of the original results. Learn more about assessing sensitivity.
- Bivariate Spatial Association (Lee's L)—Calculates the spatial association between two continuous variables using Lee's L statistic. The statistic characterizes both the degree of correlation and the degree of co-patterning (similarity of spatial clustering) between the variables.
- Compare Neighborhood Conceptualizations—Selects the spatial weights matrix (SWM) from a set of candidate SWMs that best represents the spatial patterns, such as trends or clusters, of one or more numeric fields.
- Create Spatial Component Explanatory Variables—Creates a set of spatial component fields that best describe the spatial patterns of one or more numeric fields and serve as useful explanatory variables in a prediction or regression model.
Decompose Spatial Structure (Moran Eigenvectors)—Decomposes a feature class and neighborhood into a set of spatial components. The components represent potential spatial patterns among the features, such as clusters or trends.
The original polygons are broken into separate spatial components and selected based on a threshold value. - Directional Trend—Creates a scatter plot chart on a feature layer displaying the trend of data values in a particular direction.
- Filter Spatial Autocorrelation From Field—Creates a spatially filtered version of an input field. The filtered variable has no statistically significant spatial clustering, but maintains the core statistical properties of the field.
Data management and workflows
Workflow Manager
Connect to and complete ArcGIS Workflow Manager jobs from your organization's portal.
Imagery and remote sensing
Oriented imagery
- You can visualize equirectangular 360-degree images in JPG format in the oriented imagery viewer.
- A new button
in the oriented imagery viewer displays the pop-up of the selected image.
- Oriented imagery search allows you to use floor level filtering to explore floor-aware data in a floor-aware map.
- Oriented imagery datasets support visualizing images stored on a local disk in MRF format.
- New fields to define intrinsic camera parameters were added to the oriented imagery attribute table schema.
Mapping and visualization
3D scenes and scene layers
- You can control symbol class visibility for point, building, and 3D object scene layers and voxel layers from the Contents pane.
- You can configure voxel layer pop-ups to show all variables for a given voxel cube.
- Dimension and variable information for a voxel layer is available on the layer properties Source page.
- You can enable range on point, 3D object, and building scene layers.
- Two style classes, area legend patches and line legend patches, in styles hold legend patches for reuse.
- Four area and six line legend patch shapes are available in the ArcGIS 2D system style.
- For unique values symbology, you can control the visibility of each symbol class independently. See Control symbol class visibility for unique values symbology in the Highlights section.
- For graduated symbols or graduated colors symbology, you can turn on or off the automatic update of symbol class labels when the upper value is changed.
- You can make custom legend patches from graphic elements and save them into styles for reuse. Custom legend patches in imported ArcMap map documents (.mxd) are preserved.
- MIL-STD-2525D Change 1, MIL-STD2525E, and APP-6(E) specifications were added to the Join Military Symbology and NATO Join Military Symbology dictionaries.
- In an open project, you can click the project name on the ArcGIS AllSource title bar to see project details.
- New search filters are available in catalog views for maps and database items.
- On browse dialog boxes, you can use the New Item drop-down list to create toolboxes and database connections.
- Read-only projects display a yellow message bar under the ribbon to emphasize their status.
- The Security tab on the Options dialog box includes a Clear Cache Now option to delete the client certificate cache for stand-alone servers that use public key infrastructure (PKI) authentication.
- Improvements were made to type hints in arcpy and the arcpy.da and arcpy.charts modules. Type hints were added to ArcPy classes and geoprocessing tools including Result and Raster objects. Type hints provide an improved code authoring experience in modern integrated development environments (IDEs).
- The Describe function supports the isTraditionalVersioned and isBranchVersioned properties to determine if a dataset is traditional versioned or branch versioned. To learn more, see Dataset properties.
- The Describe function supports the minimumRequiredClientVersion property, which indicates the minimum version of ArcGIS AllSource required to open the dataset.
- Geometry objects can be rotated using the rotate method.
- The Polyline object has a reverseOrientation method to reverse the direction of line features.
- The ListRasterProducts function returns the list of paths to the raster products that are associated with a given metadata file path for any given supported sensor types, such as Satellite and SAR.
- The Raster class supports the following methods:
- getAllBandProperties—Returns the attribute information of all band properties of the band index.
- getBandProperty—Returns the attribute information of a specified band property of the band index.
Data access module
- The ListReplicas function returns creationDate, replicaDate, and geometry properties.
- The SearchCursor, UpdateCursor, and InsertCursor classes support Annotation objects with the cursor ANNO@ token for annotation feature classes.