Generate Points Along Lines (Data Management)

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Creates point features along lines or polygons.


  • Points can be placed at a fixed interval for all features, or along features by percentage of the feature's length. Points can also be placed using a field from the input; the field can represent a fixed interval for each feature or specific distances for each feature.

    Use the Point Placement parameter to specify the method that will be used to place the output points.

  • The attributes of the input features will be maintained in the output feature class. A new field, ORIG_FID, will be added to the output feature class and set to the input feature IDs.

  • If the Add accumulated distance and sequence fields parameter is checked, the following fields will be added:

    • ORIG_LEN—The accumulated distance along the line from the start point of the line to the point. Distance values are added in the units of the Input Features value's spatial reference.
    • ORIG_SEQ—The sequence number for each point in the order of the points created from each input line.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Features

The line or polygon features that will be used to place points.

Feature Layer
Output Feature Class

The point feature class that will be created from the input features.

Feature Class
Point Placement

Specifies the method that will be used to place points.

  • By PercentageThe Percentage parameter value will be used to place points along the features by percentage.
  • By DistanceThe Distance parameter value will be used to place points at fixed distances along the features. This is the default.
  • By Distance FieldField values from the Distance Field parameter value will be used to place points along the features.

The interval from the beginning of the feature at which points will be placed.

This parameter is active when the Point Placement parameter is set to By Distance.

Linear Unit

The percentage from the beginning of the feature at which points will be placed. For example, if a percentage of 40 is used, points will be placed at 40 percent and 80 percent of the feature's distance.

This parameter is active when the Point Placement parameter is set to By Percentage.

Include end points

Specifies whether additional points will be included at the start point and end point of the feature.

  • Checked—Additional points will be included at the start point and end point of the feature.
  • Unchecked—No additional points will be included at the start point and end point of the feature. This is the default.
Add accumulated distance and sequence fields

Specifies whether the accumulated distance and sequence fields will be added to the output.

  • Checked—The accumulated distance (ORIG_LEN) and sequence (ORIG_SEQ) fields will be added to the output. Distance values are added in the units of the Input Features value's spatial reference.
  • Unchecked—The accumulated distance and sequence fields will not be added to the output. This is the default.
Distance Field

A field from the input features that will be used to place output points.

If the field is a numeric type, the field value will be used to place points at that interval.

If the field is a string type, the field values must be organized as a semicolon-delimited string of distances. Points will be placed at those distances.

Field values that are zero or negative vales will be ignored. Field values that exceed the length of a feature will be ignored for that feature.

The distances will be in the linear units of the input's spatial reference.

This parameter is active when the Point Placement parameter is set to By Distance Field.

Distance Method

Specifies the measurement method that will be used to create the points.

This parameter is active when the Point Placement parameter is set to By Distance.

  • PlanarPoints will be created using a planar method. Planar measurements use 2D Cartesian mathematics. This is the default.
  • GeodesicPoints will be created using a geodesic method. Geodesic measurements calculate the distance between two points on the earth's surface. This is the default when the input has a geographic coordinate system.

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