Generate Contingent Values (Data Management)

AllSource 1.3    |


Generates contingent values from an existing dataset using either the data values in the table or the domain values assigned to the fields. The tool creates two .csv files: one for field groups and one for contingent values.


  • The input table must reside in a workspace that supports contingent values.

  • Field groups must be configured on the input table for the tool to run successfully.

  • When the Mode parameter is set to Schema, a contingent value will be generated for every possible combination of domains assigned in the field group. This can result in an large number of contingent values.

  • When a field in a field group has no domain assigned, the tool will generate a contingent value of ANY for that field. If the field is nullable, a NULL contingent value will also be generated.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Table

The table whose data or schema will be used to generate the contingent values.

Table View
Field Groups File

The output .csv file containing field group information.

Contingent Values File

The output .csv file containing contingent value information.


Specifies the method that will be used to generate contingent values.

  • Data The values in the input table will be used to generate valid contingent values. This is the default.
  • Schema The product of the coded values of all domains assigned to the field group's fields will be used to generate all possible contingent value combinations.
Field Groups

The field groups for which contingent values will be generated. If no value is provided, all field groups will be used.



This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

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