Military Raster To Mosaic Dataset (AllSource)

AllSource 1.3    |


Imports Compressed ARC Digitized Raster Graphic (CADRG), Enhance Compressed Raster Graphic (ECRG), Controlled Image Base (CIB), Digital Terrain Elevation Dataset (DTED), and High Resolution Elevation (HRE) rasters into one or more mosaic datasets. It combines a multistep process into a single tool that can handle most use cases for working with Raster Product Format (RPF) and RPF-like rasters.


  • The Input Folder parameter value will be searched recursively for files of CADRG/ECRG, CIB, DTED, and HRE formats. All subfolders in the Input Folder parameter value will be checked.

  • If only one raster format will be imported, the output mosaic will use the Input Mosaic Basename parameter value. If more than one format is specified, the output base names will use the basename_type pattern. For example, if the mymosaic base name is used and both CIB and DTED are specified, two mosaics will be created: mymosaic_DTED and mymosaic_CIB.

  • Output mosaic datasets will be added to the active map inside a group layer. Each mosaic will have a boundary layer, footprints, and an image.

  • The tool will check whether the Input Folder parameter value contains any of the specified input formats before creating and loading the mosaics. If no files of the specified format are found, the mosaic will not be created and a warning will be issued.

  • This tool combines the Create Mosaic Dataset and Add Rasters to Mosaic Dataset tools. Mosaics are built with the following values:

    TypeNumber of bandsPixel type













  • All output mosaics will have the same spatial reference as the active map in the current project. If you're running the tool outside of a project, the Output Coordinate System environment will be used. If either of these are undefined, the spatial reference will use the default value of Geographic WGS 1984, the same as the source data.

  • For more information about CADRG/ECRG, CIB, DTED, and HRE raster formats, see Raster file formats.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Folder

The folder containing the CADRG/ECRG, CIB, DTED, and HRE raster formats that will be imported. Folders will be searched recursively.

Target Geodatabase

The enterprise or file geodatabase where the output mosaics will be created.

Output Mosaic Basename

The name of the output mosaic dataset. If multiple Import Format parameter options are specified, a suffix will be added to the output mosaic dataset name. For example, if the output mosaic dataset name is mymosaic and the CADRG/ECRG, CIB, and DTED options are specified, the resulting mosaics will be named mymosaic_CADRG, mymosaic_CIB, and mymosaic_DTED.

Import Format

Specifies the raster formats that will be imported from the Input Folder parameter value.

  • CADRG/ECRGFiles of CADRG/ECRG format will be imported.
  • CIBFiles of CIB format will be imported.
  • DTEDFiles of DTED format will be imported.
  • HREFiles of HRE format will be imported.
Allow Duplicate Datasets

Specifies whether duplicate rasters will be added.

  • Exclude duplicatesDuplicate rasters will not be added. This is the default.
  • Allow duplicatesAll rasters will be added even if they already exist in the mosaic dataset.
  • Overwrite duplicatesDuplicate rasters will overwrite existing rasters in the mosaic dataset.

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Output CADRG/ECRG Mosaic

The derived mosaic containing CADRG/ECRG rasters from the Input Folder parameter value.

Mosaic Dataset
Output CIB Mosaic

The derived mosaic containing CIB rasters from the Input Folder parameter value.

Mosaic Dataset
Output DTED Mosaic

The derived mosaic containing DTED rasters from the Input Folder parameter value.

Mosaic Dataset
Output HRE Mosaic

The derived mosaic containing HRE rasters from the Input Folder parameter value.

Mosaic Dataset