Generate Definition Query From Selection (Data Management)

AllSource 1.3    |


Creates a definition query (in SQL format) from the selected features or rows of the layer or table.


  • An active selection on the input is required.

  • The input layer or table view must be present in the map or scene.

  • A definition query clause has a limit of 1,000 values. If the selection includes more than 1,000 values, the resulting definition query will include multiple clauses.

  • When a layer has a GlobalID field, and the Generation Method parameter is set to Match selection, the GlobalID field will be used in place of the ObjectID field. The GlobalID field will not be listed in the parameter if the Generation Method parameter is set to Use field values.

  • The Append The Active Query parameter is only available if the Generation Method parameter is set to Use field values and the input layer or table has an active definition query. You can determine the active query by examining the layer or table properties.

  • When the Overwrite Where Clause parameter is checked, but the Where Clause parameter value has not been modified or specified, the tool will use the default generated definition query.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Table

The layer or table view from which the definition query will be generated.

Table View
Generation Method

Specifies the method that will be used to generate the definition query.

  • Match selectionThe input table's ObjectID field (or GlobalID field if present) will be used to generate the query with values present in the selection. This is the default.
  • Use field valuesThe Field parameter value will be used to generate the query with values present in the selection.

The field in the table or table view that will be used to generate values for the query. This parameter is required when the Generation Method parameter is set to Use field values.

Query Name

The unique name of the query that will be generated.

Invert Where Clause

Specifies whether the generated definition query (where clause) will be inverted and include all unselected values or include all selected values of the input table.

  • Checked—The where clause will be inverted.
  • Unchecked—The where clause will not be inverted. This is the default.

Append The Active Query

Specifies whether the generated definition query will be appended to the active query. This parameter is available when the layer or table has an active definition query and the Generation Method parameter is set to Use field values.

  • Checked—The generated definition query will be appended to the active query.
  • Unchecked—The generated definition query will not be appended to the active query. This is the default.

Overwrite Where Clause

Specifies whether the definition query (where clause) will be displayed and can be modified using the Where Clause parameter before it is generated.

  • Checked—The where clause will be displayed and can be modified before it is generated.
  • Unchecked—The where clause cannot be modified. This is the default.

Where Clause

The generated definition query SQL expression from the other parameter values. For more information about SQL syntax, see SQL reference for query expressions used in ArcGIS.

SQL Expression

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Updated Table

The updated input with the generated definition query.

Feature Layer, Table View


This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

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