Create Point Scene Layer Content (Data Management)


Creates a point scene layer package (.slpk) or scene layer content (.i3sREST) from a point feature layer.


  • Match the output coordinate system with the spatial reference of the web scene in which it will be displayed. If the intended display environment will be a global web scene, the output coordinate system must use GCS WGS84 or China Geodetic Coordinate System 2000.

  • Consider the following when defining z-coordinates in the 3D data being processed:

    • If the output scene layer package will have x,y coordinates in GCS WGS84, the z-coordinate system can be defined using any ellipsoidal datum or EGM96 or EGM2008 through the Output Coordinate System parameter. If the z-coordinate system is undefined, the vertical units will be meters.
    • If the output scene layer package will store x,y values in projected coordinates and the z-coordinate system is not defined, the vertical units will be the same as the x,y coordinates. For 3D features with undefined z-units that differ from the x,y units, you can use either the Adjust 3D Z tool to convert z-values to a matching linear unit or the Define Projection tool to define the correct z-datum.

  • Big integer, date only, time only, and timestamp offset fields are not currently supported in scene layers. Use the Export Features tool to create a copy of a feature class without unsupported field types that you can input to this tool.

  • Real-world units must be enabled on the feature layer with 3D model marker symbology before running the tool.

  • Extruded points are not supported as input.

  • Feature classes with multipoint geometry are not supported. You can convert a multipoint feature class using the Multipart To Singlepart tool.

  • Use the Time Zone environment if the input feature class contains date fields. Using this environment will encode the time value in the local time with an offset from UTC, or in UTC if that option is chosen. For more information about using time with scene layers, see Time-enabled scene layers.

  • Use the Target Cloud Connection parameter to output scene layer content to an object store located in the cloud such as Amazon S3, Azure Blob storage, Alibaba OSS, or Google Cloud. This content can be published as a scene service and the location you choose must be registered as a user-managed data store in ArcGIS Enterprise.

  • You can build a connection file (.acs) using the Create Cloud Storage Connection File tool.

  • Check the Support Symbol Referencing parameter if the input dataset uses a system style and will be visualized in ArcGIS Pro or a web client such as Scene Viewer. ArcGIS Maps SDKs apps do not support referencing symbols.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Dataset

The input point feature layer.

Layer File; Feature Layer
Output Scene Layer Package

The output scene layer package (.slpk).

Output Coordinate System

The coordinate system of the output scene layer package. It can be any projected or custom coordinate system. Supported geographic coordinate systems include WGS84 and China Geodetic Coordinate System 2000. WGS84 and EGM96 Geoid are the default horizontal and vertical coordinate systems, respectively. The coordinate system can be specified in any of the following ways:

  • Specify the path to a .prj file.
  • Reference a dataset with the correct coordinate system.
  • Use an arcpy.SpatialReference object.

Spatial Reference
Geographic Transformation

The datum transformation method that will be used when the input layer's coordinate system uses a datum that differs from the output coordinate system. All transformations are bidirectional, regardless of the direction implied by their names. For example, NAD_1927_to_WGS84_3 will work correctly even if the datum conversion is from WGS84 to NAD 1927.


The ArcGIS coordinate system data is required for vertical datum transformations between ellipsoidal and gravity-related and two gravity-related datums.

Target Cloud Connection

The target cloud connection file (.acs) where the scene layer content (.i3sREST) will be output.

Support Symbol Referencing

Specifies whether Esri symbols will be referenced by the scene layer package or copied to it.

  • Checked—Esri symbols will be referenced by the scene layer package. Using this option will improve the time to create the scene layer package as well as reduce the file size of the package.
  • Unchecked—Esri symbols will be copied to the scene layer package. This is the default.

Boolean, out_slpk, {out_coor_system}, {transform_method}, {target_cloud_connection}, support_symbol_referencing)
NameExplanationData Type

The input point feature layer.

Layer File; Feature Layer

The output scene layer package (.slpk).


The coordinate system of the output scene layer package. It can be any projected or custom coordinate system. Supported geographic coordinate systems include WGS84 and China Geodetic Coordinate System 2000. WGS84 and EGM96 Geoid are the default horizontal and vertical coordinate systems, respectively. The coordinate system can be specified in any of the following ways:

  • Specify the path to a .prj file.
  • Reference a dataset with the correct coordinate system.
  • Use an arcpy.SpatialReference object.

Spatial Reference

The datum transformation method that will be used when the input layer's coordinate system uses a datum that differs from the output coordinate system. All transformations are bidirectional, regardless of the direction implied by their names. For example, NAD_1927_to_WGS84_3 will work correctly even if the datum conversion is from WGS84 to NAD 1927.


The ArcGIS coordinate system data is required for vertical datum transformations between ellipsoidal and gravity-related and two gravity-related datums.


The target cloud connection file (.acs) where the scene layer content (.i3sREST) will be output.


Specifies whether Esri symbols will be referenced by the scene layer package or copied to it.

  • SUPPORT_REFERENCING_SYMBOLSEsri symbols will be referenced by the scene layer package. Using this option will improve the time to create the scene layer package as well as reduce the file size of the package.
  • DO_NOT_SUPPORT_REFERENCING_SYMBOLSEsri symbols will be copied to the scene layer package. This is the default.

Code sample

CreatePointSceneLayerPackage example 1 (Python window)

The following script demonstrates the use of the CreatePointSceneLayerPackage function in the Python window.

import arcpy
    r'c:\temp\points.lyrx', r'c:\temp\output.slpk', arcpy.SpatialReference(4326))
CreatePointSceneLayerPackage example 2 (Python window)

The following script demonstrates the use of the CreatePointSceneLayerPackage function in the Python window by outputting to a cloud storage file.

import arcpy
    r'c:\temp\points.lyrx', None, arcpy.SpatialReference(4326), 


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